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Swathi's Pov

I was truly touched by his words,his eyes are so sharp and holding all those emotions.I am eager to learn about him,the reason behind his behaviour,his intentions.

Anyway he will reveal them by this evening,The thought made me feel relieved a lot.I was just dying in guilt as I thought that I am deceiving my boss Mr.Rohith.Happily I wasn't.A smile creeped on my lips automatically

"Do you want to eat anything"He spoke to me almost after an hour but not in his usual tone,It seems he was hurt by my words.What I am supposed to do now? Probably apologise him?!No way!!

"Are you hungry?"He asked me again snapping his fingers on my face.

"Yes"I give up this time and accepted the fact that I am hungry.

"Just wait a second,I will bring you something."He got down from our car went into the bakery our car halted before.

"Take this!"He knocked at the half opened car door asking me to take the sandwich he is holding in his hand.

"Thank you!"I mouthed and fumbled for a second as it is a bit hot.

"Careful,It's hot!"I heard his murmur followed by a wan smile on his face.

"You should've warned me before handing it to me"I muttered under my breathe don't think he heard my words.

"You were too quick!"He too muttered something and I smiled widely this time,He is a very tough contender he doesn't want to listen a single word against him at anytime,What ever the time it may be!Too proud to handle.I looked away.

"Just two more hours"He came and said buckling his seatbelt.

"Huu!"I nodded and looked away.

"I was about to confess everything to you at Ocean Park but it's my ill luck you got to know about it pretty earlier.You know I was lack of words,I was totally disturbed to see Sameer there,thriving for life in pool of blood."He looked at me with a pale face.

"Me too,I know Sameer from my childhood.We are friends and I was truly worried for him"I sighed, took a pause and continued

"I became totally suspicious over you next day as I found your messages to Sameer.I was speechless,You are the one who called him to Ocean park"I looked at him for my answer.

"Yes,I met him early in the morning and we just had a chat for ten minutes"He said sincerely.

"How can I trust you?"I asked him as such that I don't want to believe his words.

"I have already told you My motto and my intentions that what's you call them right?!"He frowned and shrugged his shoulders.

"Really?!"I asked raising my brows I don't think he would've done that if things went right for him.

"Yes!You have to believe it as it is the truth!"He said tapping his fingers on the steering impatiently.

"Okay,I believe you!Now tell me do you have anything left to confess or say?!"I looked straight into his eyes with a sheepish grin on my lips.Look!I ended up getting on his nerve.He deserves it for making me quiver like a pigeon.

"I love you"He said something which my heart used to crave to listen from him during my college days.I was waiting there for his one damn glance but not now.His words hit me like a strong Storm,a tornado!He is a jerk!I don't know why I just want to pummel his rocky chest till he lay down!Still a part of me felt like floating on moon,I admit It's hard for me to swallow the grin which is about appear on my lips,and stay uneffected by his words.I know I am blushing still I am managing myself to stay calm.I still don't know a lot of things about him.I don't want to end up hurting my heart which is a delicate and vulnerable one.I would prefer to wear a vail or mask to my emotions till he reveal all the things to me clearly.

"What are you uttering?"I looked at him with a quizzical face.

"I mean what I say!I love you Ms.Swathi.I love you to moon and back to infinity forever and ever"He said in a dramatic way this time winking this time.Devil is back! Handsome.I sighed in disappointment.

"Ahh!"I am looking here and there searching for words.

"I am not a fraud as you think Swathi.I am Mr.Mishra's grandson.I am Mr.Sourya's son.I am here to unite my family,Those two brothers who departed away a long ago.You know I am reason behind it."He said with a sulky expression on his face.

"What?"That's what I could able to say as I am completely shocked by these sudden revelations.Epiphany hit me so hard that it almost bring nausea to me.I grabbed the water bottle before me and took a gulp of water to calm down my racing brain.

I am happy he is not a fraud and more over he loves me.I realised this is not a moment to sink,it is a moment of ecstasy.I just want to get down from our car and dance.It took a second to meet his eyes yet I successfully controlled my feelings.

"You know I am not born to my mom and dad.I am not their biological child.They adopeted and fostered me as their child,They love me and I just love them.For us that's enough.They were abandoned by our family just because they stood with me at my ill time,They didn't leave my hand"Tears are welled up in his eyes.I just can't see his gloony face.I never thought his handsome face is hiding a murky past from everyone.I pity him.Now I feel bad to become suspicious over him.

"I am sorry!"I murmured lowering my head a bit.

"I was a fool I can't notice my feelings towards you.I wasn't smart enough to know the Cupid game played by Krithik.If I have had a enough clue about my feelings towards you I wouldn't have taken a second to confess them to you.I don't want to build a relationship on a lie"He looked at me expecting an answer.

To be continued......

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