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Prateek's Pov

"It's Arjun"I sighed and looked at the Swathi's call list placed on my table.I hired a private detective and he got it for me.

"So Swathi was talking to Arjun all the time,So it's Arjun whom she met in the joggers park"I looked at Krithik with a pale face.

"Really?"He sprung up from his chair and looked at me with crouched eyebrows.

"I saw his face very vaguely still I feel it's him"I nodded and smiled.

"Means Arjun is alive?!"Krithik almost freaked at my confession.

"Yes!That's what I am saying?Probably he is hiding from Ashok"I said twirling the paper weight on my table.

"But why did he contact Swathi?He should have contacted Shreya or you?Why would Shreya hide this from us?I am totally confused"Krithik took Swathi's call list into his one hand and scratching his chin with other hand.

"Arjun,the only person who can answer all our questions"I looked at Krithik unbuttoning my tuxedo suit.

"Where can we find him?"Krithik looked at me seriously.

"We need to follow Swathi for that"I winked.

"What are you saying?"He screamed.

"Yes,because Swathi is the only person who knows where Arjun is?"I smirked.

"Why can't you ask her directly?"He looked at me eagerly.

"She might told me the thing pretty much earlier if she wants me to know,Am I right?"I tapped his shoulder teasingly.

"You are impossible"He winked at me.

"I know"I nodded and smiled back at him.

"I am sorry"He suddenly said something which I haven't expected from him at all.

"What?"I felt very embarrassed why is he apologising me so suddenly,I never wanted to listen a sorry from my friend,Krithik.

"I learnt what Mr.Rohith Mishra did to you?He called you characterless just because you saved Avni and protected her.I am a fool I absconded like that with out a word.I don't know why but I was desperate to save Avni from Ashok"He said sincerely with a disappointed tone.

"Leave it Krithik,I gave him my answer,I hope he won't blabber something like that any more infront of anyone"I smiled nervously.

"How can I say thanks to you?For everything you did?"He looked at me biting his lower lip.

"Can't you be quiet for a while otherwise I am going to punch you on your face straight away"I threatened him fakely.

"Sorry"He smiled and tapped my head playfully.

"Stupid"I just poked my hand into his stomach.

We are waiting at the apparatment for Swathi.We have been following her for a week sadly we didn't find any clue.I felt an urge to solve this problem before our marriage.Just a week left for our marriage.As time passes I am feeling the pressure to solve this issue as soon as possible.

Meanwhile I learnt that Swathi has changed the quote.She hasn't stolen the file,she just changed it with a new one.She coded a new quote for the tender,Still I don't know why she just changed the numericals of the quote?!.They haven't announced the winners yet,I have to wait for two more days to see the results.

"There she is"Krithik who is sitting beside me in the front seat screamed at me.I halted the car applying sudden break.

"What?"I looked at him a bit irritated.

"Look at there"He showed me Swathi sitting on a bench at apartments waiting for someone.

"What is she doing here?"I am observing her every movement.

She is so tensed and drenched in sweat,She is eagerly peeping through her surroundings for someone.

"There he comes"I pointed at Arjun who is approaching Swathi hastily fumbling a bit.

"Sure?"Krithik asked me quickly.

"Yes!It's him,Arjun"I said tapping my fingers impatiently on steering wheel.

"What do you do now?"Krithik asked wiping those sweat beads formed on his forehead.

"Nothing,I will observe him,his movements till Swathi leaves this place.I don't want to scare her"I said sincerely,I don't want to strain her more,Look at her?She looks very much frightened.

Swathi just stood up and smiled at him nervously.He faked a smile back to her.Swathi is standing in front of him clasping her hands and peeping through her surroundings all the time.

Arjun too looks so frightened,I guess he is worried about Ashok and his men.He doesn't want to disclose the world as he is alive.Its quiet evident through his actions.

They chatted for a while,for five minutes or so.Swathi is trying hard to explain him something but Arjun is almost collapsed on floor.He looks so pale and numb.What is bothering him so much?!What is Swathi saying to him?!I sighed and looked at Krithik.

"She is leaving"Krithik looked at me with a puzzled face.

"Let us follow him"I nodded at Krithik.

"Okay"Krithik gulped and looked at me nervously.

We followed him to his house,He is wearing a helmet and driving his bike a bit fastly.He is in a hurry to reach his house quickly.Suddenly I felt like someone following us.I adjusted the mirror twice and confirmed it.Two people are following us,No!They are following him.

I maintained a reasonable distance from both the vehicles.Finally we reached our destiny.Arjun reached his house and fiddling with keys.

A person is approaching Arjun from behind.Don't know why somewhere I felt these goons are going to attack him,Arjun unlocked the key and opened the door and went in straight away leaving the door half opened ajar.

I am following them slowly.He took a rod and entered the hall.I caught him from behind and punched hard on his face.Krithik ran to another person but he escaped quickly.

That attacker fell on floor wincing,bellowing in pain.

"Who are you?"Arjun came out and baffled to see me.He averted his gaze to that guy who is thriving for his life,Who is wincing in pain in pool of blood.

"Prateek"He looked at me with pain filled eyes.

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Ten more chapters left..

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