66. I am Your Boyfriend - Joey's Love

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"Personal call. Decide whether you want me or not. He is such a headstrong junk. I can't believe I fell for him," Joey said to Colleen.

"I don't understand. Aren't you guys living together already?" she asked confused.

"No. That's what I have been saying all this time," Joey said.

"What difference it is going to make, you fool? He is with you always."

"Shouldn't he even discuss it with me?" Joey asked.

"He should have. He is young too. Mistakes are common," Colleen pacified Joey.

"He just left me. I am not going behind him. Trashy pig. He didn't even tell me where he is going. It is been a week. He didn't even call me or text me."

"Miss him?" Colleen teased. Joey leaned on her shoulder comfortably. "My God Joey! Why are you crying? He will come back in a week. He can't leave you," Colleen said surprised.

"I know. It is just, he is so dominating. I shouldn't have been that harsh. I told him there is nothing between us. Actually I fell in love the moment I read that letter. He is my life. I am so stupid. I don't know why I did this, " Joey said sobbing.

"It's OK. You just got scared. Moving in is a real big step. I will ask Petar where he went. I will talk to him," Colleen tried to console him.

"He is so caring Colleen. He will shout constantly. But, it is only for my good. Joey, don't drink ice water. Joey, go to the gym. Joey, you have to do this, do that. It is like living with a school head master. But, I love it. The house seems dead without his voice echoing all around," Joey said.

"It is ok Joey. Stay with me till he comes back. How long can he stay away from our sweet idiot," she pinched Joey's cheeks lovingly. Joey smiled innocently.

"Damn. He will come back at least for this lovely smile. Who can resist it?'

"Don't ask Petar Colleen. I did not tell him about our fight. I won't go to Daniel. Let him talk to me first," Joey said seriously.

Colleen knew Daniel had gone to visit Joey's mother. Daniel did not breathe a word about their fight to her or Petar. She was quite surprised how both were trying to cover up for each other even after a big fight.

Joey's mother was admitted in a very costly rehabilitation centre. She was recovering well. But, she decided not to take any more treatment suddenly. She set fire to a part of the building and escaped the centre during the commotion. Daniel started immediately when he got a text from the rehab. He was running along with the police tracing Joey's mother, paying for the damage she had done and persuading the rehab authorities to take her back for treatment again.

He was contacting Colleen constantly to use her influence in various social welfare groups to make the hospital authorities agree to treat Joey's mother again. He was closing his personal investments for loss with Petar's help to pay the compensation for rehab. All this after Joey told him they had nothing in-between them. Colleen knew Daniel simply used the fight as a cover to visit Joey's mother and he did not think a bit about break-up. She was amazed how much he loved Joey.

She did not say anything to Joey. "Why complicate things further? They are already fighting," she thought.



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