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I am republishing this chapter as I felt it a bit confusing.Now new version of chapter will be fine hope so.

Swathi's Pov

I was waiting for him at the joggers park early in the morning.I know he will be sad if he comes to know that I haven't given those photos to Shreya.Hence want to shut my mouth about it for a while.

I am looking all around impatiently rolling my eyes and myself drenched in sweat.

"Hai"I heard him smiling at me with a hope in his eyes.

"Are you okay?"He looked at me and questioned me with a quizzical expression.

"Yes!"I nodded and looked around I don't know why I think someone is following me,Strange!I sighed

"Have you given that cover to Shreya?"He enquired me.

"No"I looked away,I don't know what to do truly,I saved him committing from a mistake,He was about to commit suicide and I saved him on the day I saw him very first time at mall.

Yes!I saved Arjun and he wasn't letting me go away.He is begging me to make him meet Shreya again.I don't know what had happened between them but I pity him.I am worried What if I stop talking with him?What if he tries to commit suicide again?I don't know how to deal this.Moreover he is forcing me to hide it from Prateek but god knows it's impossible for me to hide things from Prateek.

He needs a psychiatrist as he is under depression.I am trying my best to make an appointment with him without his consent but I am failing all the times.

I don't know what had just happened between Shreya and Arjun.If he had did something so terrible will Shreya forgive me for supporting him?I don't know what their problem is actually.

"You didn't?"He looked at me seriously.

"She wasn't at home"I tried to lie but it is the damn truth.

"Oh!"He felt sad all of a sudden.

"Why did you call me to come here?"I asked him surpassing my anger.

"I will let you know once I sort out everything but I want you to do something"He muttered under his breathe.

"What again?"I gritted my teeth swallowing my anger.

"It's for the sake of Prateek"He smiled nervously.

"New tender quote number which will be quoted by Ashok and his friends,Please ask Prateek to propose a quote less than this number"He handed a file to me.

My eyes widened in astonishment.What was that?!How did he find it?Is he related to Ashok?Am I doing a wrong thing?Several things are running in my mind.

He snapped his finger bringing me out my thoughts.

"Don't think I am a Ashok's man or spy,I got it through a friend who works in his company"He answered my unspoken question with a pair of pleading eyes.

I couldn't talk anything except stared at him with bug eyes.

"I can assure you that I am harmless,Please believe me"He asked holding his hands.

I stood up and about to leave,I can't stay here anymore.

"Swathi"He called me again,What again I twirled to saw Prateek

I am shocked to see Prateek here.How does he know that I am here in Joggers park.Did he overheard the conversation between me and Arjun on phone last night?Or it was just a coincidence.I wanted to ask him but shut my mouth.

What should I say to him now?I am searching for words.He didn't ask me anything but his intense gaze is questioning her helpless soul to give an answer.

His gaze averted from me and fixated on the guy Arjun who left from here just a fraction of second ago.

Prateek's Pov

I reached Joggers park early in the morning to find who is that mysterious guy,may be girl.I don't know who he may be buy this guy is truly making my girl sad.

I walked hastily towards the park and saw her talking to some one.Damn She is facing me while he standing opposite to her showing me his back.

I clenched my teeth and walked towards him for a second but the time he walked away from the place quickly.

I couldn't find him,I couldn't see who he was?With whom she is talking to?But all I can see is her shock written face.Her eyelids are fluttering fervently and She is sweating profoundly.

I felt bad to see her like that,She is hiding something from me,Its clear but why so?

I can't find the reason?Is anyone behind this?Ashok?I shook my head.Is She in any danger?or anyone just blackmailed her?I looked at her.Her face is very much worried,her lips are pursed,his eyes are wet.

At this moment I just want to drag her into my arms and ask her the reason behind her suffering.I have decided that I will do it for our sake,for us.We both walked to our car calmly and she occupied the front seat beside mine,driver's seat.Surprisingly she didn't question me.She simply following me.

She is so much worried hence completely forget to ask me why I am here?!Poor girl.I pity her.

Hence I took the opportunity and started the conversation.

"Who was that Swathi?"I at last could ask her what I badly wanted to ask.

"Why were you doing in Joggers park early in the morning and you won't have the habit of jogging too"I asked her turning my head to her side trying to control the steering wheel.

"Friend"She lied,I never imagined this answer from her,Did she ever lie to me till now,this moment.

"No"My conscience nodded in disappointment while I could manage to grin at her trying to cover my anger,shock,fury.

"Friend?"I stressed every letter nodding at her ,smiling a bit clenching my jaw.

I can see her eyes became so wet by my expression,I smiled instantly to stop those tears which are ready to float over her cheeks.

"Yes!We we met....after a ...long time"She stammered.I just nodded as I don't want to continue this conversation further.

"Well,I want to take you to some place which is a surprise to you"I kept all my doubts aside winked at her trying to cheer up these funny moments between us before our marriage.

We went to a shopping mall and as mom instructed me.

"Mom wants us to buy clothes for our marriage,As we missed the engagement ceremony in hurry she wants marriage to be perfect in every aspect"I smiled and looked at her for answer.

"Great"She gathered all her energy to say a single damn word.I just want to shout at her badly for hiding things from me but somewhere in the deep I sense that she is in great trouble.

We looked all around and I found number of beautiful sarees and designer lehangas being exhibited.

I looked at Swathi and smilied,She smiled back nervously and walked to lehanga section.

"Are you sure?"I asked her pointing at the legenga.

"Yes"She smiled heartily this time,I felt relieved a bit.

"But you are a South Indian right,I think you prefer a saree"I frowned shrugging my shoulders.

"But you are a Mishra and our marriage will be according to North Indian tradition right?"She responded and posed another question as an answer.

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