54. Joey is a Gem

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Pietro was stunned at the happenings of the day. He initially came to the multiplex to avoid Joey meeting Daniel. But, the events that followed left him dumbstruck.

"We were all there, watching Daniel like hawks. But, Joey was the one who saved him. How did he come there that fast? How did he break the glass with bare hands?" Pietro wondered unable to believe.

Pietro remembered a similar incident where Nick saved him from a wolf. Pietro was 12 and had just started to live with his parents in Italy. He got into an argument with his father one evening and ran into the woods angrily. Being new to the area, he got lost easily. His parents noticed him missing only during dinner time. A search party was sent to look for him.

P wandered deep into the forest as the night progressed and stood in front of a huge wolf ready to pounce on him. He let out an alarming yell and felt someone pushing him to the ground, covering him with their body fully. Nick had found him and saved him.

The wolf did take a huge chunk of flesh from Nick's thigh. He was wounded and bleeding. But, he ensured P did not get a scratch. The search party found them and drove away the wolf.

"How did you come here? Weren't you in London?"

"Wolves hunt in pack. Thank God this one came alone. They would have torn you into pieces if it was a pack."

"How did you find him? We were all searching him for more than an hour?"

Questions kept flooding from all the sides. P was beyond scared. Nick just smiled and kissed him lovingly. "It is all right Chicco. You are safe."

"I know. You won't let anything happen to me," the twelve year old boy blurted with tears in his eyes.

Nick had come to Italy for a visit that day. He heard the family talking about P missing when he entered and fled into the forest immediately. He started half an hour earlier before the search party and hence was able to find P on time.

Nick will say it was intuition and coincidence whenever the topic was bought up. But, Pietro knew it was pure love. He was so proud of Nick. He saw someone pull a similar feat after so many years. Does Joey love Daniel that much? Joey is indeed a gem. Daniel is going to be happiest person on earth when he knows it. 


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"Why does he even deny it? He only asked why Daniel was not moving even when his hands were bleeding profusely," Sean asked. Petar, Mr. Woods and Pietro were all standing in front of Joey's empty bed.

Pietro called Nick and arranged for Daniel to be shifted to Dr. Wilson's clinic. Sean explained the situation to the chief doctor of the community hospital and was completing the formalities for immediate discharge. Petar thought Joey and Daniel will definitely reconcile and was altering Joey's schedule getting him some free time.

Mr. Woods went to get some medicines the doctor recommended for Joey. They all came back to Joey's room, only to find it empty. They did not know where he went. They checked Daniel's room. It was empty too.

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