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Shreya's Pov

I ended up on hospital bed and opened my eyes slowly to see a brown coloured ceiling fan whirling dangling to the white ceiling,roof of the room.

"Are you okay?!"I heard a very familiar voice none other than my dad's.

"Yes!"I try to nod my head out of excitement the next second I experienced a sharp pain, my neck is aching like hell and doctors wrapped a neck band,cervical collar support to keep it in position.

"Awchh!"I bellowed in extreme pain just clamping my dad's hand very firmly.

"Oh Shreya!"Dad stood up and gently pressed my shoulders kissing my forehead asking me to calm down.Now I took a second to realise what's my situation.I looked at my own self and found my left leg is broken and my hip is paining atmost.

"How are you Shreya?"I saw Mom and Bhaiyya staring at me holding their breathe with pain and agony in their eyes.

"I am fine.."I said gritting a bit forcefully.I didn't know ever even jaws pain a lot.It's truly became a big task for me to lift my hand up.

Every inch of my body is paining,Tears are falling from my eyes without my notice.I never ever thought a day would come as such that I will be a living corpse with bandages all over my body.

"Shreya!"Mom couldn't control her tears,Dad just walked to her and took her out.He just tapped my Brother's shoulder asking him to take care of me.I smiled and felt proud for an second,I am an apple in their eyes,a princess.I felt truly happy and thanked god for giving such a wonderful family.

"Hey!"Bhaiyya came to me caressed my cheek as gently as a feather.

"Hey!"I mouthed.

"You just frightened all of us!"He is literally crying,Strange to see a grown up man crying,that too for a sister like me a devil,I smiled at my thought slightly.

"Really?!"I mouthed again.

"Stupid!"He laughed out of relief.

"You are all there for me right?!"I gathered all my energy to speak those words and they worthy of it.

Another four days passed,I am grunting in pain almost all the time.But thankfully the intensity of the pain is decreasing slowly but it doesn't disappeared completely.I learnt that someone saved me from that deadly incident.

"We tried to find the person who saved you there a the estate but we didn't find him anywhere and we are searching !"Bhaiyya said to me in a disappointed tone looking away trying to avoid an eye contact

I don't believe his words,If he is alive he will contact me by someway or other.It means....

I felt totally hopeless He was there at the time death approached me,He saved my life but,I am crying so hard to bury my feelings inside me.

Enough is enough,My parents and my family is undergoing severe pain because of me,I don't want to torment them even more,don't want them to be worried.I buried all my secrets inside me,I am not going to tell all these things to them in my life.I just want to kill these memories but will it be possible for me forever?!

I looked all around,I can't get rid of his eyes they were dazzing at the time of incident,He was so determinant to save me,my precious life,I won't bluff,I wanted to live,live for my family,for his precious love but I lost it in a spur of second.

He kissed me a second before,That was my first and last kiss of my life.We were there strolling in the estate holding hand in hand refreshing our childhood memories.

I was first surprised to learn it is Arjun,My childhood buddy who snooped me everywhere.It was truly an thrilling second I caught him red handed in the estate.

He was standing there infront of me smiling devilishly making my heart jump,leap.But now I closed my eyes and fresh tears escaped from my pair of eyes.

I am swallowing all my pain and trying hard to bury it deep in my heart.Everyone around me are so nice towards me.My parents are taking care of me all the time.Bhaiyya was there and cracking very lame jokes which is not his cup of tea just to make me smile.We used to banter a lot but now I feel we are destined to be a brother and sister,He loves me a lot.

I think Bhaiyya knows about Arjun,His words and his actions are providing me enough clue.He is freezing just by mentioning his name Arjun,He was so reluctant to spell his name,He is calling him as a random guy who saved me from a havoc,death.

I don't want to budge him into a conversation because I lost all my courage and I am just breathing for the sake of these wonderfull people around me,my family members.

Swathi visited me thrice in these ten days,She travelled four hefty hours in car just to see me,How sweet.I think Bhaiyya loves her.I can see that,Though he bluffs that she is just a friend and colleague but she is even more.

I am happy for them,I don't think I can ever think of love and lover again,I lost my love ,my lover,I can't stop my tears at that thought but I will live for the sake of my family,I promised my life that I will live because my life is his precious gift to me.

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