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Prateek's Pov

"All the best Bhaiyya"I smiled at the message in my phone.Shreya sent me a text message wishing me all the best.She doesn't know anything expect that today is my first day at office.

"Hey"I felt a weight on my shoulders and turned my head to see Kritik standing behind me placing his arms on my shoulders.

"Stupid"I scolded him and he frowned at me.We are standing infront of a very big building,Mishra Pvt limited,A big digital name plate is dangling to the building.

"So,Your first day at office"He smiled."Don't worry I will help"He winked.

"Oh Really?So you are going to help me?!"I laughed at his joke.

"What?!I am not joking buddy!"He said a bit seriously keeping a hurt expression.

"I know!I know!"I patted his shoulder and smiled asking him to relax."It's just a joke"

We walked into the building I am really impressed,such a huge building with all the facilities.We walked towards the reception and felt a bit emotional to see the name plates of Dadaji and Badepapa as Managing Directors of the firm.

I just thought about dad once.It's all because of me,I cursed my ill fate yet I feel thankful to it always.It rectified its mistake by simply giving back my parents and family.

I felt like someone stabbing my heart,Kritik,My bestie understood my pain and clamped my shoulder asking me to calmdown.

He just gave a pale smile and pushed me to move further.

"Good morning"We both are greeted by the receptionist.

"We want to meet sir"Kritik smiled at the Receptionist very naturally,He always carries that smile from his childhood.I even remember the day we first met.

My parents are living in a wanted exile just to protect me.I don't know whether they were in contact with their parents,our grand parents or not.They hardly mention about our family.This made me curious and intrigued.

The only person who visits them from their past,hometown is Pramod uncle.I never seen his family but I saw him hanging out with dad many times.I found his number and dailed him.I went to his house and enquired about our family.

He was very stringent at first,Later he disclosed me everything.I just flew away from my family in the name of educational tour,There I met Kritik for the first time.He was sent by Pramod uncle to stalk me,he stood beside me all the time and consoled my pain.We shared most of the things in common and became friends instantly.

"Just wait a second,Please!"She smiled back talked with someone on intercom bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Okay!"We sat there in the lounge looking at each other without a word.I am experiencing an emotional turmoil inside.I just want to talk to Mom once.

I plucked up all my courage to call her."Hello!"She lifted the call after few rings.I felt goosebumps all of a sudden.What is happening to me,I looked arouned and realised what I am doing.

"Hello!"I spoke softly and my heart started beating a bit fastly,It even skipped its rythm.It took a second for me to pacify my pondering mind.

"Prateek"She said very affectionately,after all she is a mother,my sweet mother.I know she can't stay angry with me,A smile creeped on my lips soon.

"Mom!"We are talking in monosyllables as we both know that tears are welled up in our eyes and they will burst out at any time.

"I am sorry!I didn't tell you anything"I said in apologetic tone.

"No problem dear,You are my son,I know you can't hide anything from us for a long time"Her words made me feel guilt free.

"I love you Mom!"That's all what I could say,I don't know what to say?!Truly!.

"We love you too!"Mom said with all the affection and love she shared all these years.

"We are glad to have a son who wants to gift his parents their grandparents"She laughed for a second.

"Mom!"I laughed and felt lively after a second,We are back to normal.

"Guess Where I am?!"I asked her quickly.

"Shreya told me that you have joined in an MNC as a sales assistant and it's your first day at office"She said proudly.

"Oh my god!I won't leave her for revealing the truth"I pretended anger.

"All the best dear,Sorry I spoiled your curiosity yet It was a pleasant surprise for me that you want to built your career on your own"She continued.

"Thanks mom!"I cut the call abruptly.

"What?Why did you hide it from aunty?!"Kritik who is sitting beside me looked at me questioningly.

"Nothing!"I nodded and frowned.

"What again?"He looked at me impatiently.

"I do expressed my desire to unite my parents with our family but I have no guts to admit that now I am in Mishra's empire,an employee here"I smiled a bit nervously.

"Don't worry everything will be fine"He just patted my shoulder.

Swathi's Pov

I am really nervous about today.I don't know what would happen at the end of the dusk,I am in desperate need of this job.It's not about money,It's about memories.There lies a park in front our office.That was the place where my mom used to took me at the time of my school days.

That was the place where I glorified my memories.I held hand in hand with mom and walked on the grass barefoot experiencing the wetness of dewdrops early in the morning,Would it ever possible for me to get back to those days?!No!

I don't know why god has snatched my mom away from us.She died in a car accident two years ago,we lost her in a blink of eye,Nothing helped us,our money,our pride,nothing!She left us all so suddenly.It took an year for me to get out of her death.

Dad used to run all our businesses but he lost interest on business because of mom's sudden death.What had he left with him,he became drunkard and lost his self respect truly.Our companies are in loss and I need to earn for us.

Later I started coming to this park everytday and used to sit there for hours.One day my cousin referred me to Mishra's firm and convinced me atlast.I am now feeling happy to sit in my chair and work looking at the park.

I sighed and entered the building.I am surprised to see him there sitting in a couch in the lounge.

"Hai!"I waved at him quickly though my conscience warned me.

"Hai!"I saw another person was waving looking at me.

I adjusted my rimmed glasses and looked at the person right beside him.

"Swathi"He came to me and I then realised it's Kritik..

"Swathi"He came to me and I then realised it's Kritik

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Swathi worried about her job

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