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Prateek's Pov

I felt diggy all of a sudden and felt like someone patting my cheek very gently.

I opened my eyes and found that its Sameer.I somehow managed to sit on the floor but my right hand and right shoulder are paining like hell.I slowly could gain control over my senses.I took the help of Sameer and stood up.

"Bro hurry up.It's not safe here anymore.I called Pradyumna and he will be coming here anytime.Thank god those constables came behind you following you secretly.They found him in time before he could ecape.Let us go,Quick."He said hurriedly.

I shook my head once and nodded in agreement.

I looked at Mr.Rohith Mishra who is following us without a word.Such an awkward situation.I am bearing my pain calmly as I don't want to make Sameer panic and mess it more.

"It's shoulder Sameer.I will be fine"I assured him soon getting into the car.

"But you frightened me for a minute.I couldn't see you lying there unconsious in pool of blood."He mumbled getting into the drivers seat.

Mr.Rohith Mishra sat in the back seat he is calmly observing us,my situation still I couldn't understand him.His face expressions are so unreadable.

Sameer started his car and took me to hospital without a word.Eerie of silence.I felt like sleeping for a while.Pain is killing me badly.

I was taken to operation theatre quickly as Pradyumna made necesary arrangements on Phone. I don't know what just happened later.I fell unconsious on bed trying to think about my life,my people.

Few hours later

I opened my eyes slowly.It took sometime for me gain my lost conscious.I closed my eyes for a second and looked at Swathi who is sleeping in a chair beside my bed uncomfortably.

I tried to call her name but it took sometime for me to open my mouth.I felt like nauseating.I gasped some air for a second and looked at her.

"Swathi"I called her name and she woke up twitching from sleep.I looked and smiled at her.I truly lack words I thanked god for a second.

She smiled at me sweetly shedding few tears simultaneously.I felt like capturing her pic in camera.

"Are you fine?"She spoke to me very softly placing her hand on my cheek.

"Yes"I smiled a bit yet I know that I am not fine fully.I am experiencing  some pain on my shoulder.Still I could manage to lie and smile.

"Let me call the doctor"She is about to get up.I caught her hand in time.

"I am sorry"I mumbled and smiled at her.She didn't say anything but caught my hand and patted it gently.

"Are you angry with me?"I mumbled again and don't know why guilt occupied my heart so suddenly.

"You should've taken someone with you."This time she spoke a bit curtly.I know I should have.

"I didn't think much as I learnt Ashok was arrested.So I took the risk."I said her the truth.

"Still,don't you think it's risky?"She smiled sadly.

"Sorry!"I mouthed.She smiled at me and walked out.

"Swathi came with Doctor.Mom and Dad too came with her."I smiled at dad and she just patted my other shoulder.Mom is crying profusely and dad is trying hard to control her.

Swathi hugged her and tried her best to assure mom that I am fine

I spoke to them for a while and Swathi took Mom with her.

"Why did you do that?You should have asked Police to come with you.Why did you go alone.Thank god Police followed you"Dad sighed.

"We can't escape our fate dad though we hate it"I smiled.

"Shut up"Dad pretended anger.

"So is everything okay?"I asked him.

"Yes"He nodded smiled for a second and continued.

"Everyone is worried about you.As it's ICU doctors aren't allowing us frequently.I talked to doctor.You will be shifted to separate room tomorrow."He sighed.

"Thanks dad"I smiled.

"I have something to say.You know who just signed the declaration form before your operation"Dad questioned
me.I can't stop a smile which is about to creep my lips.

"Sameer"I mumbled hesitantly.

"No,Mr.Rohith Mishra"He smiled and left me alone..

........The end.........

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