30. Daniel Surprises Pietro

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Pietro woke up in the morning and found Giorgio sleeping soundly beside him. Daniel was not in the room. He had dismantled the bed and slept in the mattress laid on the floor with Daniel, from the day he fell down and hit his head. Daniel was telling Giorgio about his travel to Puerto Rico, the previous day and both the brothers have fallen asleep listening to him.

Daniel was in the living room checking something on the laptop.

"You woke up early?" Pietro asked coming to him.

"Just before fifteen minutes. You know I have a meeting with Mr. Bateman today morning. I am just checking my proposal. Want to take a look?"

"No Daniel. All this doesn't matter. He will do as he wishes," Pietro said.

"Still angry he left early that day?" Daniel teased. Nick was still in the house when Daniel fell down. He did the first aid controlling the blood oozing from the head. He helped Pietro dismantle the bed. But, he left soon afterward.

Daniel saw Pietro's expression when Nick left. He felt sorry for him. He expected Nick to send a gift of some sort the next day. He was in and out of the Soul office for most of the week. He never saw both of them meeting or talking again.

Pietro sighed and entered the bath. Daniel did not have any nightmare today, he thought. That was the first day he had not had seizures since he came to London. He washed his face and came out.

Daniel handed him a huge cup of coffee. Pietro sat down and relished the smell. It felt heavenly. It was nice to have someone take care of all your needs before you even ask.

"Shall I help you pack for your China trip?" he asked.

"I have already packed," he said enjoying the coffee sip by sip.

"You have?" Daniel was surprised, "is it in my room."

"No. It is there," Pietro pointed to a backpack in the corner of the living room.

"That bag will hardly hold two t-shirts and shorts. You can't even pack your trousers into it."

"I won't. I will wear one. I have a black t-shirt and baggy shorts. That's what I wear wherever I go. I also have a lavender color vest and one more shorts. The brand will provide the rest of the clothing," Pietro said.

"Don't play. You can't spend a week wearing them alone. Show me your package."

"Daniel I am serious. I spent a fortnight in Australia wearing only them. I was in the Philippines for a month. I took only these two sets. It is more than enough."

Daniel took his phone and Googled Pietro in Australia. All the photos that came up showed him with the black round neck t-shirt and the shorts.

 All the photos that came up showed him with the black round neck t-shirt and the shorts

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"Checking on me," Pietro came and took the phone. "This is the set I wore while I was in the flight."

It was a whitish gray sweatshirt and a Denim trouser.

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