Last Chapter(Part-3)

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Prateek's Pov

I didn't find anyway.I sat there looking everyone's face.Suddenly my phone started ringing and I picked it up quickly.

"Hello"Its Pradyumna on other side.

"He told us where Ashok is."He said exitedly.

"Really?"I heaved a sigh out of relief. .

"You people can call the press now.I am about to start."He said quickly.

"Ahh!What about Badepapa"I mumbled.

"Don't worry as we know where Ashok is?It won't take time to find him."He assured me.

Sameer came back after ten minutes with a bright face.

"I talked to him.He will be coming her after one hour or so."He smiled.

"Sure?"I asked him.I felt something fishy but I didn't express it to Sameer.

"Yes"He nodded and smiled,I smiled back at him soon.

Swathi looked at Avni and winked at me.I understood what she want to say me.I nodded asking her to proceed.

She made Avni sit on bench,Krithik and Sameer looked at her with baffled faces.They are looking at them two

"Listen to me carefully Avni.Prateek found that Ashok is not your brother means....He is not your biological brother."Avni looked at Krithik for a second and looked to Swathi again.

"Shh....Don't panic.Everything is going to be fine.Try to listen carefully."Swathi caught her hands and looked at her with a pale smile.

"Really?"Avni asked Swathi.

"Yes,And good news is that Your father is alive.He wasn't died in that accident.He escaped death by God's grace and was in bed for  four long years.Somehow he recovered from those injuries.He searched for you and couldn't find you.Later he learnt that you are living with Ashok and couldn't approach you because of Ashok."She said at a strech.

Avni looked all around and didn't speak atleast a word for a second.She is Shedding tears and Swathi just hugged her.Krithik kneeled infornt of her cupped her face and wiped those tears.

"That's great"She spoke finally smiling a bit.Everyone smiled.

"But why is he afraid of Ashok?"She whispered.

"We found him and he has to give rest of the answers."I said.

"And you won't believe Who Ashok is?"I looked at Krithik and Avni.

"He is a Mishra.Grand pa's brother's only son."I looked at them.Sameer who learnt the fact a while ago sighed clenching his fist.

"I can't believe this"Krithik stood up.

"So This was the thing you were doing in Singapore!?.You went to Singapore to find his whereabouts.You made us fools by selling those properties.You almost made everyone believe that you gave up.And you,You didn't utter a single word against your husband.Let everything be fine once.I will kill you both"Krithik threatened.Did he?!Swathi looked at me for a second and we both laughed at him a loud.

"I was really worried about u"This time he said seriously which made me choke.I didn't say anything just hugged him.

"It's really difficult to leave you all. It's almost impossible.I mumbled.

"Press just came and everything is ready"Dad walked out from cabin.

Avni's dad just came out with dad and his eyes sparkled seeing at Avni.

Avni ran to him and hugged him.Krithik punched my shoulder and I smiled at him.

Dad winked at me and I am smiling madly at dad's expression.

"Sir,Are you ready?"Dad asked him and he smiled in agreement carresing Avni's hair who is hugging him like a child.

"Let's move,Press is waiting for us."Dad looked at us and signed to move.Still I am worried about Badepapa.Don't know why I can't believe Sameer's words.It doesn't I believe his words but Something is fishy.

"What?"Swathi snaped at my face dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing"I nodded.

And the meet started.I stood there at the corner with a coffee mug.I can't take this anymore.I am physically and mentally exhausted because of this trip to Singapore.Though we both,me and Swathi spent our most memborable moments of life there.I need a break I looked at Swathi who came and sat beside me.

"You look so tensed and you didn't even let me do the first aid to that bruise"She looked at it

I smiled and she went out for first aid box.

"It's Ashok who did all this.He tried to kill our Children for legacy,money not for once but many times.We didn't utter his name as we lack evidences but now we can't sit calm.He crossed all his limits.Here are those documents which prooves that Ashok is a Mishra.He is our distant relative.He is the only son of my dad's brother.He is after us out of jealousy vengeance of his dad's death. "Dad is explaining everything to those reporters.

I turned to Swathi and she is applying ointemt and gave me a tablet with a glass of water.I smiled at her and she looked at me with an irky face.

"What?"She mouthed at me and I nodded "no,nothing"

I averted my gaze to dad and listening to his words.

"He is Mr.Krishna Mathur.He is the person whom Ashok's told us as his biological father.But Ashok is not his son.He threatened and blackmailed Mr.Krishna Mathur for money."

Dad passed mike to Avni's dad asking him to speak.

He introduced himself and started answering all our questions.

"Ashok,he was 14 at the time I met him first.I used to work for his father.His father married a lady against his will.So he was abandoned by his grandpa.Later it was prooved that the lady was truly after his money and She just absconding after giving birth to Ashok.His father bluffed everyone that she died.He then went to depression and killed himself hangging in front Ashok.Ashok learnt that he was bankrupt and none of his family members help.We few of his employees left him with nanny and came back to India.He couldn't stay there any more and came to India.He met me again and I asked him to stay him with me as my son."He sighed and looked at everyone.

"One day I learnt that he is trying to meet Mishra's.I didn't pay much attention as I felt he that he wants to meet his family but in the very next second I came to know about his intentions through his friend,his conversation with his fried on phone.I warned him but he didn't pay any attention. I couldn't take it more and I demanded  him an explanation after few days.He didn't respond to me but behaved cruelly.He caught my throat and squeezed my neck.I frightened at his act and thought of informing Police.He pranked a call and made me drove to bypass.He followed from behind and hit me bump me into Mr.Rohith Mishra's car.Everyone thought I was dead.I fell into dith car was broken into pieces.Every one thought I am dead including my daughter.I was in bed for four years and shocked to see Avni with Ashok.I don't know what made her to accept him as her brother I thought he might have took advantage of Avni innocence and took all my firms and money on her name?I kept myself away from her as she may became a prey to him if he comes to know about me,my existence.But its high time we can't spare him anymore.Hence I opened my mouth.I want everyone to be safe."He rubbed those tears in his eyes and continued.

To be continued.

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