75. Only Me

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"Are there no hotels in London?" Joey asked looking at P sharply after a long pause. His hands were folded tight in front of him. His face was like a police officer interrogating a criminal. It seemed like the childish Joey had disappeared and a very strong man had emerged.

"There's no need to get this serious. Daniel loves you madly. We just sleep in the same room. We didn't even do it even once," P assured.

"Are there no other rooms in your house?" Joey asked in the same tone he used further.

"Oh come on. Don't get mad at me now. I am the good guy here," P patted Joey's thighs playfully.

"Are there no mirrors in your place?" Joey asked in the same tone again.

"What?" P asked confused.

"Have you ever looked at yourself? How can I be calm? I am competing with a WBFF champion for God's sake," Joey said mockingly.

"You are not competing with anybody," both Mr

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"You are not competing with anybody," both Mr. Woods who just arrived and P said in unison.

"Do you know him?" Joey asked Mr. Woods surprisingly. He nodded a yes. "The tickets for the show. Did you give them? But why?" Joey asked confused.

"Daniel is sick. He misses you a lot. I thought meeting you will make him better," P said.

"Meet him? I saw him practically every single week ogling new boyfriends," Joey said irritated.

"Joey, just stop suspecting Daniel. He told me you lived like a hermit during your first breakup. He is doing the same now. I tell you again and again he is sick. We cannot leave him alone. That's why he is always with someone. Daniel thinks only about you. He loves only you. Everything you saw in Cobo was my set up," P took some time to explain the Cobo incident.

"P is interested in my pig. Great. Just great," Joey thought. "Why did you even save me? Let me die. You both deserve each other," he said.

"Joey, just think about Daniel for once instead of yourself," P said quite angrily.

"Think about Daniel?" Joey laughed, "I haven't done anything other than that for the past three years. What do you even know? You think I hurt him? He is the one who told me to get out. He is the one who said he only wants his Lucas. I was the one dumped," Joey shouted like a maniac.

"Just stop it Joey. You forgot all that in a fortnight didn't you? Otherwise you wouldn't have come to meet him in Soul that day. Hell, you went to Canada for him even now. What is really bothering you?" P asked. He went closer to Joey and took his hands within his. It was icy cold.

"God, it's so cool," P started rubbing it. Joey was touched. A third person is trying so hard to get them together.

"He just won't come with me P. I met him in the community hospital that day. I called him. He wasn't even angry. He acted so normal.........But he went away with Nick when I came back. He did not even turn towards my side....."Joey sobbed uncontrollably.

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