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Swathi's Pov

"Swathi"I heard an unfamiliar voice and I turned to see Ananya aunty standing there at the door smiling at me nervously.

"May I?"She smiled nervously.

"Aunty,Please"I stood up from bed and nodded at her.She came to me and sat beside me giving a tug to my right hand asking me to sit.

"How are you feeling here?"She looked at me with a pleasant face.She looks so peaceful all the time.How could she?I know she lives a very blissful married life with a loving husband and two lovable children.

"Yes Aunty!"I nodded and smiled nervously.

"Have you talked to Prateek?"She asked me a bit hesitantly.We both were quiet at the dining table.They left us to speak,communicate but we didn't we just stole few glances and walked into our rooms calmly.

"No aunty!Not yet"I nodded and glancing at wall blankly.

"You both have to do it"She forced a grin on her lips.I did the same.

"What about your future plans?"She looked at me smiling.

"I want to continue my career and I want to work even after my marriage"I smiled.

"That's great,I too continued my career after my marriage and I am still working"She sighed.

"These are for you"She gave me some tablets and placed a balm in my hand.

"I know you will be having terrible head ache,these all will give you some relief"She grinned forcefully this time also.

"Thanks aunty!"I stammered and can't control my tears.She spun around and walked till the door.I felt bad that I can't even talk properly with these people.

Silence occupied my heart again,I am feeling nervous and certainly oblivious about marriage.I looked at the balm and tried my best to unthread the cap and open it.I am so weak that my hands are literally shivering.I kept it back on the table beside my bed.

I looked around searched for water,I found a glass of water placed on the table.I thanked aunty and felt overwhelmed because of the attention I am getting from everyone.

I am not used to it,I am feeling suffocated,Though Prateek treats me like a princess here everyone in family is doing the same thing.

Suddenly tears gushed from my eyes flowing over my cheek profusely.I can't stop those sobs though I tried my best to control yet I cried making my attempt so futile.I was never vulnerable like this before.

I fumbled and dropped the glass on floor making those glass pieces shattered all over in the room.I felt worried,What did I do?I broke it.I leaned a bit and started collecting those pieces.

"Carefull"I heard Ananya aunty and lifted my head to see her gazing at me worriedly.

"Leave them as such"She said as softly as possible.

I stood up and said"I am sorry aunty"

"Stay there,Don't move"She came in and collected them carefully.I felt strange and worried for a second.

She came straight to me and hugged me"I love you and I am truly worried about you.Treat me like your mom,You are like Shreya,my daughter.It truly hurts me when I see those bloody tears in your eyes."She gave a peck on my cheek and smiled at me,caressing my hair and trying a band to messy hair transforming into a ponytail.

"You are a living corpse"

"You broke a glass again!sluggish"

"You don't know how to cook!worthless"

"You killed your mother"

My dad's words echoed in my ears and hugged her back tightly.

"You are special Swathi,Please don't get offended by your dad's words"She patted my back gently.Her touch is heavenly,She makes me forget those haunted memories instantly.

I was shocked,How could she read my mind?!Because she is a mom!Now I realised what have I missed all these days?!A mother's affection,I thanked god that I got a family,a mom,a dad,a sister and above all a loving husband.

"So don't think unnecessarily,You are with your family,With you parents and your husband,with your sister.We love you and we care for you.We can't see you like this."She smiled cupping my cheeks.

"Yes"I nodded and smiled with teary eyes.

"So be like a good girl and sleep"She budged me a bit.

"Thank you mom!"I hugged her again.She took the balm into her hand and started applying it on my forehead.

She placed my head on her lap and started patting me like a kid.I closed my eyes and felt like in heaven,a smile creeped on my lips and I drifted into sleep peacefully.

Prateek's Pov

I am waiting for mom

Swathi,I am worried about her a lot.

She didn't speak to me anything at the dining table.I felt sad,Don't know why I felt she is hiding her emotions from me,everyone.

Being a mom,Mom guessed the samething,She too thinks that she became an introvert after losing her mother.

I looked at mom with a sad face.She promised me that she will talk to her and solve the issue, everything with in two or three days.Such a sweet mom!

"Prateek"Mom called me dragging me out from my entangled thoughts while entering my room.

"Mumma"I reached her in a single strode and hugged her tightly.She gave me a warm hug snickering at me.

"What was that?What that goofy smile stands for?"I pouted at her fakely.

"Shut up!Buddhu"She ruffled my hair raising my anger to peaks.

"Please mom!"I tried to comb my hair with my fingers.

"You won't change"She cupped my cheeks,sighed for a second and said

"Don't worry,She will be fine"Catching my hand which is tapping my knee very impatiently.

After all,She is mom!How can she ignore my gestures,signs.I smiled.

"Love you mom!"I placed kiss on her forehead.

"Love you too!"She smiled and continued.

"She is beyond broken by her dad's words,She needs someone to love her,adore her,trust her,admire her,Be that special one and do all those to her.Give her the best moments of her life so that she can forget those haunted memories forever and ever.Keep her happy always.I know your happiness lies with in her."She stood on toes and kissed my forehead.

"Hu hu"We heard dad faking a cough to drag our attention.

"Dad!"I frowned at him.

"I am sorry"He smiled,he listened our conversation peeking through the ajar door.

We both laughed at his silly confession and they both hugged me with immense love.

Happy mothers day to all those wonderful woman out there and reading my book

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