Sal x Casey (Request)

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Sal's POV

"Sal..." Casey called, as he approached me on set. I gave him a smile, acknowledging his beckoning, as he took a seat opposite me. "Did you get those papers done for the presentation challenge?" He asked me. I shook my head, as my teeth became buried into my bottom lip.

"No...sorry, Case." I muttered. Casey rolled his eyes, before exhaling deeply. I could tell that he was trying to stop himself from getting angry at me. It was my own fault, he had spent the whole day telling me that if I wanted to make a fool of Joe and Q, I really needed to write down what I wanted, but me being me, I had been distracted – mainly by my phone. Casey shrugged his shoulders, his foot accidentally tapping the leg of the coffee table in front of us, knocking a stack of leaflets and pamphlets onto the floor. The pair of us bent over, going to pick them up, as our hands knocked against each other's. I looked up, being met with Casey's stare. My eyes locked with his, and for that split second of eye contact, I felt something different towards the man. I saw how attractive he was, and I knew right there and then that I needed him. Casey gulped hard, as he slowly sat back. He licked his lips, as his eyes continually blinked, not entirely sure where to look. I had gathered that he had sensed something too.

"Yo-You okay handling that?" Casey asked, before standing up and exiting the room. He didn't even give me a chance to respond, as he rushed out of the room. I quickly scooped up the rest of the leaflets on the floor, before running after him. I raced through the narrow and empty corridors of the office building, until I saw him catching his breath. I placed a hand to his shoulder, startling him, as he turned around to face me.

"What was that all about?" I questioned, as Casey peered down to the floor. He shrugged his shoulders, not able to come up with a response. My hand reached up, my palm softly cupping his cheek, as I pulled his face so that he was looking at me. I shifted my eyes between his orbs and his lips, before leaning in and placing a gentle peck to his lips. I went to pull away, before I felt his mouth follow mine. His lips moulded with mine, pushing me up against the wall. His hands roamed my sides, as my fingers became tangled in his mix of black and grey hair. He kissed me hard, my lips slightly swollen after his assault. Casey pulled away, his cheeks a rosy red, his body a bundle of nerves. I knew that he felt embarrassed, and so I wanted to make things right. I took ahold of his hand in mine, and pulled him into an empty office room. There was a simple table in the middle, and that was pretty much it. I locked the door shut, before I walked over to Casey. I pulled him into my arms, wrapping him up in my embrace, as I placed another kiss to his lips. We stumbled back, until his legs hit the table. He fell backwards onto the table, as I fell on top of him. I held myself between his legs, my hands running up and down his sides, as I kissed him passionately. I could feel his length harden through his jeans, pressing against my hip. My hands explored their way down his body, before meeting at his collar, undoing the button to his polo shirt. I practically ripped the material from his body, exposing his chest, before moving my lips to his neck. I nipped and sucked at his tender skin, leaving my mark on his collarbone, before I continued my assault down his chest. My hands fumbled with his belt buckle, before his jeans were pulled down to his ankles for him to kick off.

"Are you sure about this?" Casey breathed, as his hands clung onto my shirt. I nodded my head, having him pull my top off, throwing it to the ground. His fingers delicately unbuttoned my jeans, as he let them fall down to my ankles. I stepped out of them, kicking them to the side, before I reconnected our bodies together again. My fingertips danced down his chest, soon sliding down under the waistline of his boxers. Casey's breath hitched, as I slyly started to pump his shaft up and down. His arms curled around my neck, pulling our faces together, as he continued to kiss me. His moans would erupt through my mouth, sending a tingle down my spine. I could tell that his member needed to be set free, and that I did. I broke my hand away from him, before whipping his boxers down. Within an instant, my hand was back around his length, as I picked up where I had left off. It wasn't long until I could feel that his climax was nearing. I felt his dick twitch in my palm, as he released all over my hand. Casey panted, staring at me lustfully, awaiting for the next step. I chucked my boxers down to the floor, as I pulled at his hips. I placed both of his legs over my shoulders, positioning myself correctly, before slowly pushing my shaft into his opening. I watched, as his face screwed up. I allowed him time to adjust to my shaft, awaiting for confirmation, before my hips started to move. The pace started off steady, but I began to grow impatient, this was the complete opposite of my style. I started to thrust faster, with my force behind my movements. The sound of our skin clapping together bounded off of the walls, as I felt my climax build. A single bead of sweat ran down my forehead, as the grip on his hips tightened. I pushed my length into him one final time, before spilling my creation. I softly thrusted my hips, riding myself through my high, before I pulled out my dick. I immediately grabbed my clothes and got dressed. I placed a kiss to Casey's lips, as I walked towards the door. He gave me a confused look, but knew that we couldn't be seen leaving the same room at the same time. I opened the door, taking one last look at the man, before closing it behind me.

I took a step into the corridor, being met by a suspicious looking Q. His eyebrows furrowed, as he looked me up and down. He peered over my shoulder, looking to where I had just appeared from, seeing Casey exiting the same room, whilst tucking in his shirt. Q's mouth fell open, as I grabbed him, pulling him into the nearest room. My hand covered his mouth, forbidding him to say a word. I slammed the door shut and looked at him. He stammered over his words, not fully prepared for the shock he was experiencing. I placed both of my hands on his shoulders, and stared deep into his eyes.

"Yes, it's true. Casey and I fucked, but you cannot tell anyone, Q. And I really mean not a single soul." I explained. Q shoved me off of him, as he folded his arms, a smug smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"I won't tell anyone..." He spoke. I went to thank him, before he suddenly continued his sentence. "If you give me twenty bucks." I sighed, rolling my eyes, as I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket. I handed him the bill, as he snatched it from my grasp. "Thank. You." He sassed, before stepping out of the room. This cannot get out about Casey and I, it must never be talked about ever again.

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