58. Joey Hurts Daniel

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Joey boarded his flight praying nothing should go wrong this time. He dutifully took his Xanax and slept most of the flight. His dreamed about Daniel and Pietro.

"What a guy!" he thought, "well educated, perfectly groomed. He is more of Daniel's type. Daniel will fall for him the moment he sets his eye on him. Didn't he say he lives in London too? God don't make them meet," Joey prayed.

He remembered Daniel walking out with Nick. "That man was extremely handsome too. What happened to English men being ugly? Why are all the demigods stationed in London when Daniel is there alone?" he cursed.

Joey's mood was much lighter now. He thought about Pietro swimming. He remembered the fresh olive smell from his soap when he kissed Joey.

"He was interested in me. If it had not been for this damn fever, I would have had him," his thoughts ran wild. "And then?" his conscience questioned. "I went to London to get Daniel back. Not whore myself to some stallion. It is OK. Danny will understand." All his thoughts somehow returned to one single point. Daniel.

Joey wondered how Daniel could do this. He remembered the look in Daniel's eyes when he saw Joey's wounded hand. He only saw care and concern. No anger or lie.

"He couldn't scheme. He is not that clever. Maybe he thought it is best to go with this new boyfriend now to avoid creating a scene. He could have told me earlier. He could have texted me. Called me." Joey remembered blocking Daniel's number from his mobile.

He reluctantly took his mobile now and unblocked the number. A hundred text messages flooded his inbox. There were several calls too. Joey opened a message.

"Lucas died Joey. He just died." Joey's blood boiled. He strolled down to open a message sent after a week.

"Lucas loved me like no one else. I was a fool. I should not have left him." Joey lost his patience. He strolled to the very last message received. It was sent the previous day just about the time Joey landed in the airport.

"I am coming to the US. I will be in New York for a couple of days." Joey's hand shook. He is here. I would not have left if I had known before. Will he come to LA? Will he come to our house? I should clean it. Joey was brimming with excitement. If Daniel comes home by any chance, there is no way I will let him go anywhere again. No matter what job he got in London or who he is with.

Joey called Petar. "Is Daniel in New York? Is he even alright? Shouldn't he rest or something?"

"Joey, you are the one wounded. We pulled him up like a flower without a scratch," Petar said. "We have another major problem," he continued. "The Income Tax department is coming to a raid in your house. And the chief officer conducting it is Alexa's boyfriend."

Joey sighed. This is going to be a major problem indeed.

 This is going to be a major problem indeed

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New York

Nick, Sean and Daniel arrived half an hour after Joey left for the airport. Pietro was quite tired working for more than 24 hours without sleep. But, he showered and wore a very luxurious white dress Daniel had got him.

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