11. Joey's Family

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Joey and Wolf

Joey relished the dinner delivered by the restaurant. There was a creamy potato salad with bacon, baked beans and deviled eggs. For some reason, he remembered his elder sister Nicole. She will make eggs exactly like this. Joey checked the bag of the restaurant. It read "Nickeys" and had a symbol similar to his crystal wolf logo, slightly modified.

"Whatever," he thought and plopped to bed. Daniel was a catch when it came to management. He knew exactly what Joey liked and arranged for them perfectly.

The eggs brought back memories of his family. The time he spent with his mother and sister. Joey was always a mommy's boy. He remembered his mother dancing with him on her hips to his favorite songs.

His sister Nicole was the most famous girl in the school. Older boys always bought him treats to reach her through him. He felt so proud of her. Joey never knew his father. Just heard he divorced his mother when he was two. He just met him once in a few years during family holidays.

Joey was a child with wild imagination. He was never good at studies and spent most of the time in special ed. His mother started to drink when he was around ten and became a serious addict. Being a single mother was taking a toll on her. She was a skilled hairdresser. But, she struggled to make the ends meet as the children's grew.

She dated a man who always bought Joey Chinese food and decided to move to an apartment with him unable to meet the ever-growing expenses. Leaving the home and garden they grew up was very hard for Nicole and Joey. Worst, Joey had to let his dog go for adoption because the apartment did not allow them to keep dogs.

Joey hugged wolf snuggling beneath him. Wolf came into his life the very next day he mentioned about letting his dog go to Daniel. God knows, how he found a puppy exactly like the one Joey had before twelve years. Daniel just texted him whether he wanted another puppy?

Joey was living in a single room sharing the rest of the house with two of his friends Meghan and David. Meghan already had a pup Chewy. Joey texted back he was not interested.

Then Daniel messaged him the photo of the puppy and Joey could not resist. The connection he had with Wolf was instant. He just climbed into Joey's arms like he was waiting for him. He insisted on paying for him from his own money. They rode together in search of an ATM. Joey just felt like he owed his life to Daniel that moment.

Joey loved Wolf as much as he did Daniel. He was ever thankful to him for bringing Wolf into his life. Daniel was the strict parent while Joey was the lenient one. They did everything for the dog together. Daniel took him to the groomers, ensured he was given shots, ate healthy and exercised regularly. He will take Wolf for hiking, unleash him and let him run around to his heart's content. Joey was the loving mother, always petting and playing with Wolf, stealing him treats under Daniel's nose.

 Joey was the loving mother, always petting and playing with Wolf, stealing him treats under Daniel's nose

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Joey remembered the crazy days where Daniel will constantly shout for Joey and Wolfie to wake up. "Joey you are going to the gym now. Wolf, we are going out for a walk. No. I am not giving you both anything to eat till you come back."

"Please Danny please, please mummy please for Wolfie alone," Joey will talk in his voice and Wolf's driving Daniel crazy.

Wolf simply loved Daniel's cooking. Whatever Joey couldn't finish went under the table for him. Daniel always insisted too much feeding was not good for him. But, Joey nurtured Wolf's greed for food. He loved stuffing him to the full. Ice-creams, Popsicle, carrots, he always found something to feed him.

Wolf would have been a very fat puppy if it wasn't for Daniel who ensured he got enough physical exercise. "I don't know whether Wolf is losing weight. But, you sure are not gaining any running along with him all day," Joey will tease.

"Oh yeah! I am skinny. You fatso. Why don't you give some of your extra pounds to me?"

"Don't blame me. You are the one filling me with loads and loads of ...."

"You need to eat Joey. You work hard all day."

"I didn't mean food. Think what you do after dinner in our bed," Joey winked and Daniel chased him.

"I would be a lot heavier if you would use that sassy mouth only to rant in your vlogs," he said mock wrestling Joey.

"Oh yeah! I am a vampire. I will suck out everything from you," Joey said unzipping Daniel's trousers.

"No stop. Not here. Not again. Our kids are watching."

"Sex ed," Joey knelt down taking Daniel's dick. They lay exhausted on the floor after fifteen minutes.

"See what I meant. There is a litre of fluid inside me. Why wouldn't I get fat? My stomach is bloating" Joey teased.

"You trash. I told you to go to the gym."

"Well, sex burns lots of calories you know. My work out for the day is done. I am hungry. I am going to eat."

"But, I did all the work. I should be the one getting hungry."

"You have your Cheetos. Come on Wolf. We will see what's for breakfast."

Joey checked the kitchen and gave Wolf a huge carrot. He gulped it and went straight to Daniel still sitting on the floor. He threw it on his lap and kissed him lovingly.

"Wolfie, Wolfie, Wolfie, you are the best. Bringing me treats. Taking care of me. You are the man. Look at that chest. How manly you are. I would definitely marry you if you were a man," Daniel hugged him with love. Wolf showered him with kisses.

"You bitch. You always have an eye for hunky men. I am going to the gym."

"It's OK Joey. I like this squishy package too. I will adjust," Daniel said patting his butt.

"It is not squishy. It is quite firm."

"You can't go the gym one day and become a bodybuilder."

"I will go daily. I am going to get in excellent shape in just a few days. You are going to drool all over me."

"Don't I now?" Daniel asked and Joey was all over him kissing his face competing with Wolf.

Joey loved making love with Daniel. He was super caring when it came to bed. Daniel's rocky thrusts just drove Joey crazy day after day. They enjoyed kissing, licking, smooching and Joey was an expert with his tongue. Joey had his fair share of fuck mates. But, he never felt a connection with anyone other than Daniel.

"What the hell? I was thinking about my family and my thoughts wandered to him," Joey thought.

"He was family. Is he still? Will he even think of me? Why would he? He's got all he wanted. Money, fame and a diabolic boyfriend. He was the vampire. Suck everything from me practically. Leech, worm, worst than that," Joey fumed.

Next Chapter.... Daniel falls seriously ill. Will Joey come for him?

To all Janiel fans

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