59. P's Mischief

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"Who told Ethan Brown Joey hurt Alexa?" Nick asked looking at Pietro sharply.

"I....did," he stammered. P felt like a little boy being scolded by his teacher.

"Why?" Nick raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Woods and Sean took Daniel to meet Joey without informing me. I was angry. I wanted to create a problem between them. I thought Mr. Brown will tell Daniel and he will fight with Joey for hurting his best friend Alexa," P explained.

"You did not expect him to conduct a raid in the house," Nick asked again.

"No. But, I gave him the details about the costly items in the house when he asked. Daniel showed them to me when he video calls the puppy sitter," P said.

"Why did you do it?" Nick asked again.

"I did not like Daniel coming here. I thought he might go to LA since it is very near. I thought Joey won't have time to meet Daniel if he is occupied with the raid," P said again.

"And your plan backfired. The raid took Daniel to Joey's house straight. And you told Sean Joey morphed his photo and send them to his girlfriend."

"I panicked when they both started for LA. I wanted to instigate Sean against Joey," P said.

"It worked. Joey and Daniel fought again. Sean pulled Daniel out. Happy now?" Nick asked.

"Stop talking like a saint. I only have Daniel if you marry that Siena Esposito. I have to fight for him," P said.

Nick looked at him sharply.

"Don't look at me like that. I feel guilty. It is not my fault entirely. Sean said Joey insulted Daniel badly. He would not have left if that brute had acted a bit sensible," P said.

"I believe Joey did it because someone charmed him the previous night giving him high hopes about moving on," Nick said slyly.

"No. No. Nick. I was in the shoot all night. I hardly stayed with him for an hour. Believe me," P pleaded.

"And what did we do in that hour?" Nick asked again.

"I.... swam, took bath... and kissed him slightly," P said wondering whether he was the reason Joey acted like that.

"Isn't it enough? I told you not to fall for his charms."

"I did not. Trust me. I didn't do anything to seduce him."

"P, just your presence is enough. See what the results are."

"Nick, Joey loves Daniel. I saw him muttering his name even in the sleep. He was talking to Daniel's photo in his laptop. Even his alarm has Daniel's voice. His ringtone is Daniel's voice," P said.

"Then why was he this harsh to Daniel?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. I will talk to him. He thinks I am his friend. Maybe he will open up to me a bit if I get closer to him," P said.

"Careful P. If you give him hope and he finds out Daniel is behind all this, it will affect him badly. We cannot explain anything to Daniel then," Nick said. P understood the seriousness of the situation.

If at all anything, P had learnt Joey was not a person to be messed with. The Cobo incident and the way he walked out on the flight refusing to help flashed in Pietro's mind. He doesn't care about anything. He is already depressed and will not stop harming anybody who comes close to Daniel.

If he finds out I am doing this for Daniel, his hate will multiply leaps and bounds.

"I warned you it was a bad idea meeting him. You were cajoling him instead of fighting with him for Daniel," Nick blamed.

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