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Zombie AU

They said it would help those who were terminally ill, that it was a controlled drug that was being tested on those with days left to live. We all sat around the TV three days later, hearing reports that the unit was burnt to the ground, how there were no survivors of the incident, living survivors that is. 

Four days after the report multiple cases filled the news all over the country, that people were getting sick, or go missing; worrying cases that don't just happen like this. It began to affect everyone, the news would cut out shortly after it began, we saw little pictures of victims, of mass amounts of bodies as a result of this. Radio channels advised us to stay home, don't leave and stay together. Everyone was terrified and social media had blown up, no one was safe, not anymore. 

It seems weird to think back to a time when we didn't have this in our lives. Where those dead walked among us, craving someone to have. All I knew was I had to find the haven, a place where I could be safe and rebuild society, an army even to fight back and start afresh. So much for university, so much for falling in love, so much family, for normality.

My life in the past five months had been something you would see in a film, the lone survivor trekking multiple towns, learning how to fend for herself. I was no heroine, I was trying to make it to the end of the day. 

Communication is sparse, using phones can be tricky when trying to contact the haven. This past month I learned many lessons, but one in particular stands out when trying to contact the haven; once bitten, scratched, torn apart, any form of contact with them you have three days, in those three days you experience it all, worst of all you watch those around you decide whether to kill you or leave you to become a monster. 

The last bit of communication with the haven I had was two days ago, I had another seven days travel before I could be close enough to be checked, prove I wasn't turning before I could live again. In those two days I came close to three attacks, barely making one out. I only managed because of an old man, he screamed for me to run, go and have a second chance. You can't have feelings anymore, remorse is no longer in my vocabulary, you kill or be killed. It's just that simple. 

Looking down to my watch it was 3:26am. The sun was still in hiding like the rest of us, nights weren't safe, if you don't find somewhere to remain out of sight before 10pm, you won't make it to 6am. Usually I would try trees, the boot of a car, an old apartment block or house if I was desperate, but trees were my go to with some rope on hand. Taking a look around the town the sky that I once admired, star filled and velvet like now replaced by smoke and cries for help amongst their groans. 

I waited it out, keeping my bag close to my chest where I kept supplies I found along my way, whether they were discarded, lodged into someone who was dying or stole them from a shop. Rules no longer applied in this world, it was every man and woman for themselves. 

My ears pricked up as I heard panting, my eyes darted around me bringing my handgun into view trying to locate the shortness of breath below. I scanned the area until I saw them, aiming my gun and loading the barrel they spun around to my direction. 

Wide eyed, deer in headlights. cerulean eyes glistened with fear, his face was dripping with sweat and blood as his blonde curls clung to his forehead whilst his lips quivvered. He raised his arms above his head, signalling he was innocent, that he was clean. 

Usually I would've left them, but with their groans getting closer and him silently pleading to me I lowered my rope, allowing him to climb it until he was sat opposite me, his heaving louder than I thought possible. As he took his time to catch his breath I kept my gun pointed at him, his head remained low as he gripped onto the tree with all his might, limbs shaking violently. 

It felt like hours until he caught his breath, stabilized himself enough to look up and his eyes filled with more fear than beforehand as I kept my gun directed at his forehead. 

"Why shouldn't I shoot you." My first question, short and blunt. In this world you don't gush, you don't be sincere, you get to the point, no matter how distracting his eyes can be. 

He fumbled for words as he wiped his mouth with his maroon stained top as he struggled to stop his shaking. "I'm not turning." His voice remained raspy but deep none the less, not one I was expecting from him. "All I want is to make it to the Haven, please." He looked me in the eyes, a sincere look held in those blue orbs. 

My first human contact in a month and he has to be like this, I tore my eyes away from him, lowering my gun but keeping it in sight just to keep him on his toes, well metaphorically. He lets out one long sigh of relief but I cover his mouth before he can finish, he releases the remainder through his noise and I can feel the claminess fill my hand. Taking my hand away I indicate to remain silent, he complies without fault. 

"Two hours." I mouth, "In two hours we can go." Now I was making out the quietest whisper as the moon hidden by the thick clouds of smoke began to return to its dormant state.

"I'm Luke." He whispered closer to me, I rolled my eyes before passing him a knife. 

"Keep that close, you'll need it." Two hours, two hours until I can part ways with this Luke. 

Or so I thought.

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