7. A New Bonding

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Someone shook Daniel gently. He opened his eyes with difficulty. His mother's face stared at him with love. "You were asleep when I came. Wake up," it said in thick Italian accent. Daniel wondered why his mother's voice sounded like a boy. The face morphed into Lucas and then Joey. "Wake up. Have some breakfast. Take the pills. You are sick."

"Joey!!" Daniel grabbed him with force. "You are sick in your head," Joey's voice echoed in his ears.

"Easy man. It's me, Pietro. You are in London. You came here yesterday."

Daniel woke up completely now. He released his hands hurriedly. He had pulled Pietro into an embrace mistaking him to be Joey.

"I am sorry. It is just ..... I am so confused."

"No problem. Go freshen up. I made you breakfast."

Daniel hurried to the bathroom and came back in 15 minutes. There were spicy pepper soup and homemade bread with coffee. There were several jars of spreads to use with the bread. Daniel enjoyed the meal thoroughly. He had lived on the hospital food for the past week and this home cooked breakfast was a relief.

"Everything is delicious. Thank you, Mr. Boselli. I was dying for house food. I already feel much better now," Daniel smiled at him genuinely sipping his coffee.


"What is it?"

"You look gorgeous Daniel. It is the first time you are smiling since you got here. You are very handsome."

Daniel's face glowed instantly

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Daniel's face glowed instantly. The man standing before him was a rare specimen of male perfection. Getting such a compliment from him made him very proud.

"Well thank you. I just couldn't believe it is coming from you," he touched Pietro's biceps and tried to squeeze them. It was rock hard. He ended up giving a light punch instead. It felt like hitting his fists into the wall.

Pietro gave his iconic smile again. "I have to say this. I see images of rabbits and melted butter and chocolate milkshake every time you smile," Daniel blurted. Why am I acting so stupid? He wondered within himself.

"I get that a lot," Pietro shrugged his shoulders, "these spreads are my mother's

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"I get that a lot," Pietro shrugged his shoulders, "these spreads are my mother's. She packs me bottles and bottles of them each time I visit." He reached for the pills and handed them to Daniel.

"They are delicious. I loved the cherry tomato one with oregano. It had a minty base. Excellent mix."

"That's my favorite too. You seem to know your food well. Interested in cooking?" Pietro asked.

"I thought I can cook till now. But, I have changed my mind after tasting that soup. I am just an amateur mixing things," Daniel's pride about his cooking skills were humbled the moment he tasted the soup. It was an eclectic mix of several herbs. There were no fancy bowls or decorative setup. But, the smell and the taste of the food were excellent.

"It is just a pepper soup. It will taste good if you have a fever. It will relieve the headaches, Pietro said.

"Great. I will clean up."

"No. You take rest, Daniel. Those are sleep inducing pills. The apartment has cleaning services. They will take care of it. I am heading to the gym now. You just lock the door and sleep in your room. I will take one key with me," Pietro took his keys, waved to Daniel and walked out.

Daniel wondered how commanding he was. Just like Joey.

He felt bad that he had fallen asleep leaving the apartment open. "Probably, the best employer ever. He doesn't even want to disturb me when he comes back. He is taking his own key to open the door." 

Next Chapter.... Pietro kisses Daniel. 

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