Murr x Joe (Adoption)

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Third Person POV

Soft cries came from the crib beside the queen-sized bed, as the more built of the two men rolled over, slipping his eyes open, as they adjusted to the morning sunlight. A mound of blonde curls could be seen over the railings, as Joe smiled small and moved to sit up, letting the quilt fall from atop of him, exposing his dog-covered pyjama pants and matching tee to the room.

"Hey, Princess," He cooed in hushed tones, leaning over the crib and taking his eight-month-old daughter in his arms, letting her sit at his lap.

She reached for him, giggling happily at the faces that Joe was pulling, before he lifted her up and pressed a kiss to her cheek, squishing her face in the process. From over his shoulder, hazel eyes were soon studying the young girl, as Murr was awoken by the coos; the sight of his husband and their daughter bringing a bright smile to his face.

"Good morning," Murr greeted, though his voice remained thick with sleep, as Joe turned back to the man, handing Lucia over to him.

He laid back along the bed, holding the girl up in the air, entertaining her, as Joe watched over the interaction, soon moving his hand to pat at Murr's arm. "What's gotten you so smitten?"

"Just my family." Joe answered simply; the elation clear in his eyes. "This is what I've always wanted."

"Well," Murr grinned, moving to sit up and letting Lucia sit atop of one of the pillows between them. "We waited long enough."

"Too long." Joe agreed, running his hand over Lucia's blonde curls that fell down to just above her ocean blue eyes.

There was a comfortable silence, before Joe cleared his throat and brought himself to look across to Murr. "Do you ever feel left out?"

"Left out?" He clarified that he had heard right, as Joe nodded his head in response. "How do you mean?"

"Well, it's just Lucia has a part of me because I was a better match for the egg donor. She wouldn't have those eyes if things had been different." He explained, as Murr scooted closer to the man and wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"I love her as if she was my own, she is mine...ours." Murr answered honestly. "She's our daughter, Joey, nothing will ever change that."

He shrugged simply. "If anything, I love the fact that she holds a piece of you."

"You're cute," Joe grinned, leaning in to press a quick kiss to the man's lips.

"I try," Murr blushed, as he stood from the bed and took Lucia in his arms, letting her sit at his hip. "I'll get her dressed because someone doesn't have any fashion sense at all."

He turned to Lucia, raising the pitch of his voice. "Isn't that right? Daddy would put you in completely the wrong clothes. Yes, yes he would."

"Shut up," Joe chuckled from the bed. "I'm not that bad."

"Yesterday you thought that her shorts that cover her diaper was a hat, Joe."

"Yeah, what's your point?" Joe shrugged cluelessly. "It all looks the same to me."

"Just shower," Murr sighed, fighting to hold back his smile, as he carried Lucia into her nursery and laid her down onto the changing table after picking out her outfit for the day ahead of them.

He pulled the white onesie over her that had frills around the collar, as Murr popped the buttons shut, before reaching for the pink shorts that had daisies dotted all over the material and pulling them up to Lucia's waist; all the while fighting her wriggling to get out of his reach.

By the time that Murr had combed her hair over and placed a pink bow to tame some of the wild curls, Joe had returned from the shower, now fully dressed. He couldn't hold back the admirable smile that played on his lips at the sight of his husband and daughter, as he stepped over and seized the infant in his arms, holding her tightly against him.

"You were right, I would have put her in completely the wrong colours," Joe chuckled, bouncing Lucia gently in his arms.

"I told you." Murr grinned, closing the gap between them and kissing Joe on his cheek. "You know, I was thinking..."

"Oh dear, that's never good."

"Shush," He smirked. "Would you be up for trying for another kid soon?"

Murr soaked in the fear that swept across his husband's face. "I don't mean like right now, Joey, but like...I love having Lucia and I think that another daughter to call our own would be amazing, or a son...can you imagine? One of each!"

"Murr, Sweetie, heh," Joe stammered. "I love you, but do you realise how much effort that would take?"

Listening profusely, Murr could feel his heart falling in his chest. "Twice the diapers, twice the'll be chaos."

"But won't it be worth it?" He frowned.

"I'm not saying no," Joe's voice had softened, as he placed his forefinger to Murr's chin, raising the man's gaze to meet with his own. "I just meant that we should wait a couple of least until Lucia is old enough to understand."

"I guess you're right," Murr shrugged. "I just love every second that we get to be a family all together like this."

"Our time will come," Joe smiled sincerely. "I promise."

He pulled Murr into a tight hug, as Lucia mimicked her dad's actions, causing both of the men to chuckle softly. "I love you,"

"I love you, too." Murr returned, not without adding a sarcastic comment. "Even if you are a pain in my ass sometimes."

"Rude," Joe acted offended; his eyes wide and brows raised.

"Fact." Murr grinned, taking Lucia from him and moving to take her downstairs to feed her breakfast. "You can't argue with fact, Joey."

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