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Prateek's Pov

"Miss you"Dad hugged me again.

"Please Dad!"I smiled with discomfort.Everyone is going to Mishra Bhavan and dad wants me to come with them.I know Rohith uncle despise me to the core.So I don't want to ruin their happiness by accompanying then to Mishra Bhavan.He doesn't know my identity why to reveal it very unnecessarily.Let's keep it secret for sometime,I need to solve few issues.I sighed and looked at dad smiling.

"Take care both of you"Dad looked at us both Me and Swathi.

"Bhaiya!"Shreya came and hugged me from side.I will skype you secretly you can see what is happening there,everything.She winked.I am happy to see Shreya like this.She is becoming normal,change in her is subtle yet progressive.I thanked god for this.

"We gonna miss you"Mom placed her palm on my cheek and gave a wan smile.

Swathi smiled at mom trying to cheer her.I don't know what had happened last night they both are communicating with eyes,through expressions.How lucky I am!Feels like heaven to have two strong women in life.

"Take care of him!"Mom came to Swathi said holding her hands.

"Mom!Please don't worry about Prateek,I will take care of him.You just live that moment fully,You are going to meet your family after two decades"She hugged mom winking at her.

"Soon it will become your family too"Mom chuckled making Swathi blush like a tomato.I too snickered for a second.

They left us both all alone.I am trying to reach Krithik but his phone is unreachable,Is he doing it purposefully?He told me that he wants to talk to Avni once?Did he?!I am worried about him.

"Are you okay?"Swathi shook my shoulder twice.

"Are you thinking about Krithik?"I am surprised she read my thoughts.

"Yes!"I nodded,I took a pause and continued after a second.

"He didn't pick my calls and now his phone is unreachable"

"I know he is distributed by Avni's words"Swathi muttered looking away with wet eyes.

"Don't worry"I got up from couch and went to her side who is standing near the dining table.

"I love you"I hugged her from side and nuzzled my nose in the crook of her neck.I can see she is hurt by Avni's words yet she is trying to calm her wondering mind.

"Love you so much,I am fortunate to have you"She turned to me and said looking into my eyes.

"What about Krithik?"She asked after stealing few glances keeping a sulky face.

"I will take care of him!Don't worry"I hugged her and patted her shoulder.

"So Sweet of you"She whispered in my ear,tickling my ear back of the other ear with her fingers.

She glanced at my lips for a second giving me her permission to kiss them.Damn!Her eyes are so expressive.We kissed for few seconds yet it is very soft and a pampering kiss just enough to melt my heart.How delicious!I smirked at the thought.I am happy she is becoming normal quickly.I know it's hard for her to leave her dad,whon she calls her family.

"Your phone is ringing!"Swathi gently moved her lips over me.

"Yes"I left her lips and took my phone into hand still holding her waist with other.

"It's skype call from Shreya!"I felt very bad for a second.

"Just pick it up!Everything will be fine"She assured me gently giving a peck on his cheeks.

"Yes"I nodded nervously and answered it.

Euphoria I am having for past three hours turned into nervousness so suddenly.

"Mom!"Dad is talking with Dadi and I can see proud dad smiling to Dada and Dadi.I think its Dada and Dadi's room.I peeped into its surroundings and saw a pic of Mom and Dad with us me and shreya dangling to the wall.My heart clenched with sudden epiphany that they didn't forget me.I smiled.

They are talking about us,me and shreya.Dada and Dadi is aksing about us,me.I smiled with teary eyes.I wiped my tears.Swathi who is clinging her arms to my neck wiped my tears and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I want to see him!"Dada gave a wan smile.

I felt sad for a second.They were talking endlessly about different issues.I couldn't stop my tears all the time.I am weeping like a child.I never know that a family can budge a well grown up man to shed tears so profusely like a child.Swathi was there holding my hand all the time.

Dada told dad how bad he missed him?!How bad he wanted his son.Dad just hugged him trying his best to console him.Guilt occupied my heart.I looked away and couldn't look at them.I felt sad,very bad for a while.

Aditi di and Sameer were also there,I learnt that they too wants to meet me.I felt happy.My family loves me,my family adores me.Such a wonderful feeling,over whelmed with joy,ecstasy.

I felt like going there with my family but a thought made me chock for a second.What if Rohith uncle came to know about my identity?What if he takes my motives wrongly?His misconception may throw me to another level of difficulty.

I have to stay away from my family for ever and ever.My series of thoughts were disturbed by a tug on my hand,It's Swathi who is looking at me with a pale,worried face.

"Everything will be okay"She winked at me.My heart fluttered like a butterfly.It is so colourful filled with all kinds of emotions.Plethora of happiness occupied major part of my heart.I could smile proudly,I could feel that finally my family accepted me till a sudden epiphany hit me so hard,It's Rohith Mishra.

Suddenly a man entered into the Picture Mr.Rohith Mishra,He looked at everyone with a sullen face.He didn't greeted anyone just gazing at them.How could he like that?!I felt gloomy.

"Haven't he come?"That were the few words come from him.

My heart skipped it's beat,what did I do to him?Why he targets me always?

"Good!So He learnt he can't be part of this family for ever?.I appreciate it"He threw a wicked smile.I can't stop those tears,I cursed my fate,my ill luck.

I couldn't see anything further as Shreya cut the call but How can she blindfold me seeing him,the truth,I never know a person can despise me this much just because I was born to a criminal.

I stood up and stood there impatiently running my fingers through my hair and other hand on my waist.

"Are you okay?"I heard Swathi,She is worried about me.

"I know what you are going through,Who will better than me?"She curled a corner of her lips with gloomy eyes.

"I am sorry"I hugged her,Yes!How can I forget that she was despised,her presence was despised every moment by her father.We looked at each other soon broke into a soft laughter which eased the situation a bit.

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