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Sameer's Pov

"Prateek Mishra"I looked at a photograph in my hand.

"Is he the same guy who saved me?Is he the same guy whom I met there in the ocean park?"I looked at the opposite person who is smiling at me with an assurance in his eyes.

"Are you sure is he the person?"I asked him pointing at the photo.

"Yes!We are sure he is the one whom you are searching for?Mr.Prateek Mishra!"He smiled again.

"But....."I stopped and looked at him,Mr.Bharadwaj,A Private detective I hired to know about Prateek.I felt bad for dad's words.I want to say sorry to him and convince him.

"He is Arjun Prasad,He works in your dad's firm"He said smiling.He is smiling all the time which irritated me sometimes.

"Yes"I nodded and fell in a deep thought.I saw him with Swathi many times.Does she know about him?She works with him?Does she know about him?Does she know about his identity?

"He faked his identity and works in your firm,Probably he wants to win your dad's heart"He surprised me with his words.

"What?"I felt very surprised to hear his words.What!?I couldn't belive my ears.My respect grew for him,I felt sad for him because I learnt that he doesn't want to confront dad,Hence he skipped meeting our family,last time.

Everyone came to our house,except him.We,me and Aditi are glad to see Sourya chaha and Ananya chachi along with Shreya.

His words with chachu stabbed my heart,"I don't want to hurt Rohith uncle"

I just want to see him once.

"He was the one who saved you from Ashok"An other sentence which blow away my brain completely.

"What?!"This time I stammered.

"Really?"I asked after a second trying to digest the fact he spoke to me just few seconds ago.

"Your dad killed Ashok's father in an accident.It was purely an accident ,though it was an accident yet Ashok belived it's your dad who killed his father.What all he wants is revenge.He hired goons and did everything to threaten Mishra's"He took a pause and continued.

"It's Prateek who found the truth and saved Mishra's.He with the help of few other gathered evidences and with the help of Abhimanyu threw him behind bars."He surprised with his words.

"Abhimanyu?!"I gave a quizzical look.

"Yes!"He nodded.

"I asked Abhimanyu but he didn't say anything about Prateek."I sighed.

He gave a goofy smile.I am fool for not suspecting him.I cursed myself for believing him as such,but he is my sister's fiance' so I believed him blindly.I know he purposefully did it just to protect Prateek from us,his identity from us but I just want to talk to him once,Only once.

"I am surprised by the news you brought with you yet I am thrilled to meet my brother Prateek Mishra"I smiled and nodded at him.

"I think you are satisfied with my work"He nodded.

"Yes Mr.Bhardwaj"I smiled at him pleasantly.

"Means you are satisfied"He shook my hand and left the place soon.

I want to meet Abhimanyu once before I meet Prateek.I need to learn few things from him.I drove to his office and texted him asking permission that he could spare sometime for me.

He texted me back after few minutes and asked me to come in.

I walked hastily to his chamber and looked at him seriously

He knitted his eyebrows and signed me to sit.

"Can I ask you something?Will you tell me the truth?please?"I asked him straight looking into his powerful eyes.

He nodded and signed me to speak.

"Is Arjun our Prateek? Prateek Mishra?Did he fake his identity?Do you know it,Why did you hide it?"I asked him and he smirked which raised my temper.

"What?!"I banged the table and sprung up from my chair.

"Yes"He sighed and nodded.

"He took a promise from me,he shut my mouth with his words,He loves you all,your family and saved you from Ashok"He said a bit seriously.

"Why did you hide it?You know that me and Aditi are longing to see Chachu,Prateek and all.How could you?"I whispered.

"I know,I was about to reveal the thing but you found it,found it with help of Bharadwaj,that Private detective"He sighed.

"What?"I am not surprised he is an ACP and he can find out the things in a blink of an eye.

"Prateek Mishra,S/O Sourya Mishra"He showed me his picture in his cellphone and smiled at me.

"I want to meet him once"I sighed and controlled my tears.

"Go,go and meet him.He will be glad to meet you,He will be happy to learn that you people adore him"He smiled again reassuringly.

"Thank you,Thank you soo much"I hugged him for a second.

I checked my watch and saw its 11-30 in the morning.He will be in office.I drove to office and went to my dad's chamber.I couldn't find dad anywhere.

I peeped through the glass and saw him,Prateek Mishra,My brother working on his laptop and saw Swathi  near him glancing at him now and there.

I couldn't stop watching his movements.How will he behave with dad?How will he talk with dad?How?I am curious to learn about him?.

Dad came suddenly and looked at me smiling,He looked at me baffled.Myself who always feels irritated to come to office came to office without any prior intimation and without his force.

"You came to office"He came to me and hugged me.

"Yes Dad!"I said rubbing my temple.

"I want to make you a king,A king of our Mishra's Empire"He smiled and I nodded impatiently in response.

"I want you to rule this business world,You are my blood and my flesh,Make us proud of you"He shook me holding my shoulders.

"May I come in,sir"I heard a much anticipated voice.

"Arjun"I looked at him,Prateek Mishra,standing there like a random guy at the door and listening to our conversation.

I know,I know,I told that I can't update for next few days but I got some time and couldn't resist myself from updating,

And I know you all are waiting for marriage of our lovely couple,Prateek and Swathi.

The much anticipated event will be in the next chap.

This has to happen for a reason.

Sameer has to meet Prateek once so I wanted them to meet once before marriage.

Finally Sameer knows who is Prateek?What will he do now? Any guesses.

See you soon with another update.

How is this chap?

Gud nit all

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