42. Janiel - Second Meeting

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Daniel and Joey's second meeting was planned with pinpoint accuracy by Mr. Woods and Sean. But, it turned out to be even more disastrous than the former one. Pietro sabotaged half of it while Joey took care of the rest. Pietro made it clear to his friend Benito he should be his eyes and ears in Cobo.

"Why aren't we going through the main entrance?" Daniel asked Sean the moment they entered the hotel.

"This is a VIP entrance, free of crowd," Sean answered. There was a huge banner welcoming the Escape the Night crew kept in the main entrance. Sean did not want Daniel to see it now.

He had convinced Daniel that it was a trip planned for him and his girlfriend and he is taking Daniel because she couldn't come in the last minute. Daniel was in no mood for a vacation especially to this particular resort which he and Joey had visited twice earlier.

"You can work from there," Sean convinced him, "we can take Benito, P's tailor with you. You can design and discuss about his new look without fearing what he will say."

"I booked a concierge to accompany us in the trip. There is no need for him since my girlfriend bailed out. We will take Ben instead. It will be just us boys relaxing in the beach. You can show us around. You know the area well," Sean made Daniel agree after lots of persuasion.

They arrived in the resort and checked in a few hours before Joey's group came. Sean booked the suite in Daniel and Ben's name listing them as couples. Ben and Daniel were talking in the balcony when Joey arrived.

Joey looked up in instinct and saw Daniel's back. He knew it was him instantly. There was no need to see the face. He also saw a young handsome boy leaning on him. The first thing he did before checking in was confirm his suspicion.

"Is there a room booked for Mr

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"Is there a room booked for Mr. Preda?" he asked the receptionist.

"Yes sir. It is the presidential suite. It is booked for Mr. Preda and Benito," she answered promptly.

"Presidential suite," Joey frowned within himself, "he is rich now. Spending recklessly for his new boyfriend," he cursed within himself.

Mr. Wood's texted Sean, "Phase 1 success." They wanted Joey to get jealous and go talk to Daniel.

Joey had taken the room they hired earlier, the room with the two shower heads, balcony Jacuzzi and an excellent view. Sweet memories about their romantic lovemaking filled his heart. Every inch of the room reminded him of something very pleasant.

"Sweetie, wake up. You have been sleeping for more than 24 hours. We need to do some sightseeing," Daniel's voice echoed in his ears.

"I have seen enough," Joey said refusing to get up from his lap licking Daniels member lazily.

"Please stop. I heard the next room family is already complaining about the weird noises we make," he said.

"You should try moaning softer," Joey teased him.

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