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Prateek's Pov

Another week passed still I couldn't come out from that pain.Swathi is behaving totally strange,She is hiding things from me,I saw here stealing a file from our manager's cabin.She didn't bother to say a single word with me about it.She is just throwing us in risk because of her insanity.I supressed my anger just to keep up our relationship healthy but it becoming hard for me to forgive her,her deceitful actions.

Krithik came to my cabin and sat infront of me.I just ignored his glare and working with my laptop.He is so stringent and truly knows how to gets on my nerves.He is purposefully passing some silly comments on me.

I didn't heed them.

"Stop acting like a stupid yar!"Krithik just smiled at me pleading with his eyes.This time he just won my heart.

"Whats your problem Krithik?"I closed my laptop and looked at him with a pair of questioning eyes,trying my best to pretend anger.

"I am sorry"He smiled sadly yet he could maintain the spark in his eyes,they are just startling.

"I am not angry with you Krithik"I just tried my best to smile back,I hope I am somewhat succeeded.

"Really?"He smiled happily and this time I couldn't stop my grin.

"Yes!"I nodded and tilted my head to steal a glance at Swathi's cabin.I could see Swathi working on her laptop a bit seriously.I sighed and looked back at Krithik.

"Is everything okay with you both?"I mumbled scribbling something on my file.Hope they sorted out everything.

"What?!"He fumbled and smiled shyly at the very next second.He is blushing!I just looked at his eyes they are so bright.

"Yes!I just apologized her for my half wit and by God's grace she accepted me heartily"He chuckled.

"Great!Happy to hear it from you but still it's hard for me to believe that you just absconded like that with out a word."I shook my head and frowned.Still I am very much angry with him for doing such.

"I cut your call ruthlessly I didn't find peace there after,Several thoughts popped into my mind,they are really frightening,What just mattered the most is Avni's!"He sighed and looked at me with apologetic face.

"Avni was very much shattered and was not at all willing to contact either you or Swathi.I still don't know how would Swathi react to this situation?"I shrugged my shoulders in uncertainty.

"Don't you know?Swathi met Avni last night,both the friends got succeded in patching up their friendship.I am happy for them.I am really surprised that Swathi didn't tell you about this"Krithik said a bit hesitantly.He looks totally shocked by my confession which rose my anger to peaks.I just looked at Swathi's cabin with cold eyes.

What is happening to her?I didn't say a word but it never mean that she can do anything.I am not a fool to compel her to ask me permission for a every single decision of her but atleast she has the responsibility of letting me know the things.

I closed my eyes for a second and said sighing a bit"May be she is busy?"

"May be she is"Krithik is giving his best convincing look just to make me believe my very lame cause.

"Ha ha"I laughed hopelessly curling my lips.

I can't speak anything more.I tilted my head and looked at Swathi who is really busy with her work on laptop.I can truly demand an explanation for her strange behaviour but something is stopping,May be my love towards her is still unwilling to question her loyalty.I can see my eyes became so wet.

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