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Niyathi's POV

I waited for him at the gate, I usually run out of words once I saw him, my heart skips few beats and I become oblivious about my surroundings. He carries a kind of charm all the time. His voice is so manly and he is a perfect gentleman.

I want him to say things first, I have been waiting for him to break this barrier since ages. Don't know why he doesn't open his mouth at all.

I literally wait for him for two weeks to see him. He comes and goes in the blink of an eye, like a dream. His eyes won't leave me at all, they try to tease me, chase me, capture my every move.

I like the way he looks at me, the way he adores me. But it isn't enough for me to open my mouth. I want him to speak up, show all the love in action until that I can't open my mouth. He needs to know this, he had to.

Today Swati will come for her regular visit. It has been two weeks, I have seen him. I don't know why he didn't come to catch a few glances of me at the park also, the park where I jog every day. I am missing him terribly. Such a miserable and vulnerable feeling.

At last Swati came and I remembered that it is her 8th month, The thought itself killed my enthusiasm. I am going to miss Sameer forever, I looked at Swati again and smiled a bit.

Swati became a good friend of mine in less time, she shares few details about their family, mostly about Sameer whenever she comes.

This time she came alone, I searched for Sameer but I couldn't find him anywhere. It gave me a kind of shock.

I saw Prateek her husband with her this time. I couldn't stop my tears. I felt like running away from here.

Now I know how much I miss him!

I reminded my dad's words. I need to meet him at any cost. It's my last chance.

I mustered some courage and walked towards Swati, who is sitting in the hall waiting for her husband after the visit.

She smiled and sat there observing my every move, She saw me fiddling with my phone.

"Hai, How are you?" she initiated the conversation making me a bit relaxed

"Fun. How are you?" I gave a fake smile and sat beside her.

"Fine," She said rubbing her belly gently.

"Great" I looked around again and again.

"Sameer didn't come today, he has some work at the office," She said giggling at me a bit.

"Oh!" I looked away stopping these bloody tears brimming in my eyes.

"Do you want to say anything to him?" She asked pretty quickly without any hesitation, maybe she guessed something about us, why won't she? She is the one who caught us both staring at each other.

"Nothing!" I nodded my head in disagreement.

"I will send you his number and address through WhatsApp." She dragged my phone from my hand pretty quickly and dialled her number.

"Your number ends with 6..."

"....See Sameer's number also ends with 6" she squealed and waved her phone showing me Sameer's number

My eyes gleamed seeing his number.

This is what I wanted to ask her.

This is what I want now.

A call will decide my fate.

I thanked God for a second, he definitely listened to my words.

I felt a bit relaxed now, she gave me all the necessary information very easily in a few seconds.

"Thank you..." I caught her hand and thanked her heartily.

She truly doesn't know how much she helped me by giving his number and address.

She smiled at me and patted my hand.

I know I can't hide my tears anymore, not more than a second.

She peeped into my eyes and read my mind for a brief time.

She hugged me very suddenly. I didn't expect this from her, a warm soothing hug, which is truly necessary for her. I too hugged her back very protectively.

She felt a bit uncomfortable, I released her from my hug and smiled at her.

"He likes you...and I know you both look great together..." She said reading my expression.

"Thank you.." I mouthed and wiped my tears.

"Shall we go?" Her husband Prateek Mishra came and disturbed our little conversation.

He looked a bit disturbed on seeing me sitting beside his wife and weeping like a child. Who wouldn't when I am sitting beside a pregnant lady and crying like a child?

"She will be fine and I promise" She looked at her husband as if she is reading his looks? His mind.

"Hu..." He nodded and gave a small grin.

They are so cute they are communicating with their eyes, looks so good. I smiled at them both with teary eyes. I know now I may look like a fool, But these two people who are standing in front me made my day with their cute gestures of love.

So wants happens next? Any guess?

Tell me how is it?

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