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Prateek's Pov

I felt a bit relieved to see dad's car halted before the large gate of the guesthouse.I am happy to see him all alone talking to someone on phone showing us his back.

I stopped my car just few steps away from him and he whirled to see me,my car first and shifted his gaze to see Swathi sitting beside me.

"Dad!"I got down from car,Swathi is following me without a word,She stood lowering her head landing her gaze on the floor with plumpy eyes and tears stained cheek.

"Prateek!You have bruises all over your face,your lip is oozing blood profusely.Swathi!Are you okay?Your eyes are so red and plumpy you look so pale"Dad caught my shoulders and shook me twice expecting an answer from me.

"Swathi's Dad misunderstood us by looking at us together in his house."I answered keeping my right hand on my waist, rubbing my nape with other hand.

"What?Is that true?!How could he?!"Dad looked very much disturbed on listening my confession.

"Yes!He did.He said wicked words to Swathi and pointed out her character."I nodded and could see tears pooled up in Swathi's eyes.She stood there still lowering her head and not even bothered about wiping her tears.

"Oh dear"Dad came to Swathi and wrapped her in a big fatherly hug and wiped her tears,She who stood like a rock all the time who didn't speak a single word to me fir the past two hours held dad's hands and cried like a child.

I know she needs her dad at this time and my dad became her dad and consoled his daughter.I smiled happily at them.

"Don't worry dear,Everything will be fine.Prateek will take care of everything.We all are here with you,Calm down"Dad caressed her hair gently.

"Come in both of you!I don't know whether you people have eaten anything or not?!Look at her she looks so pale and you,you need to be first aided "Dad nodded at me and looking at Swathi.I caught her hand firmly took her with me.

Mom and Shreya are sitting on couch and talking about something very deeply.

"Prateek"Mom almost ran to me and started examining my bruises with a worried look.Shreya would is standing behind mom looked at me and Swathi with her mouth in agape.

"Swathi"Mom realised that Swathi is also with me after a second and wiped her tears,hugged her immediately.

"What happened to you both?You got bruises all over your face.Did you fight with someone?Did anyone say ill about Swathi?She turned to me and asked looking into my eyes.She knows that it's impossible for me to lie looking at her affectionate,loving eyes.

"Swathi's father lunged at me as he saw me with her at their home"I muttered something under my breath lowering my head out of disgust.

I would never forgive him for two reasons,The very First reason is he doubted Swathi and called her names,and the second reason is he embarrassed me before my family,now I am feeling guilty without my fault.Aren't they valid reasons to ignore him for rest of my life?!I sighed and lifted my head after a great trouble.

"Oh Sweety!"Mom hugged Swathi patted her back.

Swathi is beyond broken and looks so vulnerable,its totally an understatement.She is sobbing profusely all the time.She wants some time to digest the fact.But this time she is not alone,She has everyone around her.She is not oblivious of herself.I can proudly say my family which is her family now is with her and would support her in her every decision.

Shreya who brought the first aid kit meanwhile started cleaning my bruises and blood with dettol.

Dad gave water to both of us and trying his best to assure us that he will take care of the issue.He did first aid to those bruises and gave me a Paracetamol along with a painkiller.

I went to my room with a heavy heart,Shreya took Swathi with her to her roon.She hasn't smiled atleast once for past two to three days.

That stupid fight and now this humiliation,I am worried about her.How will she come out from this humiliation, indignation by her father?!What is she thinking right now?!What should I have to do now?I came out of my thoughts and felt an urge of a pleasant peacefull shower.

I took her to my house with me,Should I budge her further to give a name to this relationship and Should I tie a nuptial knot? Should I give ourselves some time?What would Society call us?what about Shreya?She hasn't married yet,How can a brother get marry while his younger sister is still unmarried?What about Swathi?!Can she bear those comments?I sighed out of frustration.I left my clothes on the couch and went to washroom.

I allowed the shower to pour one or two buckets of cold water on me relentlessly and those cold water drops which are trailing down slowly on my skin brought some chills down my spine,these water beads are glittering on my skin under barlight.

I dressed up quickly and learnt that I couldn't resist my urge to eat something anymore.I am truly hungry and I need some food badly.

I went to Shreya's room and knocked the door very gently.Fortunately its Swathi who opened the door.She has changed into Shreya's formals and looking really cute.I gave a small peck on forehead and took her hand into my mine.

I placed a peck on her knuckles and took her to our dining table.Mom who was waiting for us served food with a pleasant face.Dad too was there with her.Is it ever possible for dad to leave mom alone?!No! a big no!

"So what have you both decided?"Dad served us some food and asked us both.

I looked at Swathi to read her reaction but her face is completely void of any emitions that too effortlessly.

"Tell me Prateek?What have you thought?And Swathi you too feel free to express your feelings"Dad asked looking into my eyes.

"We will be happy with your decision what ever it may be?If you both want sometime let you both have it happily.If you both are ready to give an offical name to this relationship,We are ready for it too.What all we want is your happiness,as we love Swathi as equally as you,Prateek,We assure you that we won't force our opinions on you both,We love you both and we adore your decisions"Mom smiled and looked at us expecting an answer.

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