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Prateek's Pov

I am looking around,I am very nervous today Dad is going to introduce me to all the board members and staff.

Sameer is very much against the thought of selling the shares to an outsider,He is even against about making deals among Mishra's.He wants me to get my share,my identity.He hates Rohith uncle as he left Suneetha aunty just for his ego.I don't know anything about their relationship hence I am against judging things.

"Are you nervous?"Dad asked me smiling happily.

"I never expected that a day would come as such"I smiled nervously.

"Every one in our family knows you,they all know its you then Why are you so nervous?"He patted my shoulder while checking my tuxedo suit.

"Perfect"Mom came and pinched my cheeks.Shreya is standing beside me smiling happily after a long time.A smile soon creeped on my lips,My family is happy because of me,Yes!I am the one who made them happy.I am proud of myself for the first time.

"Dad!"I looked at dad for a second.

"Am I worty of it?Am I capable?"I asked him sincerely holding his hand firmly.This was the finger which showed me what world is?!

"Definitely"He nodded and looked at mom.

"We belive in our son and our upbringing"Mom smiled at me with bright eyes.

"Stupid"Shreya just slapped my shoulder playfully.

"Where is Swathi?"Mom asked me so suddenly realising her absence.

"You told me that you will be coming with her"She looked at Shreya and questioned her knitting her brows.

"Rohith bade papa called her on phone,She will be joining us there at the office"Shreya winked at mom.

"You told her everything right?Don't make her feel avoided or alone.She is our family she has to know each and every thing,Afterall we all are a family"Mom warned.

I just smiled and gave her the much anticipated reply"Yes"

"Thats so nice"Mom smiled.

Dad drove to office mom and shreya are also with me.

We entered into the meeting hall and everything is so different.

I used to work here as an employee.I atteneded few meeting as a part of my job but now It's my turn to lead them.I felt different.

Board meeting has started and everyone is there and Dad is also there as one among them.I am occupying my seat there.I have to make my entry in time and save this company.I am nervous.

I felt some one patting my hand gently and I turned to see Swathi sitting beside me.We are sitting in gallery.Some of the employees like different heads of the various departments are allowed to attend the meeting.

We have to be cautious to provide the necessary details in short time.

Swathi smiled at me very sweetly her smile worked as a magic and Dad laughed at me from there.I blushed for a second.I was never like this before,blushing omg!It's too much.

"Well,I am here to ...."Mr.Rohith Mishra started the meeting.

"So,Here I conclude that our industries are running in loss and I want to sell all the shares in the name of our Mishra's to save the name and pride we earned in all these years"He said with a sulky face

"Is there anyone who are opposing this decision?"One of the Board member asked others who are about ten in number.

"I object!"Dad raised his hand,I am becoming nervous as time is passing.I am looking so tough from outside yet a part of me is very much worried about different things.

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