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Swathi Pov

"Take him to hospital!"I screamed at Prateek who was looking at the Vikrant.

"Yup buddy,do something yar!"Kritik too looked at him.

"Help me,We will dump this stuff in dicky"He smirked.

"Oh god!"I became frantic at the thought.

"Keep quiet Swathi!"Prateek almost shouted at me at that spur of moment but felt sad in the very next second as I can see his eyes filled with guilt.

"Sorry!"I cooed like a pigeon which might have melted his heart for sure.

"Sorry"He repeated my word and expression which brought a smile on my lips.

I felt relieved and I heard chuckles of Krithik.We both broke our gaze and looked at him who is teasing me with his expression,I am blushing and my cheeks became warm.

"Quick"Prateek.pointed at him and they finished the work in a fraction of seconds.

"Are we going to PS?"Krithik asked Prateek as we got into his car.

"Nope!Why would we?"He looked at Krithik through mirror who is sitting in back seat.

"What?Why?What would we do with him?"Krithik looked at Prateek with a shock written face.

"Why would we take him to PS?"He started the car with his very own smirk on his lips.

"Please tell me what is in your mind yar,I am truly unaware about your strategy"Krithik complained suddenly.

"We need to learn about Ashok's plan,Let us use his own weapon against him"He smiled at us,Sometimes he is so smart that it's hard for us to match his thinking.

"Wow!But how would you convince this guy,What's his name?,Vikranth!"Krithik asked Prateek rubbing his nape.

"As far as I know his mother is in hospital, There will be something related to it.Ashok might have blackmailed her mother or sponsored for her treatment,might have taken her as hostage something is there for which the exact reason we have to know.Vikrant is a very nice guy and dedicated worker his moves became suspicious over few days,that too after the proposal by that Stupid Ashok. "Prateek gave his answer after a second.

"What?How do you know all this?"Krithik who is baffled screamed at Prateek,his mouth is agape and his eyes are praising Prateek's smartness.

"I saw him with Ashok at the time when Avni got hospitalized"
Prateek said gritting his teeth,banging the steering.

"Oh god!"I sighed, I am really worried about the things happening around us.

"Don't get tensed Swathi!"Krithik patted my shoulder.

"Calm down princess,We are here sound and safe."Prateek whispered in my ear which made me quiver.

Soon a smile dance n my lips and sighed for a second.

"Where is his mother now?"Krithik asked eagerly breaking the silence between us.

"I don't know!"Prateek frowned at us looking at the mirror.

Rest of our journey was in complete silence.No body wants to talk about the issue.I can feel the tension in air.

"I want to talk to him once"Prateek pointed at dicky soon we got down from the car.

"Why?What?What if Police comes to know about it?"Krithik looked at him with a blank face.

"Don't worry,I will take care of everything"He assured.

They took him to a room and tied his arms with a rope.

They took his phone and waiting for Ashok's call.

Meanwhile Vikranth got his consciousness and Prateek is sitting infront of him,his chaor to which he is tied with rope.

"Didn't expect this right?!"Prateek looked at him with a devilish grin on his lips.

"Sir,I was compelled to do as such,Please leave me Sir!"He almost begged.

"Oh Really?!"Prateek took Vikranth's phone into his hand and waved it in air for two times or so.

"Sir Please,Don't do any thing,He took my mom as his hostage"He screamed out of pain,fury.

"How can I trust you?"Though Prateek is totally convinced by his version yet a part of him is busy in extracting the other information from him.

"Sir ,Please!It is the fact.My mother is suffering from leukaemia for past three years"Tears are falling over his cheeks.

I can't control my tears,Prateek and Krithik too kept sullen faces at his words.

" Don't worry about your Mom,I will protect her from him.What I want is,help me!Do what I say workout any questions"Prateek is looking into his eyes with curiosity.

"How can I risk my mom's life,You better kill me right now"He is crying out his heart.

Prateek sighed and looked his eyes,they are filled with tears.

"Believe me,"Prateek caught his hand and patted his palm gently.

"What would you do?"He looked at Prateek with a pale face yet there lies a spark in his eyes which gave us a little hope.

"I am Prateek Mishra,S/o of Sourya Mishra,My Dad's name is enough to do many things"Prateek looked at Vikranth with a assuring smile on his lips which was truly tantalizing.

"Oh my god!"Vikrant looked at Prateek with sheer disbelief,his eyes were widened out of bewilderment,happiness.

"What?!Is that true?!"He asked curiously nodding his head twice.

"Yes!"Prateek is looking at him suppressing his expressions of surprise,shock.

"Mr.Mishra,Our Founder,Your Dada ji is thriving to see you.He misses your dad,your family terribly all the time.He is the one who saved our family,He did a lot to my family,he was the one who looked after my father as his very own child.I was dying inside,I don't know what to do,whom to approach when Ashok captivated my mom.I still remember my dad's words about your family,he adores your family like his own.I killed my heart to decive your trust over us"He said very sincerely.

"Really?!"Prateek got up from his chair so quickly and asked him.

"I am sorry for my acts,I am ashamed of myself and cursing my fate for decieving you,your family.I don't deserve this life,I am helpless,I couldn't take care of my mom,I am a coward."He is crying so hard and this time my heart became gloomy.

"Do you know why Ashok is doing all?"Prateek asked him.

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