52. The Best Boyfriend in the World

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"I still can't believe you did that," Daniel said laughing. Pietro and Daniel were getting ready for bed and Daniel was talking about the WBFF competition. Pietro had made Brandon Richards come to his room that night and got a full confession from him regarding Morrison's involvement in Diego's attack. 

"It was a piece of a cake Daniel. I recorded every word he said. Kiera will take care of the rest. Morrison will be fined quite heavily. He will not dare to do anything like this to others in the future. Serves him right," Pietro said. 

"I still can't believe you can scheme. You have the most childish face I have ever seen," Daniel laughed. 

"Believe me, all the innocence got squeezed out of me when I started high school directly at 12. I went through terrible bullying. But, it's all in the past. I know how to take care of myself," Pietro said proudly. 

"You sure do. The way you hit Morrison that day, everyone of us were startled. I thought the press was going to have a blast. But, nothing came out," Daniel said. 

"That man will ensure his image is not damaged. That's why I hit him in front of the press. He would have turned mountains against me even if I had said a single word against him in private. Now, he puts all the effort to not make it a news," Pietro said. 

"That is so true. I was quite concerned you will land in trouble if you warn Morrison or talk to him regarding Diego. But, you are so clever. How did Brandon tell you everything?" Daniel asked. 

"I have a magical blue pill," Pietro flashed a packet of Viagra before Daniel, "these are concentrated ones Daniel. Much powerful than the normal ones in the market. It is equivalent to a sedative. It will make any person talk."

"You drugged Brandon?" Daniel asked unbelievably. 

"This won't show any trace if tested. I got it from one friend in Mensa. He is a biology scientist. I befriended him in college and had used it a number of times on Sean and his group. I invited Brandon for a drink that day and tried to make him talk. He was quite careful. And straight too. I couldn't resist. I had to pop the pill and one thing led to another. We had fun," Pietro smiled. 

"He had marvelous features. I had a hard time controlling myself. And Morrison too was.....," Daniel blinked what to say. 

"I saw him ogling you that day. I really got angry. I think I am becoming possessive too Daniel, like your Joey," Pietro stretched his body on the bed and pulled Daniel near him. 

"No P. It is.... I am sorry. I don't have that type of feelings for you," Daniel stuttered. 

"It's nearly been two months Danny. What's wrong in enjoying a bit? I won't tell Joey," Pietro winked sexily. 

Daniel sighed and shook his head in a no

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Daniel sighed and shook his head in a no. His face became quite sad. 

"Thinking about your bedroom exploits with Joey. OK. OK. The boy had sure hooked you up well," Pietro teased. 

"You made Brandon sign with Soul, leaving Elite. Morrison is going to be quite angry," Daniel said changing the topic. 

"Brandon is a talented athlete Daniel. He cannot live as Morrison's personal henchman the rest of his life. I know money matters the most. But, there should be some dignity in business. Morrison neither respected Brandon's talent nor trusted him. He did not even give him a chance to compete with Diego. I hate this type of people. They spoil the industry. Nick never treats any of us like that. Morrison can't do anything as long as we have proof against him," Pietro said. 

"Well, he will be enraged. He will escape punishment easily. But, you really saved Brandon from Morrison. Nick assigned one of the best agents for him. You have a great heart," Daniel appreciated Pietro wholeheartedly. 

"You mean chest?" Pietro bulged his chest muscles in an attractive pose and Daniel threw a pillow on him. 

"Stop teasing me Mr. Boselli," he laughed heartily. 

"You are quite handsome when you laugh Daniel. I wish you do it more often. Damn Joey. Why is he making you cry?" Pietro said admiring him. 

"He never made me cry P. Promise. Not even once in all these years. I will shed only happy tears. I was the nasty one. I will make him cry often. God! I miss him," Daniel hugged Pietro.

"You know Joey will do anything for me. Literally. He.... he doesn't know my parents are dead still," Daniel said sobbing. 

"What?" Pietro asked shocked, "how is that possible? Is he thinking you are with them?" 

"Maybe. I don't know. I should ask Petar," Daniel said. 

"Daniel, you never found a day to tell him this in all these years?" Pietro asked surprised. 

"I just told him I got thrown out of the house when I was 16 and broke up with Lucas on our first date. He assumed my parents threw me out. He will never let me talk about them. I will get sad when I think about it. I think he will see it in my eyes. He will annoy me, make me laugh or do something and divert the topic," Daniel said. 

"Danny," Pietro rubbed his back lovingly. 

"I will get sick during Easter. That was the time they all died. He still thinks it is because of the candies I eat. You know it was just three months into our relationship when the first Easter came. I fell sick and did not go to office. He came to my house and stayed with me for full three days. I told him to go. I was too tired even to fight with him, " Daniel sobbed. 

"Stupid, gave out all the money he had in savings, in hand, totally everything to the church praying for me to get well. He never mentioned it to me even once. I found out only after two weeks. I confronted him and he said he just wanted to hear me yell at him once more and was ready to offer everything he had for that," Daniel said. 

"We were not very rich that time Pietro. He gave out nearly $10000 to the church as offering. Practically every penny he had and it was just a fever," Daniel continued. 

"This is the costliest treatment for fever in history ever," Pietro tried to joke. He too was touched. 

"We had started living together by the second year. He admitted me in the hospital. I woke up only after three days. I wanted to go home. He insisted we go to the hospital canteen and eat. I was irritated. I was scolding him. I went to pay the bill. The nurse told me Joey hadn't eaten anything for the past three days. My baby, did not sleep, did not eat, just lived drinking two cups of tea's a day," Daniel cried. 

"Danny," Pietro did not know what to say. 

"The nurse said he was quite scared and stayed beside me all the time. He rushed to use the toilet only when the doctors were checking on me. He cared so much P. I have you all. He is alone. Suffering by himself," Daniel said crying uncontrollably now. 

"I know you all think he is some kind of monster for abandoning me. But, he doesn't know half of what you know about my life or Lucas or Chris or anything. Chris told me about the lobotomy. I begged them to wait. I can only wish my Joey comes back to me before that.  I had the best boyfriend in the world. I can't leave him even if I try. I love him so much," Daniel said worried. 

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