20. The Breakup - Joey's POV

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Joey saw his puppy sitter showing Storm, Daniel on his phone when he entered the house. His puppy Storm was very sick. He had vomited thrice and it was a herculean task to give him food mixed with the medicine the vet gave him. Daniel will usually give him some herbal concoctions from the garden which will aid in digestion. He will feed Storm with fresh milk and meat instead of dog food till he gets better.

Storm will quietly eat the medicine mixed food if he gives one stern look. He will only sulk with Joey. Daniel was ordering Storm to drink the milk in the video call. Storm obeyed and perched on Joey. Daniel saw him. Joey saw him.

"Joey....," his voice was melting. Anger rushed at Joey's veins.

"You can cut the call. Storm had taken the medicine," Joey started climbing the stairs talking to the puppy sitter.

"Joey wait... talk to me," Daniel's voice faded as he closed the door of his office behind him. He sunk in the sofa and cried his heart out.

One week. One complete week. How my life had changed? It was the same time last week Joey barged into the house like a wounded lion, leaving Daniel in the hospital. Everything started well that day. Daniel had made Magna agree to take up the Storytellers project that morning. Joey had acted as a prince in a fellow YouTuber's video that day.

The photos were amazing. "You look exactly like a prince," Daniel said kissing him for the millionth time that day. Joey was in great mood. He wanted to keep Daniel happy. He changed several times before getting ready for that charity event.

"Joey, it is getting late. Not everybody will wait for you, my Prince," he heard Daniel calling. He finally, wore one black and white attire and his crystal necklace.

Daniel stared at him with that known look when he came out of that closet. "What? Is it too simple?"

 "What? Is it too simple?"

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"It is perfect. I want to remove that right now," Daniel pushed him back to the bedroom.

"No Daniel.....We will do it tonight.... Aren't we getting late now?"

"I will tell everybody you took an hour to select your shoes," Daniel had already ripped his trousers and was busy kissing his hind legs.

"Always blame it on me," Joey said enjoying every bit of his attention.

They got ready after twenty minutes. "I am tired. I can't walk," Joey complained.

"I will get you a wheelchair as soon as we reach the hospital," Daniel joked.

Everything went as planned. Petar was with them. The press was covering the celebrity couple. Daniel seemed a little disoriented after a few minutes.

"What is it, Danny? What are you searching?"

"Um.... Nothing. I feel like... someone is watching me..."

"Of course. Everybody is watching you. Us."

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