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Sameer's Pov

I looked at a guy who is coming to me with a constant grin.I felt happy for a second thought as I am going to meet a friend after a long time.I don't know why I started thinking like that so suddenly that too about a stranger.Weird?!

"Hai"He greeted me and sat before me with the same warm heart melting smile on his face.

"Hai"I greeted him back and asked him quickly"Are you Mr.Arjun?"

"Yes,Mr.Sameer Mishra,My name is Arjun Prasad and I am one of your employees"He forwarded his hand for a handshake.

We did a handshake and looked at eachother for sometime.My feelings became more fervent.I know this guy would definitely help me.I don't know why?But I strongly believe he will help me at any cost.

"Hello,Mr.Arjun!Nice meeting you"I said in a composed tone very calmly trying to hide my excitement and emotions.

"So,What do you want Mr.Mishra and what made you call me here?"He asked me very formally void of any emotions on his face.

"Well,Do you know where my Uncle and Aunt Mr.Shourya Mishra and Mrs Ananya Mishra live?"I asked him bending a bit forward placing my arms on the table infront of me.

"If you don't mind will you let me know why you are so curious to learn about them,their where abouts?"He asked me whirling his bike keys,looking at them trying to escape my gaze as he is not at all willing to look into my eyes.

"I know it's none of your business yet I am saying you the reason They are our family and we have every reason to learn about them."I spat him hard yet A part of me felt truly sorry for him.

"I am sorry .You are very true that they are your family members and you have every right to learn about them but I heard that their beloved family members just admonished them for adopting a child,an orphan against their wish."His eyes are moving hastily and he is sweating profoundly.His eyes are welled up with tears.

"Who are you?And how do you know all this?"I stood up from my chair instantly as I felt something weird about this guy.Even now I have the same feeling.He is soo familiar to me.

"Every one know it Mr.Sameer Mishra,It's an open secret.Everyone knows how Mr.Rohith Mishra your dad threw Mr.Sourya Mishra and others away from your house,from your family just because he adopted a child against his brother's wish"He outraged and burst out his anger with furious eyes.

"Please,Stop it"I shouted in rage.

"Why Should I?What did he do?Nothing! He gave him his surname,He became a father to an orphan who might have turned as a antisocial element.He gave him a life,a family,what not?!"He looked at me with gleaming eyes filled up with tears.

"Who are you?!"I asked him again,I suddenly became suspicious.

"Why do you bother?I am talking the truth!"He looked away.

"Please,It's not the time to argue,I know my dad did injustice to them but think about my grandparents once.They are becoming old and they are craving,longing to see them.Please tell me their address.I will go by myself and apologise them."I said sincerely.

"What?What are you saying?"He stuttered with wide open eyes.

"Yes!Dada ji is so sick and desperate to see Sourya uncle"I said slowly trying to control my fury,pain.

"I am sorry" He mumbled and I looked into his deep brooding eyes,There is something in them,It's evident they are hiding something from me.

"Please"I am standing there silently for his reply.

"Bye"He walked away like that!How could he?!

"Arjun!"I shouted his name twice but he didn't stop at all.

My only hope got vanished.....

Kritik's Pov

"Hello"Thank god this guy lifted my call atlast,I took a long gasp and said"Hello,Are you okay?"

"Kritik?!"He spoke in an irritated tone.I sensed something wrong with him,I want to know it,I made my mind.

"Hey where are you buddy?I am waiting for you here in Ocean park,Haven't you started yet?It's getting late."I said in my usual way.

"I am not coming!"He said curtly.

"Hey!Are oyou okay?Hope you're not hiding anything from me?"My suspicion turned into reality.I know something is there.

"Ahhhhh!"He took a second but didn't speak anything.

"Hey,Are you okay Prateek?Please tell me what is bothering you?I am here for you"I tried my best to assure my buddy.

"I am coming there in an hour and will defenitely let you know what had happened."He cut the call abruptly,Don't know why I felt it like an emergency.

A small chap

Promise you next chapter will be a big one....

Promise you next chapter will be a big one

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Swathi's anger

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