Bonus Chapter

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Prateek's Pov

I am sitting in the driver seat and tapping the steering impatiently.

I looked at my phone and its Swathi
I picked it up quickly.

I felt a lump forming in my throat and my voice became screechy. I don't want to hear any bad news.I closed my eyes for a second and heaved a sigh.

I drove as fast as I can but I know I have to carefull for my Swathi,for my family.What haven't happened in this year?Memories flashed soon.

What haven't happened in these six months.It took more a month for me to become normal and back to rotinue.I got dischared and started living with Swathi in our flat.Mom and Dad thought why not we live there for some more time,just for the sake of priavacy.Swathi got associated with Mishra's company again.

I didn't find any reason to be a C.E.O any more.It took almost a month for me to convience Sameer for the post of C.E.O,He deserves it for sure.

Dad didn't leave me this time,I started working with dad again,It gives me immense pleasure and happiness.My life looked so peacefull after many years.I could see my parents meeting their Parents freely.I wonder why it took two long decades for us to break this veil.

About Mr.Rohith Mishra,He do changed a lot.Believe me he is but not like in cinemas.He still avoids me but I am least bothered about it.His eyes holds guilt mixed with anger unlike earlier these days I am enjoying his antics.I am allowed to go to my grandparents Mishra Bhavan.

We Swathi and myself visited my grand parents and cousins more than thrice.Krithik,He is working like a horse suddenly these days.I wonder what made him a workaholic so sudden but Dad is so happy to see Pramod uncle smiling all the time.

Avni got her father back and Krithik want to give her some time,He wants to give her,her space so that she can spend some days with her dad for some days.

About Arjun and Shreya still they are ignoring each other.Shreya thinks she needs a break.She diverted her complete focus on studies.Arjun started his career just now and Krithik informed that he is a great employee.Let us see what future holds for them.

Ashok was sent to jail and I some how felt pity about him.He was born and brought up like an orphan.What if he would be if he was taken care properly.I closed my eyes and pressed the bridge of my nose.

My stream of thoughts got haulted soon I stopped my car infront of Mishra's office.I tooked at it,it looks like a tall building is smiling at me.I walked into the carridor and everyone started greetin me like earlier.I can't stop grinning for a second.I looked at C.E.O's cabin and walked into it as it's my cabin.

Sameer who lifted his head quickly looked at me as he saw a ghost at an odd hour.He glanced at his wrist watch and sprung up from chair at once.

"Swathi just called me Sameer.She told me that she is not fine asked me to fetch her"I answered him who is standing there crouching his eyebrows.

"Really bro,but she didn't come to office today"He said chocking a bit.

"What?"I almost shouted.

"Really bro,She didn't come to office.I am sure about it. Why can't you call her once"Sameer looked so tense and said wiping those sweat beads formed on his forehead.

I sighed for a second and picked my mobile from my backpocket fumbling.
"Relax bro"Sameer walked to me and patted my shoulder.

"Shit...It's unreachable"I gasped and slumped in the chair.

"Let me try"He picked his phone and called Swathi again.

"Yes...It's unreachable"He said in a low tone.

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