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Prateek's Pov

"It just happened in a blink of an eye"I looked at Krithik and Swathi who are sitting along with me in our lawn.

"She is recovering very well,It's a good news"Swathi said smiling a bit.

"Yes!I never thought she will recover from that incident ever,She was so naive and truly childish and suddenly she is behaving like a lady"I couldn't believe her,she became a lady all of a sudden,I am feeling sad for her,She lost her love.

"Yes!Shreya has changed a lot,she lost her innocence.I am feeling very bad to see her crying,I am feeling like I lost my innocent sister."Krithik sighed and frowned.

"Yes,She was very bubbly and chirpy by the time we met but I am also shocked to see her like this"Swathi felt sad for her.

"What had happened Prateek?How did you reach the place in time?Who was the guy?"Krithik asked me knitting his brows in irritation.

"His name is Arjun and he is Shreya's childhood friend.He loves Shreya with all his heart.He was secretly following her everywhere,He has a habit of leaving notes all over to drag Swathi's attention.He was the one who saved her,But I couldn't find him there."I sighed and took sometime to analyse the truth.

"How did you learnt about him?"Krithik still can't believe what I confessed a second ago.

"Shreya sent me a number and asked me to learn about the person,I got suspicious and enquired her very next second.She just told me some lie which can't be believed.So I enquired about the guy and found all the details about him"I answered him.

"But how did you reach there in time?"Krithik asked me a valid question.

"I called Shreya twice and thrice on phone but she didn't pick the phone,she messaged me that morning saying that she was going to her friend's estate.So I reached in time by God's grace.I wast totally devastated to see her in a pool of blood"I gave a brief answer without giving much information,As I have my own doubts with me.

"What?!"Swathi came to me,clasped my hand and looked into my eyes asking me to speak out.

"Ah!I can't find what had happened to him after that?I am enquiring about him."I looked at her with a frown on my lips.

"Don't loose your heart"She said moving her soft fingers on my cheek.

"5'o clock shadow beard!"She pointed at my beard and smiling a bit,to cheer up my mood.

"A bit busy,didn't shave for couple of days"I explained.

"Hu hu!"Someone coughed and we turned to see Krithik chuckling and blushing crazily.

"Why are you hiding things from me?"He marched to us and stood in front of us as he caught a criminal committing a crime.

"What?!...."My love Swathi just stammared,Nervous queen!

"Yes,We did!"I accepted the truth.

"But why?!"He questioned me.

"How can we?!Shreya was there on bed thriving for her life and How are we supcposed to promulgate our feelings to everyone.It hurts."I gave a fake smile.

"Oh my dear bro!"Krithik hugged me and Swathi stood beside me holding my hand firmly.

I felt satisfied,How lucky I am?I have the most adorable parents,Sweet sister,Such a loving and trustworthy friend and amazing lover what can I ask more from god!

I closed my eyes and prayed god to give me enough strength, stamina to keep up these people's hopes,I have to be extra careful because they all worth it.

"I am blessed to have you in my love"Swathi looked at me with teary eyes.

"Okay!I am sorry,I didn't think about it"He said gritting his teeth.

"I am happy for you both"He looked at us and smiled in the very next second.

I smiled and lifted my phone which has been rattling for few seconds.

"Hello!"I heard ACP Pradyumna's voice on other side.

"Hello!"I spoke soon recognising his voice.

"Mr.Prateek,Would you come to Policestation once?!"He said in a very composed tone leaving us no clue to emancipate the situation.

"Sure sir!Will be there in half an hour"I said quickly.

"Okay!Do come quickly"He cut the call soon.

"Who is that?!"Swathi looked at me worried.

"ACP Pradyumna"I sighed.

"ACP?!"Swathi and Krithik looked at me with questioning faces.

"He is asking me to come to PS!"I answered their unasked question.

"But why?!Anything serious!"Swathi asked me clamping my sleeve very tightly.

"Nothing,I hope so!"I swallowed the last word.

"I will come with you!"Swathi said hiding her face behind my shoulder.

"Yes!We will come with you,Please yar!"Krithik smiled at us.

"Okay!"I can't say no to these two,they know it very well.

We reached PS in next half an hour and went to ACP's cabin.

"Hello!"He smiled at us.

"Hello Sir!"I forwarded my hand and he caught it in time.

"Well Prateek,We have a good news for you,We almost solved the case"He said grinning a bit.

I gave a new hope to me.I felt relieved and if my assumptions comes true he will reveal some unbelievable facts.

"As you expected the boy isn't dead."He opened the file and showed his photograph.

I took it into my hands and observing his facial carving very keenly.

"And yes it is a preplanned  attempt but these attacks are not intended to kill the persons but the person behind them has some other motto."He took another two photographs of two suspects and gave it to us.Krithik took them and looking at them.

"Very surprisingly we find some like between Mr.Sameer Mishra's case and your sister's case.These two people are heirs for Mishra's groups right?!"He looked at us.

"And I have another news for you"He looked at me seriously.

"Adithi Mishra is my Fiance'.She was also attacked once."He heaved a sigh.

I am really surprised to hear it from him,I anticipated that these two attacks are linked but not this way.I am really surprised to hear all these.Definitely someone are after us,We Mishra's may for money,power or legacy.But it's time to stay united.

"Don't worry Prateek I will take care of the culprit.I will let you know once I get a clue"He assured us.

I felt happy that there are someone who is helping us,our family.

"And Don't say about this to your elders they will be worried and Adithi too doesn't know anything about attacks,Keep it to yourself for a week,atleast till he make a next move"He looked at us three
expecting an answer,assurance.

"We will sir!"Krithik answered him this time.

"Well I suspect a person sir!"Krithik surprised us.

"Who?!"ACP looked at him curiosly.

"Ashok"He picked a name whom I have no clue about at all.

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