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Prateek's Pov

"I will kill you if anything happens to dad"I said gritting my teeth.

"I already told you that I won't harm him,But why are you so worried about him?"He continued teasing me with his words.

"Why wouldn't I?"I banged the table with my fist.

"I want to here the truth from you"He looked at me with wide open eyes.

"Because I am his son,Because I am Prateek,Prateek Mishra"I am helpless,I know his ego will be satisfied to find the truth from me.Atlast he got what he want.He wants me to confess the truth.I did as I can't risk my dad's life.

"Prateek Mishra"He said twirling the key chain dangling to his finger in air smiling crazily at me.What does he want?!

"Now tell me,Where is dad?What do you want?You got your answers for god sake let me know what you did to dad?"I am truly helpless,I never felt as such like this in my life time.

"He is at Lotus hospital"He smiled and looked at me.

"Hospital,but why?"I felt worried and several thoughts are rushing in my mind.Is he sound and safe?I can't control my tears pooled up in my eyes.How can I show my face to mom now.

I grabbed my car keys on my table and rushed to car.I am driving as fast as I can.I noticed him following behind me.Let him go to hell!I will see his end once I find dad sound and safe.

I halted my car infront of the hospital and rushed towards the reception.I am drenched in sweat and my heart skipped its beat for a second.I am breathing heavily and I am completely oblivious about my surroundings.

"Mr.Sourya Mishra"I mustered all my courage to spell dad's name.

"We didn't find anyone as such"Receptionist nodded and kept a blank face.

"Mr.Sourya Mishra"Tears gushed over my cheeks and I spelt his name again.

"Are you Mr.Prateek Mishra?"I heard someone calling my name behind.I turned around and saw a nurse standing infront of me.

"Come with me Mr.Prateek Mishra.Mr.Mishra wants to meet you"She smiled at me sweetly.I felt a bit releaved to see her smiling.Dad is safe.I thanked god for million times.

I made hefty steps and walked towards a room.

I saw a man lying on bed,His face is covered with mask.I couldn't see his face clearly.I held my breathe mustered my courage and walked towards the bed.

I opened my eyes and settled my gaze on his face.

"Dada ji"Tears are falling over my cheeks.

"Dada ji wants to see you"Dadi came to me and stood beside me.

"Dadi"I hugged her at very next second,"We are longing to see you,He was feeling very uneasy  got admitted last night"She returned me a very warm hug.

"Come here"Dadu removed his mask and gestured me to come near him.

"How are you"He sighed deeply and spoke with some difficulty.

"Fine Dadu"I smiled wiping my tears.

"Dad,Are you okay?"Dad appeared with a sulky face from no where,so suddenly.

"Prateek!"He was totally surprised to see me here.I can see his eyes,they are truly baffled.

"I am fine"Dadu spoke in a very slowly and gestured dad not to worry.Dad smiled at him and looked at Dadi,Went to her and hugged her.

"I survived for two decades just to live this moment"Dadu spoke something which clenched our hearts.

"I want all my children to be there at Aditi's marriage,Pooja will be coming soon"Dadu looked at dad and smiled,a lone tear escaped from his eye.

Dad can't see Dadu suffering,i can see his pain in his eyes,Even I couldn't stop my tears.I felt a hand squeezing my shoulder and surprised to see Sameer.

"Thank you"I mouthed,He smiled.Guilt occupied my heart completely,How I can think as such about him?Such a sweet brother?I cursed him,I lowered my head for a second as I am not ready to confront him.

"I am sorry,I don't know what to do,I felt no other way left.Dadu wants to see you.He wants all his children to be present for Aditi's marriage.Hence played a trick,Sorry bro"He frowned.

A smile escaped from my lips and my face looked funny with a smile and tears falling down profusely.

"Sorry bro!Please forgive me"He dragged me out of the room and hugged me.

"I am sorry"Thats all I could say.

"Common!Don't be so formal.We are all family"He smirked.

"Happy to see you"Aditi di came to us and looked at me smiling happily.

"Di"I smiled and she hugged me instantly.I felt happy that my family has accepted me.It doesn't matter now whether Rohith uncle likes me or not?!I am least bothered now.Now I know what I missed all these days.I missed Mom and Shreya badly.

"Why did you call me here?Why did you want me to stop this deal Sameer?"Dad came to us and asked Sameer.

"What's the use Chachu?"He smiled fakely.

"What?What are you saying Sameer?"Dad looked at him with a pale face.

"Don't go for this deal Chachu,Just claim your share through Court"He said firmly.

"What are you saying?"I looked at him baffled by his words.

"Dad needs to learn a lesson Chachu.He is the eldest son,he has a great responsibility towards his family,He must be the binding force between family members but what he is doing?Let him face this all alone"He said very firmly.

"But...."Dad sighed and looked into his eyes.

"I may sound rude Chachu but how can he keep you people away from us just to satisfy his ego,his prejudice.Let us abandon him for a while,He will come to know how it feels"He banged the door.

"Sameer"Dad placed his hand on Sameer's shoulder.

"Are you okay Sameer?I know something is bothering you?"Dad lifted his head placing his hand on sameer's chin and asked him looking into his eyes.

"There Mom is thriving for him,his love.He just left her brutally all alone like a stranger.How can he?"He hugged dad and crying like a child.

How can he?"He hugged dad and crying like a child

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Prateek met Sameer

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