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Swathi's Pov

"Prateek Mishra"I spelt his name twice, thrice till I get what he is saying?!trying to digest the hardcore reality.

Oh my!How can I miss such a minute thing.I am scowling at my half wit scratching my head in embarrassment.

Yet I didn't get a thing.What is he doing with these property documents?!Rohith sir wants to pledge them as our firm is running in loss.Opho!I sighed in disappointment.

I am completely clueless what is he doing?!But he is a Mishra!So he belongs to Mishra's family.

But why is he hiding his identity.What does he want?Does he want to help them or does he want to destroy them?My mind is pondering with all these thoughts.

"Madam,Sir is asking you"Deepak my assistant came to me and informed me.

Whats next?!I just want to bang my head to the wall opposite to my chair.

"Madam!"He looked at me with confused face as I didn't budge a bit.

"Coming!"I took that file into my hand and marched towards my boss's cabin.

"Oh my god!"I just freaked at the sight,I saw Prateek there in his cabin.

"Good morning sir"I greeted my boss Mr.Rohith Mishra.

"Good morning!"He greeted me back and handed me a file.

"Sir!"I threw a perplexed look and gazed at Prateek.

"Well I have a work for you!"My boss looked at me with a blank face.

"Yes sir!"I stammered I know Prateek is doing something with those papers.

"Give me those papers"He gestrured me to give them to him.

"Sir!"I handed him those papers.

"You know I want to sell these properties and I am waiting for the right time and opportunity"He gave a pause and looked for my reaction.

"Yes sir,I know sir!"I nodded and can't stop gazing at Prateek now and then.

"But there lies a problem with it"He sighed in disappointment suppressing his anger under his breathe.

"Do you know what it is?"He questioned me suddenly.

"No...No sir!"I stuttered.

"My brother Mr.Sourya Mishra holds 33% of shares and is a one of the legal heirs of the property along with dad and myself"He frowned shrugging his shoulders and clenching his fist.

"Sir!"I felt really worried for sudden and completely clueless that what is happening here.

"I want my brother to sign those papers at any cost"He sighed.

"Sir!"I felt really distrubed,What does he mean by this?!He is not paying me for this and I know Prateek is the one who provoked my boss about this.Mr.Rohith Mishra almost lost his hopes as he knows well that its impossible for him to convince his brother about this as they don't share a cordial relationship with each other.

"So!"He glanced at us one after the other with a smug face.

"I want you two to deal this issue,I will give you all powers,You can bribe him,offer him a share,make a deal,go for a collateral contract,Do anything I have no objection but get these papers signed"He looked at us for an answer.

"We will make him sign those papers sir!"Prateek assured him,no no almost promised him.

"We will try our best sir!"I glanced at him with curious eyes,How could be he that much confident?!He is really planning to give me a heart attack with his actions.

"You have to do this for our company Ms.Swathi and I believe Arjun completely what you have to do is just assist him,follow his words"He almost ordered me.

How rude!Mr.Mishra you digging your own grave,Don't believe this man Mr.Mishra,I just want to shout aloud,He holds Mishra beside his name,One day he will claim himself as your heir.I think he is here for money thats why he mentioned about money.Oh god!

I am getting weird thoughts,My mind is pondering over an hour.I just looked at Prateek who is smirking at me all the time.

"Okay sir!"I just nodded in return as I don't know what to say.

"You may go now"He send both of us from his cabin.

"What was that Swathi"Prateek sniled at me devilishly.

"What'!"I stammered,see his presence is doing its worst on me.

"Are you a Spy?Why do you trace my actions,You snooped around my cabin and checked my call data"He accused me.

"What?"I felt a lump in my throat and chocked for a second.

"No!"I defended.

"Then what is it?"He showed me a video in his phone.

I just shocked,How could I forget about Cctv footage.I cursed myself for doing such a silly mistake.I should have thought about cctvs in office once before entering his room.

"I never thought that you will stoop to such a level"He looked into my eyes bowing his head a bit to match my height.

"No!I just wanted to meet you once in the morning,So I came to your room,You weren't there and saw this file there accidentally and I got suspicious over you"I said in a go without looking at him,closing my eyes.I know his eyes are so poweful and very manipulative.

"Oh really!"He raised his brow frowning all the way.

"Please let me go!"I stepped ahead without looking at him as don't want his explanation.He will bluff I know his tactics.

"I need an answer Swathi,I demand an explanation"He shouted at me from my behind.

I didn't halt or whirl I am moving ahead,I was there just to talk to him but things there dragged my attention.

"You have to be with me if not I will show this to our boss"He blackmailed me.

"What?"My heart stopped beating.I can't do this,I cant decieve my boss!

"You have no choice!"He smirked.

"You have no choice!"He smirked

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No choice left truly.....;);)

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