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Kritik's Pov

"Why are you doing all this?"She stood there gazing at me with her beautiful eyes which are simply taking away my breathe.

"Avni"I spoke her name looking into her beautiful mesmerizing eyes.

"What do you want Kritik?"She came straight to my office soon she came to know about our plan through Swathi.I was expecting her at Ocean Park this evening but see she is here infront of me,At lunch break.I chuckled at the thought.Jealousy!She felt jealous and came running to me,My office.

"Don't you know what do I what My dear sweet Avni?"I whispered in her ear,standing behind her hiding.

"What?!I don't know!"She whirled and stumbled for a second,some how managed to stand composed and is gazing into my eyes.

"Why are you running away from me Avni?What is your problem?"I became gloomy all of a sudden and I stepped ahead as she moved back,

I grabbed the opportunity and looking into her eyes fervently expecting an answer pinning her to wall.

"Don't you know what is my problem?Don't you?"She threw a death glare with teary eyes  clutching my collar very tightly.Oh god!Her eyes speaks million emotions,thousand expressions.

"Ah!It has happened some ages ago Avni.If you don't love me you wouldn't have come here running all the way."I fixated my eyes on her just fascinated by her alluring lips though I know she is angry with me.

"Shut up,I don't love you anymore.Can't you see that and I  came here running to save my friend's life not just because I love you or I have feelings for you"She laughed at me sarcastically.

"Avni"My voice raised very quickly,Oh god!What did I do?!

"Did I say anything wrong?"She bellowed in pain,Suddenly her face became sullen and I just lowered my head in guilt.

"Please yaar!"I suddenly became helpless not knowing what to do,I didn't hurt her purposefully,She misunderstood me terribly.

"I love you Avni.I love you a lot,Please yar,It was an accident."That's what I could say.

"Nope!You are a ......"She looked away.

"Avni"I shouted in rage.

"Bye bye Mr.Kritik"She left me there all alone to my thoughts.

"AVNI"I stood there shouting her name twice,thrice,but she didn't respond,just left me as such.

Prateek's Pov

"Are you okay?"I rushed out from my car and caught Sameer in time from falling

"I am fine"He managed to say those three words with half opened eyes.

"Oh my god!"Swathi screamed and is holding his right shoulder  with her scarf which is bleeding heavily.

"Sameer,Sameer!Are you okay?"Swathi is tapping his cheek in a hurry.

"Do you know him?"I asked her quickly.

"What?!"She looked at me with questioning face.

"Do you know him?"I stuttered.

"Is that necessary?"She asked me a bit curtly.

"Sorry!"I mouthed and looked around.People are still running around hastily in confusion.

"Help me"I nodded at her and we took him to our car and made him sit in the back seat.

I drove my car to the near by hospital,Swathi was very busy in making calls to someone,I don't know whon she is calling but she is addressing the opposite person as "Diti".She informed her about Sameer.She will be coming to hospital soon.

"Diti"She rushed to a girl who may be a year or two elder to us soon we got out from the car.

"Sameer"She ran to our car soon we got down.

"Calm down Dithi!,He is fine.He got a couple of injuries,one on his right shoulder and other is to his right ankle.Nothing to worry,He will be fine"Swathi patted her back and assured her.

I went straight to the reception and made certain arrangements.Staff just got stretcher and we successfully took him to doctor in time,I am truly relieved.Though I met him few minutes ago,I already started adoring him as my brother,Yes!He is my brother.

He was sent to doctor in time and they are doing the treatment.I prayed god for his speedy recovery.I just want to see my family once but felt gloomy as I thought about them,they would shatter on hearing the news.

"Dithi,Don't worry"Swathi is holding her hand firmly.She looks so bold and attentive unlike the girl with whom I work.She is truly unbelievable,always a surprise package to me.

"Dada ji!"Swathi said looking at an oldman coming to us sweating profoundly,making hefty footsteps hastily.He seems to be very familiar to me,I am thinking!

"Dada ji!"Other girl Dithi stood up and hugged him sobbing.

"How is he?"He fumbled a bit.

"Doctors are treating him"She said wiping her tears away.

"Everything will be fine!"He caressed her head and kissed her forehead.

"Dadu"She gave a wan smile.

I felt sad to see her like that,A nurse came to her and handed her a Proforma.

"You need to fill this"She pointed at the columns.

"By the way who are you?"She asked "Dithi" looking at her.

"He is my brother Sameer Mishra"She said swallowing a gulp.

"I am Mr.Mishra,Chairman of Mishra group of Industries.He is my grandson.What do you want me to do"He,that old man came forward and took the paper into his hands.

I couldn't believe what he is saying,He is my Dada ji,He is my dad's father.I can't believe my eyes.I ended up crying.I just whirled and trying hard to control my tears.

Guilt occupied my heart so overwhelmingly,Dad missed all of them because of me.

Guilt occupied my heart so overwhelmingly,Dad missed all of them because of me

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Prateek feeling guilty

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