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Two days back
Prateek's Pov

Red signal

I halted my car infront of the traffic light at junction.

I wanted to meet Swathi and share my happiness with her

"Leave me"She shouted.I turned and saw a very familiar face in very next car.

I peeped my head through window and saw her there in her brother's car.Its been almost a month I haven't seen her anywhere.She is there in car but she is crying

When did he get the bail?I looked at Ashok who occupied the driver seat,Where Avni is sitting beside him.

He is holding her wrist tightly and controlling the steering with other hand.

She is looking around for help"Avni" atlast I could say her name a bit loudly.

Her eyes are searching everywhere to trace out the source of her name.Her eyes landed on my car and they are gleaming with hope.

"Avni"I shouted her name again signing her to stay calm.

Ashok who is busy with his phone averted his gaze on me,my car.I lowered my head and thankfully he looked away.

I signed at Avni to be quiet for a while.I am following him slowly behind his car.I am maintaing a safe distance so that he can't guess that I am following him.

He stopped his car before an old building and dragged her out of his car.He snatched her hand and took her into the building making very hasty steps.

I am following behind him hiding myself.It was a very old building not in a good condition which has to be demolished quickly.Walls of the buildings are showing cracks all over and wooden doors are broken here and there and were bore by termites.

I went to a window from where I can see him,listen his voice.

"You can't do this to me"Avni shouted in rage.

"Why?Why can't I?"He raised his eyebrow and said fuming at her.

"Bhaiyya,Please"She joined her hands and begged him.

"How dare you tried to bribe my lawyer?You told him that you don't want me to get out of jail.You prayed for the rejection of my bail petition.Why so?"He outraged.

"I don't want you to commit more mistakes.I want to you to be safe"She cried and looked at him with all her and sincerity and honesty in her eyes.

"Oh really?How do you think that I will believe you?"He shouted again.

"Because it's the truth, because I am your sister and I do care for you"She is crying snuggling herself,dragging her legs towards her face and covering it with her hands.

"Have you gone mad?He killed our father.He that B*** Mishra is responsible for our father's death and here you instead of thinking about revenge giving lectures to me.I pity you"He looked away stood there impatiently tapping his legs and rubbing his nape.

"I know you hate me still I want you to be safe.It doesn't matter whether you treat me as your sister or not you are my brother.It is a fact and I don't want my brother to be named as a criminal"She said swallowing her sob and looking at him passionately with a wan smile on her face,Tears are gushed from her eyes and I felt sad for her.

"You decieved me,my trust.You fell in love with that guy and helped his friend,You did everything just to please your so called boyfriend.I hate you,I hate you to hell.I know that my sister would never do that"He said gritting his teeth,clenching his fist firmly.

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