Last Chapter(Part-2)

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Prateek's Pov

"Wait"I sighed at Police and took the cellphone from his backpocket.It is in silent mode and someone is calling him.I gestured at the constable to close his mouth and answered the call without any second thought.

"Did you find him?"A very familiar voice asked me.Its Ashok.He somehow came to knew about Avni's dad and sent one of his men to fetch him.

I gritted my teeth in anger and couldn't control my it anymore.I want to bang his head.

"Hm"I hummed for a while and he responded back.

"Then why didn't bring him here?Are you waiting for any muhurat.We need to find him before Prateek finds him."He muttered on phone.

I switched on the speaker and asked him to speak to the person on phone.

"Are you bringing him now?"He asked him again and I nodded at him to say a yes.

"Yes sir"He stuttered and looked at my in fear.

"Good.Bring him now otherwise I will rip you bones"He threatened on Phone.

I clenched my fist and asked him to ask where the person on phone is?!

He nodded "no".I went to him punched him on face.He looked at me gulping his saliva.

I closed the speaker and spoke my words again.He nodded and spoke to the person on phone.

"Where should I bring him sir?"I didn't take away my gaze from him.He looks so frightened.I can say it by looking at his eyes.

"Same place"He muttered cursing some ill words.

"Sir...."I disconnected the call and looked at the police.I took the phone with me and called Pradyumna.

I took Avni's father with me and reached office quickly.I took him to my cabin where dad is waiting for me.I left them both alone for a while there in my cabin.

I came out and saw Swathi coming to me hastily getting down from car with a file and Pendrive.I sighed in relief as I now can assure myself that Ashok can't escape from me,my plan.

I searched for Krithik and saw him rambling in the lobby.I gestured at Swathi to follow me and went straight to him.Sameer who is sitting on couch clasping his hands looked at me worriedly.

"How did you get it?"Krithik asked me pointing at my bruise,crack on lip.

"It's not necessary now.Please don't ask anything.Just do what I say."I looked at him.

He just nodded with furious eyes.I ignored his glare and continued.

"Bring Avni here,Quick.She is in danger."I looked away and about to go to my cabin.

Krithik looked at me and I mouthed him"just go"Pursing my lips.He walked away threwing  death glare.

Swathi came to me and looked at my bruise.I see her eyes became moist looking at it.She just patted my shoulder and smiled at me sadly.

She showed me the file in her hand and winked at me.I smiled and rubbed my forehead placing my other hand on my waist.She just placed her hand on my cheek rubbing my cheek and lip with her thumb gently.

Sameer who chuckles at our little conversation came to me and faked a cough.

Swathi slapped Sameer's shoulder playfully blushing a bit.I chuckled and looked at Sameer.

"Krithik will kill you tonight.Please tell me now atleast what is happening here?"Sameer asked me suppressing a chuckle about to escape his lips. Swathi rolled her eyes at his expression.I laughed aloud this time.

"Look at them"I placed the file in his hand giving a serious glare.

"What?"He freaked and looked at me with a pale face.

"We too freaked like you after knowing the truth"Swathi sighed with a serious face.

"Its prooved bro.My dad has to answer this.Its his time to step out from his prejudiced world.Sharing a surname never means that they are our people.Sharing blood never mean that he is our family member.Few relations are more than that."He shrugged his shoulders and hugged me for a second.I smiled at him.

"Where is he?Mr.Rohith Mishra?Your dad?"I asked him quickly a bit seriously realising something.

"Don't know"He looked at me crouching his eyebrows.

"Is he fine?"

"Did he do anything again?"

We both me and Sameer said simultaneously.

"Are you worried about him?"Sameer looked at me strangely.

"Ofcourse I am.Ashok tried to befriend him.What if he fells for Ashok's words?Just think"I said sincerely.

"He has already fallen for his words,He gave the Power of attorney to that B@st*rd Ashok.What's there to talk"He muttered under his breath.

"May be he might have threatened Badepapa. I hope he is fine"I mumbled.

"I am worried for his safety.What if Ashok abducts him.I can't think more"I rubbed my nape recklessly.

"It's better not to answer few questions bro"Sameer looked at me smiling sadly.

"Don't worry.Hope we will find him "I patted his shoulder.

Still I can't say he is fine.Where is he?!I clenched my fist.

"Did you send those Police behind me?"Krithik came running holding Avni's hand patting to breathe.

Avni looked at me with a worried expression."Is everything okay Bhaiyya?"She cooed.

"Everything is fine"Swathi patted her shoulder and she smiled nervously.

I averted my gaze to my lovely friend and said"Yes,I send them behind you.How can I send you without any security?"I looked at him seriously.

"Really?So are you allowed to go alone,Are you a demigod?"He said poking his shoulder in my stomach.

Shut up,you stupid"It truly hurt a bit.

"Carefull"Sameer looked at us both and smiled.

"Avni is also with us.It's time to execute our plan"Swathi said a bit seriously.

"But we didn't find Badepapa till now?"I mumbled.

"What's the plan?Why are you worried about dad?"Sameer asked me quickly.

"We have to give these evidences to Media."Swathi pointed at the file he is holding.

"Great do it!"Sameer said excitedly.

"We didn't find your dad.Ashok can hurt badepapa.We need to confirm that he is not with Ashok"I said slowly.

"Yes"Krihik nodded though he knows half of the truth.

"We can't risk other's lives too.Avni and other's. "Sameer said holding my hand.

"Just a small confirmation. "I mumbled again.

"Okay give me half an hour"Sameer took his phone from his backpocket.

"Just half an hour bro"He gave a nervous smile.

I slumped on the bench.I don't know what to do.Pradyumna is also searching for him yet we didn't find any clue.

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