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Prateek's Pov

Eerie of silence.I went to our room and saw Swathi weeping hugging a pillow tightly,wrapping her hands around it like a child.I sat beside her and hugged her from side.I placed a peck on her forehead and cheek.I brushed my lips on her cheeks.She shuddered in my hands for my touch,a small smile appeared on my lips.I know my touch effects her and she needs lots and lots of resistance to resist her hormones now.

"We will be back.I promise you we will be back soon.It's for a reason."I placed a peck on her head.

"Really?"She didn't turn her head asked me looking at the wall with a blank face.

"I promise you that we will be back after a month"I turned her towards me and kissed her lips.She didn't respond.I felt sad and withdrew from kiss and felt like hurting her.I know she need answers and I am ready to tell her everything once we reach there.Just a night,I will let her know everything.

"Then why did you sell all your properties and transferred all the properties to other's name"She mumbled.

"I can't sat you anything dear but I will keep up my promise.Please smile a bit."I hugged her tightly and kissed her lips again fervently.She didn't budge at all yet my senses are not allowing me to leave her lips.I budged her,nibbed her lower lip still she remained so stubborn.

"Please,I beg you,talk to me.Please please"I burried my head in her neck and licked it for a second moving my hand around her waist tickling her belly and pinching it seductively.

"What are you doing?"Her voice became so screechy.

"Don't you know?!"I bite her lip this time

"Please stop this"She sprang up from bed and looked at with sharp eyes.I felt like rejected for the first time and scowled myself.What did I do?What was I about to do?I shook my thought and sighed passing my hand through my hair.

"Is it the time to romance Prateek?You took a decision and least bothered to  ask me and consider my opinion.And now you just walked into the room like we are happy couple and...!ahhhh"She threw a disgusting look at me.This time I am really hurt by her words I know she is undergoing a turmoil but don't know why this time her words are like venom.I gulped and stepped back.

"I am sorry I never meant to say this,Actually I don't want to leave this place.I have a family after a longtime.You know I never felt this in my lifetime.I got a mom and you are asking me to leave everything,everyone behind and accompany you.It's not fair Prateek."She slumped there on the bed and sobbing uncontrollably.

"I am sorry Swathi"I gasped and looked at Swathi.We couldn't meet our eyes.My heart filled with guilt and it was like stabbed and betrayed.I don't know when my eyes became so wet and I rubbed my eyes for a second.

She didn't look at me at all and she slept there on the bed sobbing.

I woke her up at 6pm and she didn't speak anything.We just spoke very little just for the sort of communication.

"Get ready"I mumbled,we are sitting in the hall and she is watching something on Tv which I am least interested.

"Okay"She didn't ask me anything,Simply walked into our room like a doll or a machine.

"Won't you ask me where we are going?"I asked her quickly.

"As you really worry about my opinion?!"She shook her head and left me baffled with her answer.

I didn't answer her anything.I took her to her house and my FIL,Swathi's dad opened the door.

"Dad"Swathi hugged him with a bright face which brought a smile on my lips.

"How are you Swathi?Come in both of you?"He welcomed us warmly.

She looked around and house looks so neat and tidy.

"Dad,you did it?"She asked him with a smile on her face.She facepalmed and looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"Yes!"He smiled and they both left to kitchen.I sat there in the hall.

They both came back with coffee mugs and smiling.

I took a coffee mug hesitantly and smiled at them fakely.

"Dad we are leaving to Singapore tomorrow"She said a bit sadly.

"I know,Prateek told me everything.I am happy for you both.You people will be here after a month.Right Prateek!?Well I am going to miss you"He kissed his forehead.

"Oh!So you know it!Great"She grinned at me fakely.

Suddenly my phone started ringing I excused myself and went out.I talked to Deepika Gupta my aunts daughter.My dad's neice who lives in Singapore.She assured me that she will help me and made arrangements for our stay.I felt happy and walked towards the maindoor.I was about to step in but Swathi's sobs stopped me.

Is she crying?But why?!I felt helpless for a while?But why is she behaving as such,I can't understand why is everyone making it an issue.Its for a month.

"I don't know what is happening dad"She mumbled I stood there listening to her words their conversation.

"I don't know whether I could see you all again?"She let a sob out from her mouth and wiped those tears.

"Don't suspect Prateek.He loves you a lot.He was the one who saved me when Mr.Rohith used me.I took pics of Prateek moving with Avni just to make you believe that he is having an affair with her.Like any father I was worried despite knowing it he saved me from Mr.Rohith and helped me like a son"He sighed..

"I was a fool to believe Mr.Rohith I gave him those pictures without a second thought.Later I learnt that Avni was Krithik's lover and Prateek adores her like a sister.I begged Mr.Rohith not to use those pics he just threw me out on road and his men beat me brutally"A tear escaped from his eye.

"Prateek and his dad found me in time and admitted me to hospital.He took me to your flat and Took care that I could reach you safely and healthy at the time of your wedding.Remember the day before your wedding"He smiled and hugged Swathi.

"Really?"She asked him like a child.

"Yes"He nodded.

"I know he is in a kind of worry or danger or something is bothering him.Just be with him,support him.He will definitely let you know the reason Don't worry he promised me that you will be back after a month."He patted her shoulder.

"Love you Dad,Thanks"She smiled at him and he just planted a kiss on her forehead.

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