10. Pietro and Daniel Kiss

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Daniel looked at Pietro blankly. His mind only registered Pietro saying "Daniel, you have the rosiest lips I have ever seen." The exact words Joey uses every time he kisses Daniel. Every time he pisses Daniel, driving him crazy, making him swear he is done with Joey once for all. The words echoed even now like Joey was whispering it into his ears.

Pietro was surprised at Daniel's expression. He did not push him away. He did not open up and return the kiss. He seemed so lost. His expressions were like he discovered something out of the blue and then his face turned sad. So sad Pietro wanted to hug him hard and drive all the bad things away.

Pietro hugged him tight. Daniel responded now. He hugged him back. Pietro heard a whimper and felt tears on his neck. Daniel was crying. He rubbed his back gently. The embrace continued until Daniel broke it after a few minutes.

 The embrace continued until Daniel broke it after a few minutes

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Daniel felt so lonely suddenly. Joey was not an easy memory to shake. Pietro's hug was so comforting. He hugged him back and cried his heart out. He felt safe. He felt much better after a few minutes. He rubbed his face and smiled at his new employer. Pietro leaned and kissed him again on his lips, fiercer than before.

Pietro was a bit taken aback at Daniel's expression at first. He had got all sort reactions from "Oh God! Adonis kissed me" to "I am so lucky" and angry "fuck off" from various people he kissed. But, Daniel was the only one to stare at him this blankly. He thought "I should tease him. I should say, don't cry, little boy. I won't kiss you again," when he was hugging Daniel.

But, he lost control entirely when he looked at Daniel's face. It was as red as a cherry. He rubbed his eyes to pull back his tears and smiled at him with pure innocence. Pietro could resist no longer. He kissed him again with great passion this time.

Daniel's body reacted this time. He had always liked muscular men. Pietro was literally God. He had the face of a child and the body of Michael Angelo's David. His smell was mesmerizing and the force with which he was kissing......there were no words to describe it. Daniel could feel his member getting hard inside his pants.

Pietro pulled back his head and smiled mischievously, "you are trying to stab me

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Pietro pulled back his head and smiled mischievously, "you are trying to stab me." Daniel blushed. Pietro was referring to his pricking, dick. There was an awkward silence. Both the men did not know what to say. They stood there a little longer holding each other's hands watching the night lights come alive in silence.

"It is getting chilly Daniel. We should move," Pietro said at last. Daniel simply nodded and took his bicycle. The way back was quite steep and Daniel struggled almost immediately to balance the speed. Pietro, riding behind him caught his bicycle's seat effortlessly with one hand and rode along with him.

"Careful Daniel. The lights are dim," he said.

"You are mighty strong. My elder brother used to do this all the time," Daniel said smiling.

Pietro smiled back, "I have to go to the gym. Can you find your way back?"

"I will come with you. I can use some exercise."

"I will notify my gym today. You can join me later this week." Pietro did not want to over exhaust Daniel. He already wondered whether it was wise engaging his feverish body in uphill riding.

Daniel understood his thoughts. He liked the way Pietro did not reject straight to his face. "He cares a lot. He doesn't want to disappoint me," Daniel thought. Joey's smiling face popped up in his mind again. He never used to say no. Sometimes Daniel will yell, why he did not say he didn't like the food or the outfit he chose for Joey. He will just smile and say "I don't want to disappoint you, Daniel. It's your smile that matters."

"Poor Joey. What would he do without me?" he wondered. It was impossible not to think about him for more than a moment. 

Next Chapter.... Joey's family. 

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