Last chapter-Final Part.

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Prateek's Pov

I looked Swathi and found that she is observing Avni all the time.Krithik is there with Avni clasping her hand.I smiled and Swathi and winked at her assuringly.

She smiled and I got a call from Pradyumna "We found Ashok and
arrested him."He said with a bright voice which brought a smile on my lips.I looked at Swathi and shared this news.

I want to say to this everyone and looked at Dad.They are still busy with reporters.

"He attacked Sameer,He even tried to abduct Adithi.He almost killed Shreya.He is after every young guy in our family.He wants vengeance for neglecting him and his dad.He is after legacy.He wants us to mourn like he mourned for his father's death.Such a pathetic human"Dad sighed.

"Its ridiculous"Swathi looked at me with a pale face.

"Sometimes people drown themselves in revenge and vengeance."I smiled at her for a second.

"So true we should never let our emotions overtake our actions"She spelt at me and averted her gaze back to dad.

Is she the same girl whom I met for the first time at this office in this cabin.I smiled at my thought.Where has she gone?A girl with rimmed glasses and who cooes all the time.There were times she was afraid of me,look at her know.A smirk played on my lips.

I met my family and they accepted me.I accomplished my mission.Still I am feeling empty sad because I couldn't melt his heart.Why couldn't I?

I wonder he would ever accept me?My identity?

Mr.Rohith Mishra!Would he ever accept me?!

I think "No"

Few things are impossible to happen.I sat there looking into vaccum.

I looked around and Saw Sameer who is looking at me raising his eyebrow?questioning me?my thoughts.

"Nothing"I mouthed and withdrew myself from stream of my thoughts.

But where is he?I couldn't stop myself asking this question again and again.

"Sir,You misunderstood your people,You misunderstood you own family members.You brother and his son wants to protect you.Sameer sir is also worried about you.He has asked about you twice already.I wonder how you fell for Ashok's words."I listen Our Manger Mr.Harish is talking to Mr.Rohith Mishra on phone.I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth for a second.I am truly angry at him.

It means that he did it purposefully.He gave power of attorney to Ashok just test us,make us suffer.

More over he asked Mr.Harish to observe our movements.How pathetic?

This is very much expected.I should wonder if he believes me,its truly an anticipated move I smiled at my madness.

"Bro,What are you doing here?"Sameer followed me to my cabin where I stood dumbstruck listening to there conversation.

"Did you talk to Badepapa?or you just lied to me?"I asked him with a pale face trying to digest the facts I got to know few seconds ago.

"I called him and you know the answer.Why are you worried about him so much?He doesn't even care for his parents.You know he gave powers to Ashok purposefully to throw you in a difficult situation.He doesn't want you to win the challenge.Six months challenge.What didn't he do.I stopped his deeds manytimes.This time I have failed completely.What did you do bro?How can he stoop to that level?He has gone so blind.Let him go to hell.I don't bother even Ashok ki...."He stopped and wiped those tears in his eyes.

"Calm down,Sameer"I hugged him for a second he rambled around the cabin recklessly for a second.I felt sad to see him as such.He clenched his fist and sat there on couch impatiently with pain written face.

"I found Mr.Harish talking to your dad on phone just now"I shrugged my shoulders helplessy looking at him with a sad face.

"Oh great.See he is using our own employees against us,he is using them as spies.Wah Mr.Rohith Mishra."He chuckled.

"I think he knows where he is!"I looked at him smiling a bit.

"No need to ask him Prateek"He said curtly saying my name instead bro.I don't know what to say but I can't take

"I am going."I went straight to Mr.Harish and asked his mobile politely.He didn't give me his mobile but after a series of questions and an hour of interrogation he gave me Mr.Rohith Mishra's number.

I asked Pradyumna to track the place.He gave me the details of his where abouts in few minutes.

I grabbed my keys and walked away silently without a word.I avoided away everyone's gaze.

"Where is bro?"I heard Sameer asking Swathi.I just ran away before he could find me.

I drove to our guesthouse.How could I miss this.I cursed myself.I found someone moving suspiciously here and there.He ran away before I could caught him.I rushed inside and saw Badepapa sound and safe.I sighed out of relief and moved to him.

"Come with me,You are in danger.You can't stay here anymore"I said in a hurry.

"I would rather die than take your help"He muttered under his breathe.

"Please.It's not time to argue.I saw a guy rambling here around the guesthouse."I begged.

"I deserve his shots.You go away"He surprised me this time.

"Please"I am controlling my anger now.I clenched my fist and closed my eyes for a second.He is testing my patience.

"You prooved me wrong.I feel like killing myself but....."He looked at me clenching his fist.

I can't speak anything.Actually I don't know what to say.Did I win this battle or lost it.I chuckled at my situation.Such a pathetic situation.

"Bro!"I heard Sameer calling me from the entrance.

"It's mere waste talking with him.Please don't beg him.He didn't think about his parents,his children,his family once before taking an extreme step.He believed Ashok blindly our enemy to take vengeance on you.What did you do?Nothing!So tell me what is the difference between them two men.Nothing"He looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Sameer.How dare you to compare me with that b@sta*d.How can I kill my own family members."He yelled at Sameer.

"Did I say anything wrong Dad?"Sameer looked at him very calmly this time.

"So atleast now realise your mistake,its not too late dad.Everyone is waiting for you there."He sighed and continued.

"Being a Mishra Ashok tried kill us.Sorry to say this but Prateek...."He stopped and shook his head twice.

"Let us go bro,I have no clue why are we talking to him"He turned around and stepped ahead.

"Sameer,calm down!"I went to him and caught his shoulder.I am facing him and trying my best to convience him.Mr.Rohith Mishra is standing far away from us and slumped on there on the couch.

"Who is that?"Sameer shouted at a guy suddenly snooping at the window.I turned around and heard some noice,A bullet shot.I fell on there on the floor suddenly and everything went blank in the very next second.

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