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Swathi's Pov

Another week passed.Sudden epiphany of Shreya's mistakes made Shreya confined to her room.She is barely speaking to everyone in monosyllables.I budged Prateek to do something.Mom who learnt about everything through dad almost fainted.I felt sad to see her like that.I talked to Prateek and he called a meet, kind of family meet.

We are meeting in our flat.We Prateek and Myself are residing in Prateek's flat.It is dad's decision as he wants to provide some Privacy to us both.

Mom and Dad came to us last night we had a heart full chitchat. Prateek almost recovered from bruises and leg Sprain.

"Are you okay?"I heard Prateek asking me hugging from behind.I am in kitchen and making coffee for both of us.

"Ahh I am worried about Mom,She looks so pale and not at all talking to Shreya and Shreya,she just confine herself to room.I messaged Arjun many times but he didn't respond me at all.I am worried about everything.I am sad to see everyone like this."I spun around and sighed.He is still holding me in my arms very firmly.

"Yes!I too can't see them as such"Prateek lowered his head and mumbled against my cheek.

"I am sorry I was literally busy with office works and couldn't talk to you properly this week and you know Shreya thing disturbed me a lot."He hugged me tightly with guilt and possesiveness.

"It's okay,I know what's the situation. Don't worry"I patted his back.

"Coffee...."Prateek screamed leaving me from his passionate and possesive hug.

"What?"I whirled around and saw coffee gushing out with steam from vessel.

"Awch!"I caught it just as such and burnt my hand badly.

"How can you be so careless?"Prateek shouted at me reminding my very own old Prateek whom I met for the first time at office.

"I was....."I trailed off and slumped on the black couch leaning my head on Prateek's shoulder who sat beside me.

"I promise you that I will take care of everything as you  know I called out for a family lunch.Don't worry! I will talk to everyone and make the.situation live.Don't you believe your husband?"He asked me slowly lifting my chin with his finger.

"Yes!I do"I nodded and he left me and got back to kitchen with a coffee mug.I smiled at him.

We shared coffee and I can't stop blushing all the time.As we passed mug from each other I felt like brushing his lips and at the end I bursted out into a huge laughter.

"You became so naughty these days"Prateek patted my shoulder with his shoulder and slumped his head on sleeve making me yank at his touch.

With some lovey dovey moments and few pecks and a deep passionte kiss we both could able to prepare lunch for our guests.Like very innocent souls we both sat on couch and waiting for our guests.

We felt glad to see Mom and Dad with Shreya.I couldn't stop my urge to hug Shreya and I did it instantly making her comfortable.Prateek ruffled Shreya's hair which surprised everyone.

"Chotie,Why are you like that?Smile.You look so ugly with a grumpy face"Prateek smiled heartily.

"Bhaiyya!"She hugged him and I looked at Mom and Dad smiling at them.

I looked at Prateek smiling goofy like a teenager.I am literally gawking at him like a love sick teenager.This man truly knows how to drive me crazy.He is truly a family guy whom a girl would dream in her life.I am lucky!I smiled at my thought again.

I broke my goofy smile and walked back to kitchen as I can't escape my husband's intense gaze.I heard loud footsteps and turned to see Dad coming towards kitchen.

"Dad!"I smiled and stood there smiling happily.

"How are you dear?"She said patting my shoulder.

"Hope Prateek is taking care of you well"He murmured and a chuckle escaped from my mouth

He smiled learning my answer.

"Iam sad to see mom like this"I couldn't stop myself this time.

"She will be fine don't worry"He caressed my hair.I felt an urge to meet my dad suddenly.I am feeling very much attached to my family these days which is truly a new thing for me.I know it takes time to get used to these relations and can't stop to mention that they are really sweet.

We both went out of kitchen and I am surprised to see Prateek kneeled infront of Mom and cupped her cheeks.Mom is sobbing while Shreya is hugging her from side burrying hee head in mom's neck.I looked at Prateek who is laughing at his sister's act with teary eyes.Dad too stood there like rock.It took a second for me to realise that what is happening.

I searched for my phone and captured the scene and I then realised that a lone tear escaped from my eyes.

"Mom I know you can't stay angry with me.I know I am fool.I can't spare your silence.Beat me if you want.But please don't avoid me it hurts."Shreya said embracing mom's shoulder with one hand and holding Prateek's wrist firmly with other hand.

"You know how it feels to see you on bed with a breathing mask.I am not angry with you for loving a guy,I am angry with you for hiding things from me,from us.We almost lost you"Mom whispered while wiping her tears and placing a peck on her forehead.

"Love you Mom"Prateek pinched Mom's cheek and Shreya is laughing wiping her tears.

"I know what are you capable of?"Dad laughed and hugged Prateek.

"Love you Mom,Love you Dad"Shreya hugged Dad this time.

"What about me?"Prateek caught her ear and She begged folding her hands.

I stood there smiling at their antics and suddenly those four pairs of eyes looked at me and I don't know how to react.I gulped and Prateek winked at me asking them to join them.I walked slowly towards them and we talked for a while happily after a long time.

Sameer,Krithik and Avni too joined us.I am surprised to see Arjun here.I looked at Prateek and he winked at me smirked giving me his answer in his very own style.

We all assembled in hall after lunch and Prateek took a file from our room and walked to the hall.I know he wants to talk with us all.But what does he want to talk?I am curious.

What is he going to plan guys?!

How is the chap?!

What do you think about Prateek?What is going in his mind?

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