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Prateek's POV

"What are you going to do?"Swathi asked me for the hundredth time with a sulky expression on her face.

"I told you that we are going to Chennai to meet Mr.Sourya Mishra."I smiled at her,still she looks so tensed.I wanted to tell here everything but I have a pleasant surprise for her.I know she will be enthralled for sure.

"What will you do?How will you convince him?"She kept a blank face void of all emotions.

"We will be going to Chennai tomorrow so be patient for twelve to fourteen hours,"I smiled lowering my head a bit.

"I just want to tell you one thing that I just need this job at any cost,I am really desperate,So I will leave the thing to you,I will leave it your ethics and morals.Please don't steal my mom's memories from me"She said a bit seriously very calmly.

I got intrigued by her last sentence.What had happened to her mom and what is she talking about memories.As far I know Swathi is doing this job for something else that money.If she was joined in any another MNC she would have offered twice the amount but she has a very strong reason behind this,I am trying my best to find out the reason behind her.

"I promise you that my intentions are very pure and crystal clear, I am a Mishra and I don't want my family to suffer more. The anguish, agony they faced in all these years is enough.I want them to be happy,I want to unite my family members who parted away in their own ways almost two decades ago,I am here to make them realise their mistakes, I am trying to unite those two brothers who got seperated two decades ago because of me.I am here to show them that i am thriving to be a part of their family.I just want to tell them that I love them with all my heart and what all I need is their love and not their legacy."I said to her without talking a second to gaze at her.I know she will know everything by tomorrow but I don't want her to misunderstand me.

I was just acting a bit a play full with her but when she talked about morals and ethics I thought I need to give her a clue at least.

She stood there glancing at me all the time watching my emotions,She got bewildered on hearing what I say.

"Means...?She asked me very innocently.

"I will let you know everything tomorrow"I assured her and walked away with a smirk.

"Hai!"I saw Krithik chilling out in my flat soon I entered the hall.

"Hai!"I greeted him back.

"What about Avni?Did she forgive you?Have you sorted out everything with her?!"I couldn't stop myself from asking the questions though I found his face sullen and depressed.

"No yar!"He nodded and looked away keeping a sad place.

"We going to Chennai to meet dad because of an office work"I said him the truth.

"Who?!aren't you going alone?!"He gave a quizzical expression.

"Swathi is also coming with me"I couldn't stop beam and
the gleam in my eyes.

"Oooo!"Kritik laughed making situation a bit lively felt my old Kritik my friend is back for a second.

I have decided I will deal this Avni matter,I don't know what have happened between them but I will try my best to sort it out.I promised my friend and just smiled at him

I know Swathi will help me in this issue,Such a sincere and sweet girl,A smile creeps on my lips unintentionally when ever I think about her.I just want to cup here cheeks and pinch them whenever she keeps a pouty face.

Next morning

I am waiting for Swathi outside of her house in my car.I am truly thrilled as today is our unofficial long drive.We are going travel for 6 and half hours all alone in my car.I am sure it will help us to learn a lot about each other.Yet I don't think my Ms.Rebellious Nervous Queen would allow me to do What I wanted to do badly.

"Good morning"I greeted her I couldn't stop gaping my jaw soon I saw her in a bottle green colour Kurthi,Though she looks a bit chubby she is always vulptuous,captivating and ravishing beauty to me.A beauty with pure soul,I am lucky to have her in my life.I always draw plessure simply by bantering with her and I don't know whether she noticed it ever.At the end of the day it's me who sorts out every thing,who clarifies her doubts. I know I will let her know everything by this evening. I want to take her to my Mom and Dad.I want to let her know my secret,my murky past once before I propose her,I don't want to hide this things from her. I won't.

"So,What are you going to do?Will please let me know what are your intentions behind all this?I am even worried to travel with a person who's actions are truly suspicious"She looked at me raising a brow.

"I promised you already and I don't feel resentful to admit you again that I am here just to unite our family,And my parents thought me how to respect a girl. so don't worry I won't do anything which will annoye you or i wont take advantage of you at vulnerable situations.I am a man it doesn't mean that I crave for physical pleasure.We,Men too have heart and we do feel all emotions like you,Women.But what's the basic difference is our response to the situation"I smiled casually and said in a composed tone.

She didn't say anything just got into the car and we started our journey, eagerly waiting for it...

Let us go!"She just nodded back and shunning me completely. I got hurt by her actions and keep driving without a word.

Shreya's POV

Messages are flooding into my inbox,Whtsapp.Who is this guy and What does he wants from me.

"My heart jumps up when ever I look and feel you until my stupid brain realises it as my beautiful dream"He texted me.

What does he want?and whom should I get help?!

Suddenly I got an idea and I need a person to execute the plan.

Suddenly I got an idea and I need a person to execute the plan

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Swathi ignoring Prateek.

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