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Prateek's Pov

A lone tear escaped from her eye.I felt sad for hurting her again and again.Guilt is breaking my heart into pieces.I ignored her brutally for two long days.I didn't pick her call and haven't told her that I met Dada and Dadi.

"I am sorry"I tightened my grip over her waist and nuzzled my head in her neck.

"I love you"She spoke something which I haven't expected yet she gave a reason to smile.I smiled madly,She is such a sweetheart.

I loosed my grip over her waist and averted my gaze,I looked into her eyes for a second.They looked frightened.Is everything okay?Why is she so sad?Is she sad because of me?Or something else is bothering her?!I heaved a sigh.

I know she is upset with me but her eyes are so gloomy they are expressing a mixture of fright and guilt.I shook my head and placed a peck on her cheek.

Sudden silence between us  provoked eerie of feelings.

"I missed you"I mumbled something and smiled fakely.

"Me too"She searched for words for few seconds and could return me those two words with much difficulty.

"Well,I was busy with a deal,hence I couldn't contact you but I missed you badly."I lied,my conscience questioned my loyalty.

"Oh!"She nodded,She didn't speak anything at all.Her silence stabbed my heart so deep.Now I realised how her silence hurts me,It's better she spat me with her words.My eyes became so wet and I gulped for a second to hide my feelings.

I released her fully from my arms."Coffee"She cooed at me.

"What?"I asked rubbing my temple.

"Do you want coffee?"She turned to other side and showed me coffee mug with her hand without looking at me.

"Yes"I sighed and stood there settling my gaze on floor.

I saw her anklets and they are making sound when ever she steps here and there.

I snickered and She handed me a cup of coffee with a pale face.

I dragged her towards me and placed my hand on her waist.I tightened my grip and placed my other hand around her neck which is holding the coffee mug.

I started sipping the coffee with my hand clinging around her neck,looking into her eyes.I just want to hide myself in those two beautiful black eyes.

"I met Dada and Dadu.Sameer played a trick and I met they so accidentally.I swear it was not a planned one"I said the truth wedged my head in the crook of her neck and snuggling close to her.

"That's great"She stuttered.I felt gloomy.I didn't leave her,I can't.

"I am sorry,I can understand that my actions hurt you but I was helpless,please"I said gritting my teeth out of frustration.

"You met your family.You were longing to see them,I am happy for you."She cupped my cheeks and gave a peck on my forehead.

"Thank you"I am very reluctant to release her from my hug.I am feeling very posessive about her so suddenly.

"Sameer called me and told me everything."She looked into my eyes and confessed.

"Really?"I bite my tongue and looked away.

"I love you"She caught my chin and turned my head and said looking into my eyes.

"You taught me how to love,You taught me how to forgive"She smiled which melted my heart.

"I love you"I claimed her lips with in no seconds and crushed her lips without mercy.I don't know how to tell her that I am sorry for what I did.Hope she can find it now through my act.

Our deep passionate hug was interrupted by a knock on the door by someone.

"Who it will be?"She just quivered by my sudden withdrawal.

I mouthed "sorry" and muttered at the door and opened it with a sulky face.

"Dad"I heard Swathi looking at the person with wet eyes.

Why did he come here?What will he blabber right now?He killed my peace for last two days.

"What are you doing here?I already told you to stay away from my daughter"He yelled at me.

"What are you talking?"I went straight to him.

"Dad,Please go away"She is bellowing in pain.

"Do you know what was he doing these two day?"He is smelling like fish.He is so much addicted to alcohol,his words are slurry and fumbles all the time.

"What?"She shook her head and started moving towards her room.

"Do you know what was he doing all the time?"He is teasing me all the with his eyes.

"Dad,Just shut up"She closed her  ears with her hands.

"Listen to me"He yelled at her authoritative voice.

"You have been calling me for the past two days.You were telling me utter lies about Prateek.I didn't entertain you,now you came straight to my place and trying your best to manipulate me.I can't listen your words more.I have listened enough in my life.I gave you all the respect and love a daughter could but you behaved like a beast.You tormented me by your deeds both mentally and physically.Now what is left in my life.You want to snatch away my Prateek from me.I said go away from here"She turned became so furious and shouted at him.

"What?"I felt sad to see her father begging her.

"Yes,Get away from here"She shouted at him and her finger is pointing at the door.

"He is a cheater,He was with a girl,He was romancing with a girl"He is shedding tears,Probably for the very first time in so many years.

"Nope,He loves me with all his heart and don't you dare to repeat those words again"She banged the door on his face.

Tears escaped from my eyes.I hugged her and Guilt occupied my heart.He was saying the truth.I was with a girl but I love Swathi.

"I am sorry for everything"She smiled with wet eyes holding her ears with a cute pout.

"I have to say sorry for everything"I wiped my eyes.

"Shut up"She slapped my cheek playfully.I smiled and kissed her lips.

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