56. Joey and Pietro

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"What do you mean sabotaged?" Pietro asked.

"They damaged the landing gear on purpose. We couldn't land unless it is fixed. I know you from college. You were a master mechanic. I was your junior. Remember you once demonstrated in a seminar how to fix all major issues in engines within 10 minutes?" the pilot asked.

"Yes. That was before years," Pietro said.

"Mr. Boselli. We need your help now. Two suspicious men were caught among the airlines maintenance crew. On interrogation they admitted being hired to damage this particular plane. The control room informed us just now. We checked the landing gear. It is damaged badly. I need your help to fix it," the pilot explained.

Pietro went with the pilot reluctantly. "Who might have done this?" his mind wondered. Morrison's face popped on his mind immediately.

"I am not the only person in the flight. It should be some terrorists. He wouldn't dare to go to this extent. Anyway the police will find out," Pietro set to work with the pilot. The co-pilot was controlling the flight. It was a major damage. But, nothing two experienced mechanics could not fix.

"You made the right choice calling me for help. You couldn't have fixed it alone. It would have taken hours," Pietro appreciated the pilot.

"I was lucky you were in the flight. I wouldn't have fixed it by the landing time if had tried it myself," the pilot said. The intercom in the engine room beeped. The pilot took the call.

"What? One of our engines failed? How is that possible?" he asked tensed. Just then, they felt a major turbulence jolt. The pilot rushed upstairs to talk to the passengers. Pietro got suspicious.

If the real intention of the villain is to crash the plane, he wouldn't have stopped just by damaging the landing gear. Everybody knows the pilot would be able to fix it if he tries a bit hard. There should be something else. He started checking the core parts of the engine that failed.

Joey saw Pietro going to the cockpit with the airhostess. He also noticed he hadn't returned for over 2 hours. It was just an 8 hour flight. Three hours had passed already. Something did not seem right.

"What was his name? He told me to call him P. I have seen him before somewhere," his mind wondered. He called the air hostess and enquired about him.

"He is Mr. Pietro Boselli. The current WBFF Champion. He is a famous model," she said. Joey thanked her and pulled his details on Google. The pictures that came up left him utterly baffled.

"What a hunky stallion! I was this close to watching him win in the show. I missed it because of you. Just you," Joey talked to Daniel's picture again. But, where did he go? A fierce turbulence shook the flight just then. The chief air hostess came to Joey.


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"Mr. Graceffa, the pilot wants to meet you in his cabin," she said.

Joey hesitated. "She said the same to that hunky man. He hadn't come back yet. Be alert Joey. She is calling you now. Are they trying to slaughter all the attractive males in this plane? Is the pilot a psycho killer? Will he push me down into the Atlantic ocean?" Joey's imagination ran wild as usual.

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