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Swathi's Pov

Finally our marriage got fixed and it will be in the next month.Ananya aunty is very busy with arrangements.

I am currently staying with Shreya.We are living in a flat owned by Sourya uncle.He used to live here once with his family.

Shreya is busy in getting admission from a local college,She is in her last semester of graduation so really she is busy with her versity works.

I am waiting for Prateek at the Central Mall.I learnt that Prateek met his Dada and Dadi.It has been two damn days and he hasn't mentioned a single word about this to me.I learnt it from Shreya and felt sad.This is not the first time he is hide things from me.I am habituated to this.

Why men are like this?They behave so strangely.I know the only man in my life is my dad and the impact he had on me is completely insane.

I tapped the table impatiently and looked around for Prateek my gaze suddenly stopped on a girl infront of me.

Why is she here?She should be at home?What made her to come here?I am truly speechless at the thought,Is she in any danger?I am about to call Prateek.

I saw an young man walking behind her and begging her with teary eyes.He is following her all the time.

I picked my phone and dialled her number.My eyes are tracing her every movement.

She didn't picked my call moreover cut the call abruptly.How could she?How can she cut my call as such?I felt angry at her for a second.I sighed deeply and followed her.

She went and occupied a chair and he followed her and occupied the opposite chair to her.

I went and sat far from them and observing them,their expressions.Though it is a bit difficult for me to listen their conversation,I can see that they both are bickering at each other.

"I hate you"She shouted at him and left the place as such.

He slumped there on the floor and bellowed in pain.

"Shreya,Stop!I am sorry"He shouted and he is dragging everyone's attention.

"Shreya,I love you"He said crying again.

"I hate you Arjun,Get out of my life"She shouted on the top of her lungs and ran away without a word.

Is he Arjun?Is he alive?My heart dropped for a second.Is he still alive?If yes?!Why would Shreya hide the thing from us?I stood there like a rock.

"Shreya!"He woke up with teary eyes and walked towards the exit.

I followed him without a thought.He went to his car and crying profusely.I felt weird and my heart missed it rythm,It is beating a bit fast.

He is genuinely guilty for his actions.I can see it in his eyes yet I don't know what happened between them but I can see that these two are so hurt.

Shreya can't love him any more and Arjun can't stop himself from loving her more.I felt sad,Why would so?!.

It took two more hours and I reached our flat atlast.I am worried about Shreya.I went in and saw her sitting on couch cross legged with laptop on her lap.

Her eyes are so red and plumpy.I know I have to talk her about the things that had happened in the mall but I am not that much intimate to her.

What about Prateek?Will he ever forgive Arjun for the thing he has done to her?I don't know,I don't know what is happening around me but I have promised Arjun that I will keep everything a secret.I sighed and walked in.

"Hai"I greeted Shreya with a smile.

"Hai"Shreya kept her laptop aside and smiled at me.

"Have you met bro?"She asked me.I twirled and answered her"No" I was about to go to my room.

"What?"She asked raising her eyebrows with a disappointed face.

"He is not lifting my phone even"I waved my phone in air and twisted my lips,shrugging my shoulders.

"Really?"She almost screamed and stood up from her chair.

"Yes"I nodded and smiled sadly.

"Let me handle this"She is searching for her phone angrily.

"Please,Shreya leave it"I sighed and reached my room in a strode.

"Prateek"I heard Shreya calling his name and I whirled to see Prateek standing infront of us.

"Bhaiyya"Shreya who was angry at her brother till a second ago went to him and hugged him with all her love.

"Shreya"He took her face into his hands,cupped her cheeks and placed a peck on her forehead.

"How are you?"She sighed and asked dragging him to the couch.

"I am fine,How about you?"He asked her yet I can see he was observing me all the time.He is tracing my every movement from the corner of his eye.

"Busy with versity works, one more semester left"She waved papers in air and pouted sadly.

Prateek laughed at her expression and slapped her cheek playfully.

"Swathi,Will you fetch me a glass of water please"He talked to me so suddenly which made me twitch.

"Sure"I lowered my head and went into kitchen.

My heart is occupied with overwhelming guilt.I am in a sort of moral dilemma.I am helping Arjun,Am I doing a wrong thing?What if Prateek comes to know about it.What will be his reaction?My legs are wobbling and hands are literally shivering.

I almost dropped the water glass in my hand,My eyes are filled with tears,I shook my head and wiped my tears.

Suddenly a strong hand embraced my waist and I spun around to see Prateek's,his dark black eyes.

I am dumbstruck to see My prateek standing infront of me holding my waist with a hand and my hand with his other hand.

"I am sorry"He striked my lips and mumbled against my lips.

"Shreya?!"Thats all I could manage to say.

"She went out for something,I am sorry,I couldn't come to mall,Forgive me Swathi,Please talk to me"He nuzzled his nose in my neck and spoke softly.

"I am not angry with you"I looked away.

"What about this?"He caught a lone tear escaping from my eye and smiled at me sadly.

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