Surprise in the Audience (Sal x Reader)

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Random late night thought I had.

Second Person POV

"She's not going to get here in time, boys...her plane was delayed." Sal sighed, as he slipped his phone into his pocket, after responding to your news. Joe strolled over, taking a seat next to the man, as his arm wrapped around his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Bud...but she did try." Joe comforted, as Sal slowly nodded his head, letting out a deep sigh. Murray looked across the room at him sincerely. Sal had been looking forward to seeing you, after being on tour for so long. He just wanted you in his arms, reunited, together once again.

"I fucking hate planes." Sal commented frustratingly, as he stood up, pacing about the backroom.

They were supposed to be going up on stage in practically no time at all, but Sal wanted to hold off until you'd arrive, but seeing as you were still stuck at the airport, two hours away, it didn't look hopeful. He knew that he couldn't keep the fans waiting, but at the same time, you were more important. He was hoping that you'd still be able to get to the arena in time, before they'd go out on stage, it didn't matter to Sal, whether you missed the support act or not. He just wanted you here.


You listened out, as the voice across the airport announced that your flight was now ready to board. You gathered your carry-ons, and made your way to the gate, handing your boarding pass over to the steward. He scanned the code, moving to the side to let you through. You stepped onto the plane, locating your seat towards the back of the plane. After having placed your bag into the holder, you sat down, studying the other people you'd be flying with. It was a good job that Sal wasn't with you, he'd have had a lot of fun flying next to a screaming child. You chuckled to yourself, silently whispering a prayer to yourself that you'd make it in time. 

The plane finally took off, making its way down the country towards Miami, Florida. You used the time on the plane to get some of your paperwork finished, and before you knew it, the plane was coming in to land.

"Welcome to Miami, Florida everyone." The captain spoke through the radio, as all of the passengers gathered their belongings, and made their way off of the plane. You checked your phone, seeing that the time was now 9pm, meaning that the show would have already started. You got through security as quickly as humanly possible, calling for a taxi to the arena.

After paying the driver, you jumped out of the car, and sprinted for the door. You fished into your bag, retrieving your ticket that Sal had gotten for you, handing it over to the doorman. He scanned your ticket, opening the door for you, he raised an eyebrow, knowing that you had missed over half of the show. The crowd were up on their feet, snapping photos of the guys, as you crawled through the gaps, making your way to your seat.

"Make sure you get my good side." Joe spoke through the microphone, as the four of them posed. Brian held his hands up to his head, pointing his fingers up to the ceiling, as Murray waved to the crowd in the tiers to his left. Sal saluted sassily, but you could tell by his face that his heart wasn't in it. Little did he know that you had made it just in time to see the last part of the show.

"Okay, we have one more story to tell you, it's about the time that I had a weird encounter with a fan." Murray started, the four of them fell silent, waiting for Sal's line. Joe, Brian, and Murray all turned to look at him, seeing his eyes locked on someone in the crowd. He was fixated on you, a bright smile on his face. Murray waved his hand in front of Sal. "Sal?"

Ignoring him, Sal dropped his mic to the floor, and ran to the edge of the stage. He hopped down, having the security guards catch up to him to stop the fans from getting too close. He stepped through the crowd, his eyes never losing contact from yours. You blushed as he came close to you.

Meanwhile on the stage, the others were squinting their eyes against the lights, trying to see where the hell their friend was going. Sal took a step in front of you, as you just smiled at one another. His arms wrapped around your torso, pulling your body into his, as his lips softly caressed against yours. The audience erupted into a cheer, as the two of you kissed. You could feel his smile print against your lips, as his hands roamed your sides. He pulled at your thighs, lifting you up into his clasp, as you tightly curled your legs around his waist, with your hands running through his hair, making a fine mess of his curls. Sal finally broke away, breathless, as his emerald eyes glistened under the spotlight.

"You made it, Baby!" He tearfully smiled, as you nodded your head, the emotions seeping through you.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Babe. I'm so proud of you." You replied, as you pulled him into a hug. Sal gripped onto your hand, walking you with him to the stage. He lifted you up, as Joe, Brian, and Murray all helped to pull you up onto the stage. Sal then climbed up, picking up his microphone, as he stood next to you, his arm wrapped around your shoulders.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the show, but this wonderful girl next to me almost didn't make it here tonight. I haven't been able to see her in person for over a month due to the tour, and I wasn't prepared to wait any longer." Sal announced, as he placed a kiss to the side of your temple.

"Yes, now that Sal has had his little moment, we can continue on, right?" Brian asked, as Sal nodded his head. He walked you to one of the stools behind them, before finishing off the show. You looked on proudly, grateful to have Sal in your life. You knew that it meant a lot to him that you had made it in time, you could just tell by how happy he was, the smile never seeming to fade away, even once the show had come to an end.

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