6. A Terrible Nightmare

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Daniel was falling deeper and deeper in a pit with no end. A thunderous sound filled his ears. There was black smoke everywhere. Daniel could not hear anything. Everything went dead silent. The smoke cleared to show blood covered bodies shattered everywhere. His father's half burnt face looked at him horrifically. There was blood everywhere. The stench was unbearable. There were mutilated body parts spread everywhere like Lego pieces.

Lucas kicked him out of his bed and yelled him never to return slamming the door hard on his face. Daniel banged the door so hard begging him to open it. The door opened and Joey stood there with a knife. He pounced on him like a raging lion. Daniel ducked to escape and fell down again. Wolf and storm were licking his face fiercely. He saw black smoke above him and an evil looking Joey emerged from it with monstrous nails. He came near and near ready to strangle Daniel.

Daniel opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a golden Labrador pup, licking his face. He got up with a jolt. Someone was banging hard on the door. He looked around confused. "Where am I? Who is knocking?"

It took a moment to understand he had a nightmare

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It took a moment to understand he had a nightmare. He had fallen off his bed into the ground. He rushed to open the door.

"Daniel! You scared me. What was all that noise?" Pietro stood there wearing just his shorts. He looked quite pissed off.

"I had a nightmare...,"

"You screamed like someone was killing you. You better leave the room unlocked from today. I was considering breaking the door down," he looked past him and sighed.

"Maya what are you doing here? Come out," he spoke to the dog.

Daniel looked at the dog again. It was a beautiful female puppy with a cute red satin bow around its neck. He reached and grabbed her and she started licking him all over the face with love.

"I am sorry I scared you off. I have been getting these nightmares more and more these days. I will leave the door open tonight. No Problem," Daniel said cuddling the dog.

"Did she scare you off? She bites a lot," Pietro said.

"No. She is an angel. I didn't see her yesterday."

"She is not mine. Her owner, Dr. Wilson lives a few blocks from here. She runs away often, especially when his girlfriend comes to visit. Possessive bitch," Pietro knocked on her head playfully and Maya jumped furiously biting his fingers.

He lifted his hand effortlessly and the puppy hung on mid-air clung to his fingers. She fell down unable to balance and Daniel caught her before she hit the ground.

"Wow! That was fast. You really like her," Pietro said.

"I like animals. Dogs are my favorite," Daniel said.

"There are many vicious animals in this apartment," he said smiling glamorously.

"Who is talking about us?" they heard a third voice.

"You kill me with that smile Pietro. I am going to dump my girlfriend and date you if you keep doing this," Dr. Wilson entered talking.

"Of course you will someday. Your dog hates both of us equally. And I am going to date both you and your girlfriend," Pietro patted on his shoulder playfully.

"Who is this young man?" Dr. Wilson enquired.

"This is Daniel, my friend. Daniel, this is Dr. James Wilson. Maya's owner," Pietro introduced. Daniel liked being introduced as his friend. He could have said my assistant or PA or something like that. But, he called him a friend.

Daniel stretched his hands, "Pleased to meet you, Dr. Wilson."

"Call me James Daniel please. And you are burning up," he said feeling his hands.

"So much for not calling you doctor. You already started your work," Pietro teased.

"No. I mean it. He is literally burning up. He has very high temperature," James said.

Pietro touched Daniels forehead with his hands and nodded. "You are correct. He is burning up. Shall we come to your hospital?"

"No," Daniel protested, "I had a very rough week. Jetlag and I had a terrible nightmare last night. I will be all right if I rest a bit. Get some good sleep."

"Ok. I will give some pills. It will calm you down. Feel free to visit me if there is a need. My clinic is in the first floor," James turned to Maya.

"Maya common let us go home. Gabby had left," the dog jumped to his master and he walked out waving to them.

Pietro followed him, "I will get the pills."

Daniel signaled him, "You are just in your shorts."

James burst out laughing like he heard a joke, "Daniel you don't know our Pietro. He acts like it is a sin to wear a tank top. I have never seen him in trousers all these years."

"Ah! That is so funny. Now move," Pietro pushed him out of the house placing both the hands on his shoulders.

Daniel suddenly remembered Joey. He never wore anything other than shorts. His gaming videos were shot mostly shirtless. He loved shorts and rarely wore trousers. He remembered the evil Joey in his nightmare. It was the makeup which featured in his music video. Daniel perfected the look for the evil Joey which emerges from the black smoke. He did not want his boyfriend to look too terrible. He just added a hint of monster look to distinguish from actual Joey. He wanted even the evil Joey to look good.

He sighed and curled into the couch with a terrible headache engulfing him

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He sighed and curled into the couch with a terrible headache engulfing him.

Meanwhile, Pietro was talking to James with utmost concern, "Is he ok? Do you think these pills are enough?"

"I don't think so. He has very, high fever. Let him rest for a couple of days. I will conduct some tests if the fever does not subside by then. Give him good food," James said thoughtfully.

Next Chapter.... Daniel is impressed by Pietro's lifestyle. They find out they have more in common than expected. 

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