Bonus Chapter

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Prateek's Pov

I woke up with a smile next morning.I looked around and saw Swathi sleeping peacefully still wrapped up in bedsheets.I got worried for a while remembering her expressions last night.She cried for a second and I noticed tears flowing from her eyes.I looked at her again and placed a peck on her forehead.

She didn't open her eyes but mumbled something in sleep.I laughed at her expression and sat beside her.

"Swathi"I took her into my lap and patted her cheek gently.Though I hate her waking up much early I am helpless as we have to get ready in time.I know we slept a bit lately as we made love for more than twice.Still a part of me feels bad for giving her some pain yet a part of me is elited to make her mine.

"Swathi"I patted her cheek again slowly.

"Prateek"She opened her eyes slowly smiling a bit yawing a little.

"Good morning"I placed a peck on her lips and hugged her instantly.

"Good morning"She said clinging her hands around my neck.

"Wake up sleeping beauty,Wake up,We may get late"I whispered in her ears smirking.

"What?"She asked knitting her eyebrows and trying to open her eyes.She rubbed her eyes instantly and noticed that she is still wrapped up in a bed sheet.She moved a bit and looked at me and wallclock fluttering her eyelashes hastily.

"It's almost 6"She tightened her grip over the bedsheet which is about to slump down.Her cheeks became red out of embarrassment and just hugged me tightly burrying her head in my chest.

I rubbed her back circles gently asking her to calm down.

"Are you okay?Your expressions frightened me last night!Did I hurt you?"I dragged her to me and placed a peck on her lips.

"No,I am fine.You are so sweet"She smiled and patted my cheek assuringly.

"Leave me dear,We need to get ready soon"I whispered in her ear.

"Get out I need to change"She said still burrying her face in my chest.

"What?"I laughed at her words.

"Please Prateek!"She lowered her head hugging those sheats more closer.

"Who stopped you Swathi"I raised my hands in air and sat there on bed crossing my legs.

"Stupid,get out"She slapped my cheek playfully and budged me with one hand.

I know I can't tease her more so I stepped down from bed and went out smiling inwardly.

I took a second and opened the door suddenly and saw her wrapped up in a towel and making her hair a bun.

"Stupid!"Swathi walked to the door and closed it on my face.

"Ha ha"I laughed loudly.

"Prateek"Swathi came wearing a red colour saree after half an hour.

"Breakfast ready darling"I said smiling madly at her,She looks so pretty in this saree

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"Breakfast ready darling"I said smiling madly at her,She looks so pretty in this saree.I have no clue when did she bring those sarees yet her choice is too good.

"So sweet of you Prateek.You made it?"She pinched my cheek and sat beside me.


Yes"I nodded and showed the kitchen in suite.

"How sweet?!"She looked at me praising me with her eyes.I know she is looking at a new Prateek in me who is so caring and pampering her.What can I do if she looks so cute?

"We need to reach airport in an hour"I said taking a bit and chewing it diverting our topic.For god sake she is making me blush with her intense gaze and praising session.

"I am ready and I know you have packed the stuff early in the morning.I heard some noise opened my eyes and saw you packing all these.I am sorry Prateek I was soo sleepy couldn't get up.But you are such a sweet husband"She pinched my cheek blushing all the way.Damn!This girl knows how to kill me..

"No problem dear.I Love you.Don't spell that word Sorry again otherwise you know what I am capable of."I leaned a bit and placed a peck on her forehead smirking.

"Love you too Prateek!"She smiled and looked at me,my eyes for a second.

"Such a beautiful night"I whispered in her ear making her blush she instantly broke our eyelock and looked away.

We started eating our breakfast in silence blushing and avoiding each other's gaze but I am enjoying this new level of intimacy.I am feeling truly different. We grew more closer and it feels like heaven.

We get down from car and reached airport in time.We are sitting in Plane buckling our seat belts getting ready for our flight back to our place.

"I am lucky to have you in my life"She said holding my sleeve firmly and placing her head on my shoulder.

"We both are lucky"I corrected her sentence and looked into her moist eyes.

"Are you okay?I am sorry if I hurt you"I clasped my hand with her and asked her in a worried tone.

"Don't worry Prateek.I am absolutely fine."She smiled at me wiping those tears in the corner of her eye.

"Don't know why but I was really worried about you"I mumbled.

"I scolded you,misunderstood you manytimes still you forgave me so easily how could you?"She asked me sniffing her nose and wiping those tears.

"I love you"I can't say anything more than this.So I smiled calmly repeating my words twice or thrice.

"I love you too"She smiled and tightened her grip over my sleeve.

"Thank you for making this trip so memorable"She spoke huskily in my ear making me razzle once again remembering me those moments again.

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