Sal x Q (Paradise Lost)

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Request sent in by @dm4487

Third Person POV

The foursome were sat on the boat, as it made its way out to sea. Murr was shaking, he was not ready for this punishment, anything but sharks...and skydiving of course. Brian looked across at Murr, the slight feeling of guilt beginning to rise. He shook himself out of his daze, as he felt a hand pull at his ponytail. He turned to see his boyfriend, Sal, playing with the ends of his hair.

"Bri, when are you going to get this shit cut?" He chuckled, as Brian crossed his eyebrows. Sal continued to pull at the ends of his hair, before he batted his hand away.

"Yeah, yeah, I will soon." Brian answered, simply trying to get Sal off of his case. Sal proceeded to rest his head upon his shoulder, before he did a double take. He started to laugh, Joe and Murr soon joining in, as they realised what Brian was wearing.

"Bud, is that outfit supposed to be Quint's?" Joe asked through laughter. Brian peered down to his attire, studying the name badge reading 'Quinnt'. He didn't want to admit that he had asked the wardrobe department to make a play on the Jaws character's jacket especially for this punishment, but he also knew that they had somewhat found out anyway. He shrugged his shoulders, ignoring their comments.

"Yeah it is, I thought it was a good play on words, see?" Brian explained, as he felt Sal pat his back.

"You keep believing that, Babe." Sal giggled. Brian rolled his eyes at their immature, and might he say, uncultured attitudes. He thought that it was a good idea, and so he was happy with his jacket. It was only for Murr's punishment, it's not like he'd wear it once they were back home or anything...or maybe he would now, just to piss the others off.

The whole boat journey, Sal could sense that Brian was on edge, he wasn't joining in on as many of the jokes, and he seemed somewhat quiet. As the boat came to a stop by the shark cage, Sal pulled Brian over to one side, just to check that he was okay.

"Bri, you okay? You seem a little quiet today..." Sal sighed, as Brian looked at him blankly. He slowly nodded his head, as he looked anywhere but in his eyes.

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p' sound. The truth is, Brian had a lot on his mind. You see, he and Sal had been together for over two years now, and Brian saw this opportunity in Hawaii as his chance to propose. He was a little on edge, due to the risk of Sal saying no. They were happy, he knew that much, but what if Sal didn't want to take it any further? Neither of them had ever mentioned even the thought of marriage, but Brian wanted them to be together forever. I suppose you could say that he just wanted assurance that Sal wasn't going to leave him.

The pair of them returned to where the others stood, as they watched in fear, as Murr slowly clambered down into the cage bobbing in the water. He was screaming, his body hesitant to move. Joe gripped onto the railings, as he pushed Murr down with his foot. To make things even worse for him, Sal pulled a search engine up on his phone, and read out some haunting facts about sharks. Murr trembled, as he finally slipped into the water. There were multiple sharks circling around the cage, taunting Murr. Deep down inside, he knew that he was safe, but that overriding fear that the cage would break open somehow wouldn't escape his mind. Brian and Sal took a step back, as Brian wrapped his arm around his shoulders. They were laughing, as they heard the high pitched screams come from the water below. Joe soon pulled up the small treasure chest, as Sal handed Murray over a small mirror and flashlight.

"That attracts sharks!" Murr exclaimed, as Sal laughed in his face. He swam down under the water, the light from the torch reflecting against the waves. The trio took a step back, as the boat crew began to release the cage away from the boat. It took a while for Murray to notice, as he shouted out. "Hey! Come back!"


That afternoon, Brian and Sal were getting ready to go out, just the two of them. They were planning on going to the peaceful waterfall they had visited a few days ago to film a challenge, and that is where Brian wanted to propose to Sal. He slipped the velvet ring box into his pocket, as he waited for Sal to get ready. Brian was dressed in a pastel green Hawaiian shirt, with palm leaves patterned all over it. He had on a pair of khaki shorts, with a pair of royal blue Nike sneakers. Sal, on the other hand, was wearing a plain bright blue shirt, with a black tee underneath. He had on a pair of black shorts, with a pair of brown sandals on his feet.

"Okay, I'm ready." Sal smiled, as he stepped into the hotel room, parading around in his outfit. Brian chuckled, as he stood from the bed, placing a kiss to his cheek. The two of them made their way down to the foyer, grabbing a map, in case they were to get lost. They stepped out of the entrance, hiking their way to the waterfall.

They were almost there, when Sal began to grow tired. The three hour hike was beginning to take its toll on him, as his legs became weak, barely able to shuffle along the ground. Brian found a wooden bench to sit on, as they rested their feet for a few minutes. Sal rested his head on Brian's shoulder, as he sighed contently. He was happy, Brian was happy, and that's all he ever wanted. He noticed that Brian couldn't keep his leg still, as he bounced his knee up and down. After knowing him for so long, Sal knew that it was a trait he had for when he was nervous, but what about? Sal wasn't sure. He calmly placed his palm against Brian's thigh, calming his nerves instantly.

"Brian, what's wrong? You've been acting strangely all day." Sal asked, as he sat up, looking into his brown eyes. Brian stammered, as he wracked his brain for an answer. Any answer that wouldn't give away the truth.

"I-I, erm...I'm just not feeling all that good, Sal." He replied. Sal looked at him with concern, knowing full well that he wouldn't get the truth out of him. Brian softly kissed his lips, trying to reassure Sal that everything was fine. They both stood up, continuing their hike, and before they knew it, they had arrived. The sound of water running into a pool filled their ears, as they approached the clearing. The sight that lied before them was stunning, the peaceful chirping of birds in the trees, the calming waterfall, and not another soul in sight, just what Brian wanted.

He walked hand-in-hand with Sal over to the water's edge. The waterfall was directly in line with them, as Brian took a deep breath. Now was no better time than anything else. He held onto Sal's hands, as he bent down on one knee, looking up to meet with Sal's bright, green eyes.

"Bri, what are you-?"

"Just give me a minute." Brian pulled out the velvet ring box, holding it in the palm of his hands. He brushed a strand of hair behind his ears, as he cleared his throat. "My dearest Sal, I know we've never even discussed our future together, and I must come across as crazy for doing this, but I love you with all of my heart. You were the light at the end of a very dingey tunnel that I once was in, you saved my life, and I am forever grateful. I love every single thing about you, your smile makes my heart flutter beyond belief. Will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry my ass, so that we can be together forever?" Sal started to tear up, as he nodded his head. He fell down to his knees, kissing Brian passionately, as they hugged each other tightly. Brian pulled away, wanting to claim Sal as his own. He held his hand out, as the ring was carefully pushed onto his finger. It was a perfect fit.

"I love you so much, Baby." Sal cried, as he placed another kiss to his lips. Brian began to kiss back, before he started to lose his balance. He called out, as he fell back into the pool of water, soaking himself from head to toe. Sal fell onto the ground, laughing hysterically. He wasn't paying attention to Brian, as his legs were soon yanked, pulling him into the water. Sal glared at Brian, before a menacing smile sprawled across his face. He splashed a tidal wave, drenching his hair, before Brian splashed him back. They got into an all-out splash fight, which soon transformed into a kiss. Brian stepped closer to Sal, pulling his body into his, as he softly locked their lips together. They kissed deeply, as Sal's hands found their way into his hair, softly tugging at the jet black curls. One thing led to another, and the pair of them were soon making sweet love on the water front, neither of them wanting this night to end. Brian knew that he had made the right choice, and was relieved that Sal had said yes. Although, he couldn't get the thought of him changing his mind out of his head, would it all work out?

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