55. Pietro Meets Joey

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Joey boarded the flight to New York with a heavy heart. Petar said he should catch a connective flight to LA from New York. His heart was filled with a million questions.

"Why did he do this? Why? He could have just beaten me like in the elevator. He gave me hope and crushed me once for all. My Danny will shout. Get angry. But he never knew to scheme," Joey was having a hard time controlling himself.

He settled himself in his business class seat. Joey saw his bruised hands. He remembered Daniel kissing it lovingly with a smile. "How can you do it pig? Kiss me before ten minutes and walk away with another person. You did not want to create a scene before your new sugar daddy. Didn't you? That's why you send me out like nothing happened. I was a fool to think we patched up," his mind was boiling.

Someone took the seat adjacent to him. A very pleasant smell engulfed him. Joey turned to see who it was. His flight mate introduced himself. "Hi, I am Pietro Boselli." He stretched his hand for a shake.

He saw the well maintained broad hands. Joey remembered Daniel kissing his hand again. He inhaled the pleasant smell once more. He covered his face with both his hands and started to cry uncontrollably.

"What is the matter Mr

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"What is the matter Mr. Boselli?" the flight attendant came running.

Even P was taken aback. He certainly did not expect such a reaction. "I don't know. I just said my name. Maybe he thought I was swearing or something," he whispered in his thick Italian accent.

"Mr. Graceffa, we are sorry for any inconvenience. Is there anything I can do to help you?" the chief air hostess asked helplessly. P signalled to her. "Get me another seat. It is better to leave him alone now." She arranged for it in two minutes and P stood up to go. Joey was still crying hiding his face in his hands. His back was shaking vigorously.

"Mr. Graceffa," he called, "don't worry. I am moving. Everything will be alright," Pietro patted him on his shoulders gently and moved to another seat.

"Give him a glass of carrot juice and some fried chicken. Do you have any toast?" he asked.

"Yes Mr. Boselli. We have special Gluten free wheat bread," she said.

"Great. Give him two slices with avocado spread and Greek seasoning. Also ask him if he wants any tequila," Pietro listed all of Joey's favourite food items he had heard from Daniel. The flight attendant looked at him quizzically.

"They are just my favourite items. You know a full stomach always makes people forget any sorrow," he explained. The flight attendant nodded and moved away.

Joey collected himself a bit when the air hostess started to spread all his favourite food items right in front of him. He started to eat automatically. "Only Daniel bugger will order all my favourites like this," he thought.

Pietro eyed him eating with gusto. Joey felt much better when his stomach was full. He got up and went into freshen himself. He came back to his seat and called the air hostess, "thanks for the food. You bought exactly what I would have ordered."

"Mr. Boselli ordered it for you. We usually don't serve food before two more hours. He is our VIP customer. There is no denying him," she said politely.

Joey turned to see who it was. He saw Pietro's face. P smiled and waved to him. Joey was taken aback. "Not possible. This is some figment of my imagination," was his first thought.

"Shall I bring you tequila?" the air hostess asked. Joey nodded no.

"Or an almond milk smoothie?" she asked again.

"Do you really have all that in this plane?" Joey asked surprised.

"Special chartered meals for VIP customer's sir. We give them all they want," she said.

"Am I a VIP?" Joey asked confused.

"Mr. Boselli is sir. It is his order to give you all this," she explained. Joey dismissed her and walked to the stranger buying him food.

"Hi, I am sorry," he said feeling very shy. Pietro heard Joey's voice for the first time in person.

"Joey's voice is very high pitched. It's silky smooth. But, he will shatter the house if he starts shouting," Pietro remembered Daniel's words.

"It is OK. I am....," Pietro shun the idea of introducing himself again, "just call me P."

Joey inhaled the pleasant smell again. "I am sorry. I did not mean to embarrass you. It is just this cologne. My lover uses the same brand. I missed him and got a bit emotional smelling it."

"Indeed it is. Daniel gave me the Scent Bird cologne. Else I will usually stick with Dove deodorant," P thought.

"Thanks for the food. It made me feel much better," Joey said. He felt extremely vulnerable. What sort of a person cries when another one comes for a handshake. The stranger should really think I am dumb.

"I am glad to hear that," P said. An awkward silence prevailed among both.

"I.....I will go to my seat," Joey said at last.

"Sure. Carry on," Pietro said. He sighed looking at Joey settling in his seat. "I am here to scold him. I should be asking how can leave like that after causing Daniel so much pain. I am ordering food for him instead," he cursed himself.

Pietro saw Joey spreading his laptop in front of him and starting work. He could see what he was doing clearly from his position, a seat behind Joey on the right side. Joey was working diligently answering emails, attending calls and checking files.

"Don't fall for his charm ....," Nick's voice echoed in his ears. He couldn't help himself admiring the handsome boy before him. Joey was not wearing any makeup. He hadn't colored his hair since Daniel left. So it was in its natural blonde shade. His lips and cheeks were pink from crying. There were acne scars in the forehead and nose and bags under the eyes.

 There were acne scars in the forehead and nose and bags under the eyes

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"He looks stunning even when he is so natural. No wonder Danny fell for him," Pietro thought. Joey turned and smiled. P waved at him. "Don't stare. Don't stare. Don't you have any work to do? Don't let him think you are interested in him," P pulled out a novel from his iPod and started to listen.

Joey was thinking about Pietro too. "Is this even real? Can a person be this beautiful? I thought the man with Daniel was handsome. This one is beyond comparison. Maybe I am just imagining."

Joey turned to look at him again. He smiled. Joey turned to continue his work. His heart was beating fast. He smiled at me. He is real. Even the airhostess said he is a VIP.

Joey minimized the screens in his laptop monitor. His background showed a very attractive picture of Daniel. "See the man right behind me pig. He is eyeing me. I have value too. Not just you. If you can find a new boyfriend every day I can too," he talked within himself looking at the picture and poked Daniel's chest in the screen.

Pietro looked at Joey touching Daniel's picture. He got irritated for no reason. He won't see or talk to him. But, will have his picture in his laptop. Why is he even touching it? It is my Danny. His old anger was back. Pietro stood up to go to his old seat beside Joey.

"Mr. Boselli, the pilot wants to meet you in his cabin," the air hostess said.

"Me? Why?" he asked confused. 

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